Malbolge Unshackled (20 트릿 회전 변형), 3,64E6 바이트
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순진한 Haskell 통역사가 이것을 실행하기 위해 나이가 들기 때문에 이것은 까다로운 부분 일 수 있습니다. TIO는 괜찮은 Malbogle Unshackled 통역사가 있지만 슬프게도 사용할 수 없습니다 (제한 사항).
내가 찾을 수있는 가장 좋은 방법은 고정밀 20 회전 회전 폭 변형입니다.이 변형은 매우 잘 수행되며 즉시 계산합니다 .
인터프리터를 좀 더 빠르게 만들기 위해 Matthias Lutter의 Malbolge Unshackled 인터프리터에서 모든 검사를 제거했습니다.
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
const char* translation = "5z]&gqtyfr$(we4{WP)H-Zn,[%\\3dL+Q;>U!pJS72Fh"
typedef struct Word {
unsigned int area;
unsigned int high;
unsigned int low;
} Word;
void word2string(Word w, char* s, int min_length) {
if (!s) return;
if (min_length < 1) min_length = 1;
if (min_length > 20) min_length = 20;
s[0] = (w.area%3) + '0';
s[1] = 't';
char tmp[20];
int i;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
tmp[19-i] = (w.low % 3) + '0';
w.low /= 3;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
tmp[9-i] = (w.high % 3) + '0';
w.high /= 3;
i = 0;
while (tmp[i] == s[0] && i < 20 - min_length) i++;
int j = 2;
while (i < 20) {
s[j] = tmp[i];
s[j] = 0;
unsigned int crazy_low(unsigned int a, unsigned int d){
unsigned int crz[] = {1,0,0,1,0,2,2,2,1};
int position = 0;
unsigned int output = 0;
while (position < 10){
unsigned int i = a%3;
unsigned int j = d%3;
unsigned int out = crz[i+3*j];
unsigned int multiple = 1;
int k;
for (k=0;k<position;k++)
multiple *= 3;
output += multiple*out;
a /= 3;
d /= 3;
return output;
Word zero() {
Word result = {0, 0, 0};
return result;
Word increment(Word d) {
if (d.low >= 59049) {
d.low = 0;
if (d.high >= 59049) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: overflow\n");
return d;
Word decrement(Word d) {
if (d.low == 0) {
d.low = 59048;
return d;
Word crazy(Word a, Word d){
Word output;
unsigned int crz[] = {1,0,0,1,0,2,2,2,1};
output.area = crz[a.area+3*d.area];
output.high = crazy_low(a.high, d.high);
output.low = crazy_low(a.low, d.low);
return output;
Word rotate_r(Word d){
unsigned int carry_h = d.high%3;
unsigned int carry_l = d.low%3;
d.high = 19683 * carry_l + d.high / 3;
d.low = 19683 * carry_h + d.low / 3;
return d;
// last_initialized: if set, use to fill newly generated memory with preinitial values...
Word* ptr_to(Word** mem[], Word d, unsigned int last_initialized) {
if ((mem[d.area])[d.high]) {
return &(((mem[d.area])[d.high])[d.low]);
(mem[d.area])[d.high] = (Word*)malloc(59049 * sizeof(Word));
if (!(mem[d.area])[d.high]) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: out of memory.\n");
if (last_initialized) {
Word repitition[6];
repitition[(last_initialized-1) % 6] =
((mem[0])[(last_initialized-1) / 59049])
[(last_initialized-1) % 59049];
repitition[(last_initialized) % 6] =
((mem[0])[last_initialized / 59049])
[last_initialized % 59049];
unsigned int i;
for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
repitition[(last_initialized+1+i) % 6] =
crazy(repitition[(last_initialized+i) % 6],
repitition[(last_initialized-1+i) % 6]);
unsigned int offset = (59049*d.high) % 6;
i = 0;
while (1){
((mem[d.area])[d.high])[i] = repitition[(i+offset)%6];
if (i == 59048) {
return &(((mem[d.area])[d.high])[d.low]);
unsigned int get_instruction(Word** mem[], Word c,
unsigned int last_initialized,
int ignore_invalid) {
Word* instr = ptr_to(mem, c, last_initialized);
unsigned int instruction = instr->low;
instruction = (instruction+c.low + 59049 * c.high
+ (c.area==1?52:(c.area==2?10:0)))%94;
return instruction;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Word** memory[3];
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
memory[i] = (Word**)malloc(59049 * sizeof(Word*));
if (!memory) {
fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory.\n");
return 1;
for (j=0; j<59049; j++) {
(memory[i])[j] = 0;
Word a, c, d;
unsigned int result;
FILE* file;
if (argc < 2) {
// read program code from STDIN
file = stdin;
file = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
if (file == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "File not found: %s\n",argv[1]);
return 1;
a = zero();
c = zero();
d = zero();
result = 0;
while (!feof(file)){
unsigned int instr;
Word* cell = ptr_to(memory, d, 0);
(*cell) = zero();
result = fread(&cell->low,1,1,file);
if (result > 1)
return 1;
if (result == 0 || cell->low == 0x1a || cell->low == 0x04)
instr = (cell->low + d.low + 59049*d.high)%94;
if (cell->low == ' ' || cell->low == '\t' || cell->low == '\r'
|| cell->low == '\n');
else if (cell->low >= 33 && cell->low < 127 &&
(instr == 4 || instr == 5 || instr == 23 || instr == 39
|| instr == 40 || instr == 62 || instr == 68
|| instr == 81)) {
d = increment(d);
if (file != stdin) {
unsigned int last_initialized = 0;
while (1){
*ptr_to(memory, d, 0) = crazy(*ptr_to(memory, decrement(d), 0),
*ptr_to(memory, decrement(decrement(d)), 0));
last_initialized = d.low + 59049*d.high;
if (d.low == 59048) {
d = increment(d);
d = zero();
unsigned int step = 0;
while (1) {
unsigned int instruction = get_instruction(memory, c,
last_initialized, 0);
switch (instruction){
case 4:
c = *ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized);
case 5:
if (!a.area) {
printf("%c",(char)(a.low + 59049*a.high));
}else if (a.area == 2 && a.low == 59047
&& a.high == 59048) {
case 23:
a = zero();
a.low = getchar();
if (a.low == EOF) {
a.low = 59048;
a.high = 59048;
a.area = 2;
}else if (a.low == '\n'){
a.low = 59047;
a.high = 59048;
a.area = 2;
case 39:
a = (*ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)
= rotate_r(*ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)));
case 40:
d = *ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized);
case 62:
a = (*ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)
= crazy(a, *ptr_to(memory,d,last_initialized)));
case 81:
return 0;
case 68:
Word* mem_c = ptr_to(memory, c, last_initialized);
mem_c->low = translation[mem_c->low - 33];
c = increment(c);
d = increment(d);
return 0;
단순히 특별한 속성이없는 관심없는 것을 의미합니다.