이것은 관련 모델의 앙상블을 실행합니다. 개별 모델은 서로 다른 양의 이력을 고려하고 항상 예상 지불금 차이를 최적화하는 이동을 선택하거나 예상 지불금 차이에 비례하여 이동을 임의로 선택할 수 있습니다.
그런 다음 앙상블의 각 구성원은 선호하는 움직임에 투표합니다. 그들은 상대방보다 얼마나 많은 돈을 얻었는지와 같은 많은 표를 얻습니다 (끔찍한 모델은 부정적인 표를 얻습니다). 그런 다음 투표에서 승리 한 것이 선택됩니다.
(아마도 각각의 선호도에 비례하여 투표권을 분할해야하지만 지금은 그렇게하기에는 충분하지 않습니다.)
EvaluaterBot 및 PatternFinder를 제외한 지금까지 게시 된 모든 내용을 능가합니다. (일대일로 EvaluaterBot를 이기고 PatternFinder에서 패배합니다).
from collections import defaultdict
import random
class Number6:
class Choices:
def __init__(self, C = 0, N = 0, D = 0):
self.C = C
self.N = N
self.D = D
def __init__(self, strategy = "maxExpected", markov_order = 3):
self.MARKOV_ORDER = markov_order;
self.my_choices = ""
self.opponent = defaultdict(lambda: self.Choices())
self.choice = None # previous choice
self.payoff = {
"C": { "C": 3-3, "N": 4-1, "D": 0-5 },
"N": { "C": 1-4, "N": 2-2, "D": 3-2 },
"D": { "C": 5-0, "N": 2-3, "D": 1-1 },
self.total_payoff = 0
# if random, will choose in proportion to payoff.
# otherwise, will always choose argmax
self.strategy = strategy
# maxExpected: maximize expected relative payoff
# random: like maxExpected, but it chooses in proportion to E[payoff]
# argmax: always choose the option that is optimal for expected opponent choice
def update_opponent_model(self, last):
for i in range(0, self.MARKOV_ORDER):
hist = self.my_choices[i:]
self.opponent[hist].C += ("C" == last)
self.opponent[hist].N += ("N" == last)
self.opponent[hist].D += ("D" == last)
def normalize(self, counts):
sum = float(counts.C + counts.N + counts.D)
if 0 == sum:
return self.Choices(1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0)
return self.Choices(
counts.C / sum, counts.N / sum, counts.D / sum)
def get_distribution(self):
for i in range(0, self.MARKOV_ORDER):
hist = self.my_choices[i:]
#print "check hist = " + hist
if hist in self.opponent:
return self.normalize(self.opponent[hist])
return self.Choices(1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0)
def choose(self, dist):
payoff = self.Choices()
# We're interested in *beating the opponent*, not
# maximizing our score, so we optimize the difference
payoff.C = (3-3) * dist.C + (4-1) * dist.N + (0-5) * dist.D
payoff.N = (1-4) * dist.C + (2-2) * dist.N + (3-2) * dist.D
payoff.D = (5-0) * dist.C + (2-3) * dist.N + (1-1) * dist.D
# D has slightly better payoff on uniform opponent,
# so we select it on ties
if self.strategy == "maxExpected":
if payoff.C > payoff.N:
return "C" if payoff.C > payoff.D else "D"
return "N" if payoff.N > payoff.D else "D"
elif self.strategy == "randomize":
payoff = self.normalize(payoff)
r = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
if (r < payoff.C): return "C"
return "N" if (r < payoff.N) else "D"
elif self.strategy == "argMax":
if dist.C > dist.N:
return "D" if dist.C > dist.D else "N"
return "C" if dist.N > dist.D else "N"
assert(0) #, "I am not a number! I am a free man!")
def update_history(self):
self.my_choices += self.choice
if len(self.my_choices) > self.MARKOV_ORDER:
assert(len(self.my_choices) == self.MARKOV_ORDER + 1)
self.my_choices = self.my_choices[1:]
def round(self, last):
if last: self.update_opponent_model(last)
dist = self.get_distribution()
self.choice = self.choose(dist)
return self.choice
class Ensemble:
def __init__(self):
self.models = []
self.votes = []
self.prev_choice = []
for order in range(0, 6):
self.models.append(Number6("maxExpected", order))
self.models.append(Number6("randomize", order))
#self.models.append(Number6("argMax", order))
for i in range(0, len(self.models)):
self.payoff = {
"C": { "C": 3-3, "N": 4-1, "D": 0-5 },
"N": { "C": 1-4, "N": 2-2, "D": 3-2 },
"D": { "C": 5-0, "N": 2-3, "D": 1-1 },
def round(self, last):
if last:
for i in range(0, len(self.models)):
self.votes[i] += self.payoff[self.prev_choice[i]][last]
# vote. Sufficiently terrible models get negative votes
C = 0
N = 0
D = 0
for i in range(0, len(self.models)):
choice = self.models[i].round(last)
if "C" == choice: C += self.votes[i]
if "N" == choice: N += self.votes[i]
if "D" == choice: D += self.votes[i]
self.prev_choice[i] = choice
if C > D and C > N: return "C"
elif N > D: return "N"
else: return "D"
테스트 프레임 워크
다른 사람이 유용하다고 생각되면 여기 개별 매치업을보기위한 테스트 프레임 워크가 있습니다. 파이썬 2. 관심있는 모든 상대를 enemys.py에 넣고 Ensemble에 대한 참조를 자신의 것으로 변경하십시오.
import sys, inspect
import opponents
from ensemble import Ensemble
def count_payoff(label, them):
if None == them: return
me = choices[label]
payoff = {
"C": { "C": 3-3, "N": 4-1, "D": 0-5 },
"N": { "C": 1-4, "N": 2-2, "D": 3-2 },
"D": { "C": 5-0, "N": 2-3, "D": 1-1 },
if label not in total_payoff: total_payoff[label] = 0
total_payoff[label] += payoff[me][them]
def update_hist(label, choice):
choices[label] = choice
opponents = [ x[1] for x
in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules['opponents'], inspect.isclass)]
for k in opponents:
total_payoff = {}
for j in range(0, 100):
A = Ensemble()
B = k()
choices = {}
aChoice = None
bChoice = None
for i in range(0, 100):
count_payoff(A.__class__.__name__, bChoice)
a = A.round(bChoice)
update_hist(A.__class__.__name__, a)
count_payoff(B.__class__.__name__, aChoice)
b = B.round(aChoice)
update_hist(B.__class__.__name__, b)
aChoice = a
bChoice = b
print total_payoff