This answer doesn't use any number-theoretic cleverness. It spams Python's bitwise operators to create a manual "for loop", checking all pairs 1≤i,j<n to see whether i×j=n.
Python 2, way too many bytes (278 thanks to Jo King in the comments!)
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This is a lot more bytes than the other answers, so I'm leaving it ungolfed for now. The code snippet below contains functions and variable assignment for clarity, but substitution turns isPrime(n) into a single Python expression.
def count(k, spacing):
return 2**(spacing*(k+1))/(2**spacing - 1)**2
def ones(k, spacing):
return 2**(spacing*k)/(2**spacing - 1)
def isPrime(n):
x = count(n-1, n)
y = count(n-1, n**2)
onebits = ones(n-1, n) * ones(n-1, n**2)
comparison = n*onebits
difference = (x*y) ^ (comparison)
differenceMinusOne = difference - onebits
checkbits = onebits*(2**(n-1))
return (differenceMinusOne & checkbits == 0 and n>1)or 1<n<6 and n!=4
Why does it work?
I'll do the same algorithm here in base 10 instead of binary. Look at this neat fraction:
If we put a large power of 10 in the numerator and use Python's floor division, this gives an enumeration of numbers. For example, 1015/(9992)=1002003004 with floor division, enumerating the numbers 1,2,3,4.
Let's say we multiply two numbers like this, with different spacings of zeroes. I'll place commas suggestively in the product.
The product enumerates, in three-digit sequences, the multiplication table up to 4 times 4. If we want to check whether the number 5 is prime, we just have to check whether 005 appears anywhere in that product.
To do that, we XOR the above product by the number 005005005…005, and then subtract the number 001001001…001. Call the result d. If 005 appeared in the multiplication table enumeration, it will cause the subtraction to carry over and put 999 in the corresponding place in d.
To test for this overflow, we compute an AND of d and the number 900900900…900. The result is zero if and only if 5 is prime.