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일반적인 아이디어는 스택에서 전체 소스 코드의 표현을 만들지 만 코드의 크기에 의해 결정된 루프의 길이와 함께 첫 29 개의 문자 (예 : 프로그램 길이) 만 순환한다는 것입니다. 따라서 실제로 임의의 문자 (줄 바꿈 제외)를 추가 할 수 @
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4P Push 4! = 24. This is the code point of the unprintable, which we're
using as a placeholder for the quote.
.a+ Duplicate it and add 10, to get 34 = '"'.
80p Write '"' to cell (8,0), i.e. where the first unprintable is.
Placeholder, becomes " by the time we get here, and pushes the code
points of the entire program to the stack. However, since we're already
a good bit into the program, the order will be messed up: the bottom
of the stack starts at the 24 (the unprintable) followed by all
characters after it (including those from extraneous repetitions). Then
on top we have the characters that come in front of the `"`.
So if the initial program has structure AB, then any valid program has
the form ABC (where C is a cyclic repetition of the initial program),
and the stack ends up holding BCA. We don't care about C, except to
determine how big the program is. So the first thing we need to do is
bring B to the top, so that we've got the initial program on top of
the stack:
a2* Push 10*2 = 20.
&w Run the following section 21 times, which is the length of B.
dt, Pull up the value at the bottom of the stack.
k End of loop.
d&w Run the following section D+1 times, where D is the length of ABC.
74* Push 28, one less than the number of characters in AB.
, Pull up the 29th stack element, which is the next character to print.
.o Print a copy of that character.
k End of loop.
@ Terminate the program.