이 챗봇은 누구입니까?



과제는 가장 깊은 생각을 나누는 데 시간을 할애 할 수있는 챗봇을 만드는 것입니다. 입력 한 내용을 학습 한 AI로 챗봇을 만듭니다. 봇은 가장 어두운 내면의 진실을 풀도록 영감을 주어야합니다.




규칙 :

  1. 모든 프로그래밍 언어를 사용할 수 있습니다.
  2. 프로그램은 파일 이름, 네트워크 또는 사용자 입력 이외의 다른 입력을 가져서는 안됩니다.
  3. 사전 설정된 어휘는 없으며 봇은 사용자 입력에서 알고있는 모든 것을 배워야하며 토론은 무엇이든 가능합니다.

필수 기준 :

  1. 이것은 코드 골프가 아니지만 간단하게 유지하십시오. 소스 코드 크기는 프로그래밍 언어와 일치해야합니다. GolfScript = short, BF = long, other = 상식을 사용하십시오. 예제 코드를 참조로 사용하면 코드 크기가 두 배가 될 수 있지만 더 좋습니다.
  2. 귀하의 프로그램은 첫 1000 문장 내에서 지연 (5-10 초 지연)을 시작할 수 없습니다.
  3. 합리적인 토론은 약 20-30 문장으로 이루어져야합니다.
  4. 알고리즘은 예제 코드와 최대한 논리적으로 달라야합니다.

선택적인 보너스 심사 기준 :

  1. 더 나은 봇 학습 알고리즘, 더 나은 프로그램.
  2. 테니스 경기가 없습니다. 즉, 대화는 "사용자> 컴퓨터> 사용자"루프 턴과 같이 엄격하지 않습니다.
  3. 모방이 적고 봇 동작은 사용자 행동과 다르며, 봇 자세에 대한 인식을 사용자 태도에서 분리합니다.
  4. 예를 들어 대화, 낙관적, 낙관적, 비관적 인 변화하는 분위기를 감지하십시오.
  5. "두뇌"를 저장하고로드하는 방법으로, 다른 날 봇과 계속 토론 할 수 있습니다.

영감을주는 C ++ 예제 코드 :

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;
vector<string> words;
vector<int> weight1;
vector<int> weight2;
int oldbw;

int collect(string const& i, int w1, int w2) 
    istringstream iss(i), iss2(i);
    words.insert(words.end(), "\n");
    int a = distance(istream_iterator<string>(iss2), istream_iterator<string>());
    for(int c=0;c<=a;c++) weight1.insert(weight1.end(), w1);
    for(int c=0;c<=a;c++) weight2.insert(weight2.end(), w2);
    return a;

void answer(int c) 
    string op;
    int bs=0,bw=0,cs,si,searchsize,cc, c2;
    cout << "BRAIN: ";

    for(int iwrd = words.size()-c; iwrd >= 0; iwrd--)
        searchsize = words.size()/4;
        cs = 0; si=searchsize;
        for(int iw = words.size()-2; (iw >= 0 && si!=0); iw--) 
            cc = iwrd-searchsize+si;
            if (cc>=0) if (words[cc]!="\n" && words[cc]==words[iw]) cs += si*(weight2[cc]-weight1[cc]);
        if(cs>=bs && iwrd<(int)words.size()*0.9 && abs(iwrd-oldbw)>((int)words.size()/5)) 
        {bs=cs; bw = iwrd;}


    for(c2=bw; c2< (int)words.size()-1;c2++) if(words[c2]=="\n") {bw=c2+1;break;}

    for(c2=0;(bw+c2) < (int)words.size();c2++)
        if(words[bw+c2]!="\n") op += words[bw+c2] + " "; else break;

            if(weight1[bw-c2]>0) { weight1[bw-c2]--; c--; }
        } else c=-1;

            if(weight2[bw+c2]>0) { weight2[bw+c2]--; c--; }
        } else c=-1;

    cout << op << "\n  YOU: ";

int main() {
    string i;
    do { getline(cin, i); answer(collect(i,5,3)+1);} while(i.compare("exit")!=0);
    return 0;

샘플 대화 상자 :

Hello there, crazy bot!
BRAIN: Hello there, crazy bot!
  YOU: I am not a crazy bot, I am pure human (and some cheese).
BRAIN: I am not a crazy bot, I am pure human (and some cheese).
  YOU: What cheese are you?
BRAIN: I am not a crazy bot, I am pure human (and some cheese).
  YOU: You did tell me that already.
BRAIN: You did tell me that already.
  YOU: I did not, stop bugging me, you crazy bot!
BRAIN: I am not a crazy bot, I am pure human (and some cheese).
  YOU: Are you a human? How come?
BRAIN: You did tell me that already.
  YOU: I will hunt you down the longests roads
BRAIN: What cheese are you?
  YOU: I am a pink cheese, with some butter. That makes sense to me.
BRAIN: You did tell me that already.
  YOU: Stop telling me that, who are you?
BRAIN: What cheese are you?
  YOU: I tell you what cheese I am if you tell me your name!
BRAIN: What cheese are you?
  YOU: Oh my god! This is leading towards nowhere.
BRAIN: What cheese are you?
  YOU: Oh no, my head hurts. Are you a crazy bot or not?
BRAIN: Are you a human? How come?
  YOU: That is enough! Can we talk about something more funny?
BRAIN: Oh no, my head hurts. Are you a crazy bot or not?
  YOU: I am HUMAN!
BRAIN: What cheese are you?

이것은 인기있는 경연 대회이며, 2014-04-01에 의해 가장 많은 찬사를 받았습니다.

행운을 빌어 요!




새로운 편집 : 여가 시간에 여전히 더 많은 조정. DFS 알고리즘을 사용하여 새로운 브랜치를 시작했습니다. 공식적으로 지점은 내가 계획하고있는 새로운 BFS 알고리즘의 핵심 역할을하는 것이지만 그 동안 DFS가 수행하는 작업과 결정을 내리는 방법을 더 잘 처리하고 싶었습니다. 이를 위해 문장의 길이가 길어질수록 주제에 상관없이 새로운 단어의 가치를 떨어 뜨리기 시작하는 억제 기능을 추가했습니다. 또한 모든 단어가 문장에 가치를 부여하지만 주제 또는 문장 주제 목록에없는 단어는 빈도 값의 25 % 만 기여합니다. 대화의 예가 여기에 있으며 물리학, Chatbrains의 인간 본성 및 기타 매혹적인 주제에 대해 이야기하는 것이 좋습니다.분기 코드는 여기에 있습니다 .

편집 : 코드를 약간 조정했습니다. 여기에 개정판을 게시하는 대신 최신 개정판을 찾을 수있는 github 리포지토리에서 확인하십시오 . 또한 최신 버전에 대한 대화를 추가했습니다. 여기에서 챗봇, 깊이 우선 검색 및 프로그래밍을 사용하여 생물을 만드는 방법에 대해 논의합니다.

나는이 도전을 전체적으로 받아들이기로 결정했다. 내 챗봇은 단어, 구문, 아무것도없는 것부터 시작하는 것이 거의 없습니다. 표준 영어를 단어로 구문 분석하는 방법과 비 단어 문자를 문장 부호로 식별하는 방법을 알고 있습니다. 그게 다야. 알고있는 모든 것은 사용자와의 상호 작용을 통해 배웁니다. 단어와 상호 작용할 때 단어 간의 연결에주의를 기울이고 해당 정보를 사용하여 문장을 구성합니다. 물론 자세한 정보는 소스를 참조하십시오. 이 도전에 대한 권장 프로그램 기간을 크게 초과했지만 좋은 목표를 달성했습니다. 프로그램의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 챗봇은 지식없이 시작합니다 ( "규칙": 3을 따릅니다 )
  • 단어 발생 빈도 추적
  • 대화가 주제에서 주제로 이동할 수 있도록 단어 빈도가 "부패"됩니다 ( "Bonus": 3 및 4 다음 ).
  • 관찰 된 문장의 단어 배열이 기록되므로 "구"가 암시 적으로 추적됩니다 (예 : 봇과 채팅 할 때 전치사구를 많이 사용하는 경우 봇도 그 단어를 많이 사용합니다!)
  • 문장은 단어 사이에서 가장 자주 관찰되는 연결을 따르고 변형을 주입하는 임의의 요소를 선호하여 작성됩니다.
  • 문장 구조 알고리즘이 시도가 문장을 끝내는 작은 선호와, 출력 문장의 주제 단어의 발생을 극대화 할 수 있다고하는 깊이 우선 검색입니다 (이것은 다음 "보너스": 1 - 그 알고리즘을 학습 굉장히 쿨를 사용 시간이 지남에 따라 변화하고 수확 된 단어 연결에 대한 지식을 유지합니다)
    • 편집 : 주제 단어는 이제 단어의 전체 지식과 가장 최근의 문장에서 도출됩니다.
    • 편집 : 단어 가중치는 이제 단어 길이의 로그베이스 4를 사용하여 계산되므로 긴 단어는 더 강하게, 짧은 단어는 더 약하게 가중치를 부여합니다. 이것은 가중치와 코퍼스로 쉽게 할 수있는 고주파수, 저가 단어를 제거합니다.
    • 편집 : 구성하는 동안 문장 길이가 길어지면 억제 기능이 추가 단어의 값을 줄이기 시작합니다.
    • 편집 : 문장 "끝"은 짧은 어리석은 문장의 우세를 유발했기 때문에 지금 덜 가치가 있습니다.
    • 편집 : 모든 주제는 이제 가치를 제공하지만 주제를 벗어난 단어는 전체 빈도 값의 25 %에만 기여합니다.
    • 문장을 만들기 위해 선행 단어를 사용하여 너무 많은 루핑과 너무 많은 시간을 소비하지 않도록 깊이가 내장되어 있습니다.
    • 문장을 만드는 동안 루프가 직접 감지되며 기술적으로 허용되는 동안 루프를 피할 가능성이 높습니다.
    • 조정 가능한 시간 종료는 분기 정리 및 명령문 완료를 권장하고 규칙에서 5-10 초 "허용 가능한 지연"을 초과하지 않도록하기 위해 사용됩니다.

규칙과의 연결을 요약하려면 다음을 수행하십시오.

  • 내용은 "규칙": 1 , 난 그렇게 부드럽게, 자세한 자바를 선택했다.
  • 내용은 "규칙"이 내가 미래에 대한 뇌의 저장 /로드를 추가하는 몇 가지 스텁 코드를 가지고 있지만, 단독 사용자 입력, 활용한다
  • 내용은 "규칙": 3 , 전혀 사전 설정 어휘가있다. ChatBot은 영어를 구문 분석하는 방법을 알고 있지만 그게 전부입니다. 처음에는 전혀 아무것도 모른다.
  • 내용은 "필수 조건": 1 , 내 프로그램은 더 이상이지만, 멋진 많이 팩. 간과 되길 바랍니다.
  • 내용은 "필수 조건"이 명시 적으로 5-6초 시간을 검색보다 더 방지하기 위해, 나는 내 문장 건설 알고리즘에 시간 제한이있다. 지금까지 최고의 문장은 시간 초과시 반환됩니다.
  • 내용은 "필수 조건": 3 봇은 그때에 주제 수 있도록, 주제는 일반적으로 약 10 문장으로 응고, 20 개 문장에 의해 실제로 감각의 약간을 일부 매혹적인 임의의 구조와 문장에 응답 될 것이다.
  • 내용은 "필수 조건"네 , 나는 참조 코드에서 아무것도 빌려 없습니다. 이것은 완전히 독특한 구조입니다.
  • 내용은 "보너스": 1 ,이 봇은 매우 특별하다 생각하고 싶다. 스크립트 봇만큼 설득력은 없지만 주제에 대한 제한은 없으며 대화 주제에서 주제로 우아하게 (지속적으로) 이동할 것입니다.
  • 내용은 "보너스": 2 ,이 엄격 라운드 로빈, 여기 그래서 아무 보너스입니다. 아직. 내 알고리즘에는 응답에 대한 요구 사항이 없으므로이 보너스를 해결할 스레드 버전을 계획하고 있습니다.
  • 내용은 "보너스": 3 , 처음에이 로봇은 모방하지만, 처음 몇 문장 이상으로 대화를 진행, mimicing 명확하게 종료됩니다.
  • 내용은 "보너스"4 "기분은"의미있는 방식으로 처리되지 않고 봇 환경 설정 항목은 다음과 같은, 그것은 기분을 이동합니다.
  • 내용은 "보너스": 5 , 저장 및로드 뇌는 장소에 현재 없습니다.

그래서 저는 모든 기본 규칙, 모든 필수 규칙 및 임시 보너스 규칙 1, 3 및 4를 충족했습니다.

또 다른 보너스로, 나는 코드 전체에 걸쳐 모든 것을 언급 했으므로 개선을 위해 빌리거나 권장 사항을 자유롭게 제안하십시오. 분명히, 내장 된 대화와 "구조적"지식이 없기 때문에 다른 봇보다 더 이상 대화가 이상 할 것이지만 규칙을 잘 충족한다고 생각합니다.

이제 코드를 계속 개선하면서 일부 코드는 본문 제한에 맞게 수정 되거나 GitHub에서 따릅니다 .

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

public class LearningChatbot {
     * Static definition of final word in a statement. It never has 
     * any descendents, and concludes all statements. This is the only
     * "starting knowledge" granted the bot.
    public static final ChatWord ENDWORD = new ChatWord("\n");

     * The Brain of this operation.
    private ChatbotBrain brain;

     * Starts LearningChatbot with a new brain
    public LearningChatbot() {
        brain = new ChatbotBrain();

     * Starts LearningChatbot with restored brain.
    public LearningChatbot(String filename) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");

     * Invocation method.
    public void beginConversation() {
        ChatbotBrain cb = new ChatbotBrain();

        Scanner dialog = new Scanner(System.in);

        boolean more = true;

        while (more) {
            System.out.print("    You? ");
            String input = dialog.nextLine();

            if (input.equals("++done")) {
            } else if (input.equals("++save")) {
                System.out.println("Saving not yet implemented, sorry!");
            } else if (input.equals("++help")) {
            }else {

            System.out.print("Chatbot? ");

     * Help display
    public static void getHelp() {
        System.out.println("At any time during the conversation, type");
        System.out.println("   ++done");
        System.out.println("to exit without saving.");
        System.out.println("Or type");
        System.out.println("   ++save");
        System.out.println("to exit and save the brain.");

     * Get things started.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Welcome to the Learning Chatbot");

        LearningChatbot lc = null;
        if (args.length > 0) {
            System.out.printf("Using %s as brain file, if possible.", args[0]);
            lc = new LearningChatbot(args[0]);
        } else {
            lc = new LearningChatbot();

     * The ChatbotBrain holds references to all ChatWords and has various
     * methods to decompose and reconstruct sentences.
    static class ChatbotBrain {
         * A tracking of all observed words. Keyed by the String version of
         * the ChatWord, to allow uniqueness across all ChatWords
        private Map<String,ChatWord> observedWords;

         * This brain is going to be able to keep track of "topics" by way of
         * a word frequency map. That way, it can generate sentences based
         * on topic-appropriateness.
        private Map<ChatWord, Double> wordFrequencyLookup;

         * This holds the actual word frequencies, for quick isolation of
         * highest frequency words.
        private NavigableMap<Double, Collection<ChatWord>> wordFrequency;

         * This holds the count of words observed total.
        private int wordCount;

         * This holds the current "values" of all words.
        private double wordValues;

         * A "word" that is arbitrarily the start of every sentence
        private ChatWord startWord;

         * Rate of decay of "topics".
        private double decayRate;

        // These values configure various features of the recursive 
        // sentence construction algorithm.
        /** Nominal (target) length of sentences */
        public static final int NOMINAL_LENGTH = 10;
        /** Max length of sentences */
        public static final int MAX_LENGTH = 25;
        /** Sentence creation timeout */
        public static final long TIMEOUT = 5000;
        /** Topic words to match against */
        public static final int TOPICS = 3;
        /** Minimum branches to consider for each word */
        public static final int MIN_BRANCHES = 3;
        /** Maximum branches to consider for each word */
        public static final int MAX_BRANCHES = 5;
        /** % chance as integer out of 100 to skip a word */
        public static final int SKIP_CHANCE = 20;
        /** % chance as integer to skip a word that would cause a loop */
        public static final int LOOP_CHANCE = 5;
        /** % chance that punctuation will happen at all */
        public static final int PUNCTUATION_CHANCE = 25;
        /** % chance that a particular punctuation will be skipped */
        public static final int PUNCTUATION_SKIP_CHANCE = 40;

         * Convenience parameter to use a common random source 
         * throughout the brain.
        private Random random;

         * Gets the Chatbot started, sets up data structures necessary
        public ChatbotBrain() {
            observedWords = new HashMap<String,ChatWord>();
            startWord = new ChatWord("");

            wordFrequencyLookup = new HashMap<ChatWord, Double>();
            wordFrequency = new TreeMap<Double, Collection<ChatWord>>();
            decayRate = 0.05;
            wordCount = 0;
            wordValues = 0.0;
            random = new Random();

         * More complex digest method (second edition) that takes a sentence,
         * cuts it pu, and links up the words based on ordering.
        public void digestSentence(String sentence) {
            Scanner scan = new Scanner(sentence);

            ChatWord prior = null;
            ChatWord current = null;
            String currentStr = null;
            String currentPnc = null;
            while (scan.hasNext()) {
                currentStr = scan.next();
                Pattern wordAndPunctuation = 
                Matcher findWords = wordAndPunctuation.matcher(currentStr);
                //  Basically this lets us find words-in-word typos like this:
                //  So,bob left his clothes with me again.
                //  where "So,bob" becomes "So," "bob"
                while (findWords.find()) {
                    currentStr = findWords.group(1);
                    currentPnc = findWords.group(2);
                    if (currentStr != null) {
                        if (observedWords.containsKey(currentStr)) {
                            current = observedWords.get(currentStr);
                        } else {
                            current = new ChatWord(currentStr);
                            observedWords.put(currentStr, current);


                        if (currentPnc != null && !currentPnc.equals("")) {

                        if (prior != null) {
                        if (prior == null) {

                        prior = current;
            if (prior != null) { // finalize.

         * Increments the value of a word (catalogues a new sighting).
        public void incrementWord(ChatWord word) {
            Double curValue;
            Double nextValue;
            Collection<ChatWord> freqMap;
            if (wordFrequencyLookup.containsKey(word)) {
                curValue = wordFrequencyLookup.get(word);
                freqMap = wordFrequency.get(curValue);
            } else {
                curValue = 0.0;
            wordFrequencyLookup.put(word, nextValue);

            freqMap = wordFrequency.get(nextValue);
            if (freqMap == null) {
                freqMap = new HashSet<ChatWord>();
                wordFrequency.put(nextValue, freqMap);


         * Decays a particular word by decay rate.
        public void decayWord(ChatWord word) {
            Double curValue;
            Double nextValue;
            Collection<ChatWord> freqMap;
            if (wordFrequencyLookup.containsKey(word)) {
                curValue = wordFrequencyLookup.get(word);
                freqMap = wordFrequency.get(curValue);
            } else {
            wordValues-=curValue; // remove old decay value
            wordValues+=nextValue; // add new decay value
            wordFrequencyLookup.put(word, nextValue);

            freqMap = wordFrequency.get(nextValue);
            if (freqMap == null) {
                freqMap = new HashSet<ChatWord>();
                wordFrequency.put(nextValue, freqMap);


         * Decay all word's frequency values. 
        public void decay() {
            for (ChatWord cw : wordFrequencyLookup.keySet()) {

         * Gets a set of words that appear to be "top" of the frequency
         * list.
        public Set<ChatWord> topicWords(int maxTopics) {
            Set<ChatWord> topics = new HashSet<ChatWord>();

            int nTopics = 0;
            for (Double weight: wordFrequency.descendingKeySet()) {
                for (ChatWord word: wordFrequency.get(weight)) {
                    if (nTopics == maxTopics) {
                        return topics;
            return topics;

         * Uses word frequency records to prefer to build on-topic
         * sentences.
        public String buildSentence() {
            int maxDepth = NOMINAL_LENGTH+
                    random.nextInt(MAX_LENGTH - NOMINAL_LENGTH);
            ChatSentence cs = new ChatSentence(startWord);
            // We don't want to take too long to "think of an answer"
            long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + TIMEOUT;
            double bestValue = buildSentence(cs, topicWords(TOPICS), 0.0, 0, maxDepth, timeout);
            return cs.toString();

        public double buildSentence(ChatSentence sentence, 
                Set<ChatWord> topics, double curValue,
                int curDepth, int maxDepth, long timeout){
            if (curDepth==maxDepth || System.currentTimeMillis() > timeout) {
                return curValue;
            // Determine how many branches to enter from this node
            int maxBranches = MIN_BRANCHES + random.nextInt(MAX_BRANCHES - MIN_BRANCHES);
            // try a few "best" words from ChatWord's descendent list.
            ChatWord word = sentence.getLastWord();
            NavigableMap<Integer, Collection<ChatWord>> roots =
            // Going to keep track of current best encountered sentence
            double bestSentenceValue = curValue;
            ChatSentence bestSentence = null;
            int curBranches = 0;
            for (Integer freq : roots.descendingKeySet()) {
                for (ChatWord curWord : roots.get(freq)) {
                    if (curWord.equals(ENDWORD)) {
                        // let's weigh the endword cleverly
                        double endValue = random.nextDouble() * wordFrequency.lastKey();

                        if (curValue+endValue > bestSentenceValue) {
                            bestSentenceValue = curValue+endValue;
                            bestSentence = new ChatSentence(sentence);
                    } else {
                        int chance = random.nextInt(100);
                        boolean loop = sentence.hasWord(curWord);
                        /* Include a little bit of chance in the inclusion of
                         * any given word, whether a loop or not.*/
                        if ( (!loop&&chance>=SKIP_CHANCE) ||
                                (loop&&chance<LOOP_CHANCE)) {
                            double wordValue = topics.contains(curWord)?
                            ChatSentence branchSentence = new ChatSentence(sentence);
                            double branchValue = buildSentence(branchSentence,
                                    topics, curValue+wordValue, curDepth+1,
                                    maxDepth, timeout);
                            if (branchValue > bestSentenceValue) {
                                bestSentenceValue = branchValue;
                                bestSentence = branchSentence;
                    if (curBranches == maxBranches) break;
                if (curBranches == maxBranches) break;
            if (bestSentence != null) {
            return bestSentenceValue;

         * Adds punctuation to a sentence, potentially.
        public void addPunctuation(ChatSentence sentence) {
            ChatWord word = sentence.getLastWord();
            NavigableMap<Integer, Collection<Character>> punc = word.getPunctuation();
            if (punc.size()>0 && random.nextInt(100)<PUNCTUATION_CHANCE){
                Integer puncMax = punc.lastKey();
                Collection<Character> bestPunc = punc.get(puncMax);
                Character puncPick = null;
                for (Integer freq : punc.descendingKeySet()) {
                    for (Character curPunc : punc.get(freq)) {
                            if (random.nextInt(100)>=PUNCTUATION_SKIP_CHANCE) {
                                puncPick = curPunc;
                    if (puncPick != null) break;
                if (puncPick != null) {

        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Map.Entry<String,ChatWord> cw : observedWords.entrySet()) {
            return sb.toString();


     * Useful helper class to construct sentences.
    static class ChatSentence implements Cloneable {
         * List of words.
        private List<Object> words;
         * Quick search construct to have O(ln) lookup times.
        private Set<Object> contains;

         * Starts to build a sentence with a single word as anchor
        public ChatSentence(ChatWord anchor) {
            if (anchor == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Anchor must not be null");
            words = new ArrayList<Object>();
            contains = new HashSet<Object>();

         * Starts a sentence using an existing ChatSentence. Also used for
         * cloning.
        public ChatSentence(ChatSentence src) {
            words = new ArrayList<Object>();
            contains = new HashSet<Object>();

         * Adds a word to a sentence
        public ChatSentence addWord(ChatWord word) {
            if (word == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't add null word");
            return this;

         * Adds a character to a sentence.
        public ChatSentence addCharacter(Character punc) {
            if (punc == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't add null punctuation");
            return this;

         * Replace a sentence with some other sentence.
         * Useful to preserve references.
        public ChatSentence replaceSentence(ChatSentence src) {
            return this;

        public ChatSentence appendSentence(ChatSentence src) {
            return this;

         * Get last word of the sentence.
        public ChatWord getLastWord() {
            for (int i=words.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
                if (words.get(i) instanceof ChatWord) {
                    return (ChatWord) words.get(i);
            throw new IllegalStateException("No ChatWords found!");

         * Checks if the sentence has a word
        public boolean hasWord(ChatWord word) {
            return contains.contains(word);

         * Counts the number of words in a sentence.
        public int countWords() {
            int cnt = 0;
            for (Object o : words) {
                if (o instanceof ChatWord) {
            return cnt;

         * Gets all the words of the sentence
        private List<Object> getWords() {
            return words;

         * Returns the sentence as a string.
        public String toString() {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            for (Object o : words) {
                if (o instanceof ChatWord) {
                    ChatWord cw = (ChatWord) o;
                    sb.append(" ");
                    sb.append( cw.getWord() );
                } else {
            return sb.toString().trim();

         * Clones this sentence.
        public Object clone() {
            return new ChatSentence(this);

     * ChatWord allows the creation of words that track how they are
     * connected to other words in a forward fashion. 
    static class ChatWord {
        /** The word. */
        private String word;
        /** Collection of punctuation observed after this word */
        private NavigableMap<Integer, Collection<Character>> punctuation;
        /** Lookup linking observed punctuation to where they are in ordering */
        private Map<Character, Integer> punctuationLookup;
        /** Punctionation observation count */
        private Integer punctuationCount;

        /** Collection of ChatWords observed after this word */
        private NavigableMap<Integer, Collection<ChatWord>> firstOrder;
        /** Lookup linking observed words to where they are in ordering */
        private Map<ChatWord, Integer> firstOrderLookup;
        /** First order antecedent word count */
        private Integer firstOrderCount;

         * Creates a new ChatWord that is aware of punctuation that
         * follows it, and also ChatWords that follow it.
        public ChatWord(String word){
            this.word = word;

            this.firstOrder = new TreeMap<Integer, Collection<ChatWord>>();
            this.firstOrderLookup = new HashMap<ChatWord, Integer>();
            this.firstOrderCount = 0;

            this.punctuation = new TreeMap<Integer, Collection<Character>>();
            this.punctuationLookup = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
            this.punctuationCount = 0;

        protected NavigableMap<Integer, Collection<ChatWord>> getDescendents() {
            return firstOrder;

         * Returns how many descendents this word has seen.
        protected int getDescendentCount() {
            return firstOrderCount;

         * Gets the lookup map for descendents
        protected Map<ChatWord, Integer> getDescendentsLookup() {
            return firstOrderLookup;

        /** As conversation progresses, word orderings will be encountered.
         * The descendent style of "learning" basically weights how often
         * words are encountered together, and is strongly biased towards
         * encountered ordering.
        public void addDescendent(ChatWord next) {
            if(next != null){
                int nextCount = 1;
                Collection<ChatWord> obs = null;
                // If we've already seen this word, clean up prior membership.
                    nextCount = firstOrderLookup.remove(next);
                    obs = firstOrder.get(nextCount);
                    // Remove from prior obs count order
                obs = firstOrder.get(nextCount);
                if (obs == null) { // we don't have this order yet
                    obs = new HashSet<ChatWord>();
                    firstOrder.put(nextCount, obs);
                firstOrderLookup.put(next, nextCount);

         * Some words have punctuation after them more often than not. 
         * This allows the ChatBrain to record occurrences of punctuation
         * after a word.
        public void addPunctuation(Character punc) {
            if(punc != null){
                int puncCount = 1;
                Collection<Character> obs = null;
                // If we've already seen this punc, clean up prior membership.
                    puncCount = punctuationLookup.remove(punc);
                    obs = punctuation.get(puncCount);
                    // Remove from prior obs count order
                obs = punctuation.get(puncCount);
                if (obs == null) { // we don't have this order yet
                    obs = new HashSet<Character>();
                    punctuation.put(puncCount, obs);
                punctuationLookup.put(punc, puncCount);

         * Including this for now, but I don't like it -- it returns all
         * punctuation wholesale. I think what would be better is some
         * function that returns punctuation based on some characteristic.
        protected NavigableMap<Integer, Collection<Character>> getPunctuation() {
            return punctuation;

         * Gets count of punctuation encountered.
        protected int getPunctuationCount() {
            return punctuationCount;

         * Gets lookup of punctuations encountered.
        protected Map<Character, Integer> getPunctuationLookup() {
            return punctuationLookup;

         * Gets the String backing this ChatWord.
        public String getWord() {
            return word;

         * ChatWords are equivalent with the String they wrap.
        public int hashCode() {
            return word.hashCode();

         * ChatWord equality is that ChatWords that wrap the same String
         * are equal, and a ChatWord is equal to the String that it contains.
        public boolean equals(Object o){
            if (o == this) {
                return true;
            if (o instanceof ChatWord) {
                return ((ChatWord)o).getWord().equals(this.getWord());
            if (o instanceof String) {
                return ((String)o).equals(this.getWord());

            return false;

         * Returns this ChatWord as a String.
        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Integer key : firstOrder.keySet() ) {
                Collection<ChatWord> value = firstOrder.get(key);
                for (ChatWord cw : value) {
            for (Integer key : punctuation.keySet() ) {
                Collection<Character> value = punctuation.get(key);
                for (Character c : value) {
            return sb.toString();

대화 샘플 :

포스트 문자 제한의 연결된 B / C

봇이 살아있는 것을 프로그래밍해야한다고 말하는 대화

봇이 Chatbrains, 물리, 물리 세계의 진정한 본질, 그리고 Chatbrain 가능성에 대해 이야기하는 최신 대화

등등. 예를 들어 간단한 단어의 공통성으로 인해 분류되지 않은 주제 목록을 지배하는 경향이 있습니다. 일반적인 단어를 건너 뛸 수 있도록 주제 단어에 백분율 건너 뛰기를 추가하려고합니다.

Chatbot? Well the earth is fun place to talk about-이봐, 실제로 끝에 (자신의) 이해할 수있는 문장을 만들었다! : D +1

하 하하하 하하하 얼마 전 나는 SE 채팅방에서 작동하는 챗봇 같은 것을 만들었습니다. 알고리즘은 매우 유사하므로 결과도 마찬가지입니다 Chatbot? I'm not a Chatbrain since Chatbrains are the physical universe,.) 개인적으로 가장 좋아하는 것은 입니다.

내 봇이 가장 좋아하는 말 중 하나는 다음과 같습니다.The answer to the ultimate question about life, the universe, and everything is 'SyntaxError: missing ; before statement'.

@ETHproductions-근무일 중반에 좋은 웃음을 주었다 : D

필수 기준 정보 1 : Java입니다. 왜 BF보다 짧아야합니까?
Mega Man


C ++

이제 대화를 계속하기위한 알고리즘을 작성하면됩니다. 나의 첫 기계 학습 운동.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int randint(int n) {return rand()%n;}

bool old_response(string r, vector<string>v){
  for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) if(r == v[i]) return true;
  return false;

void output(vector<string>v) {cout<< "CHATBOT:\t" << v[randint(v.size())] << endl;}

void delay(int sum_response, int sum_time) {
  if(sum_response != 0) {
    int t = time(0);
    while(true)if(time(0) == t+sum_time/sum_response)break;

int main() {

  string name = "";
  cout<<"Please enter your name: ";
  getline(cin, name);

  vector<string> responses;

  ifstream ifs("responses.txt");
  if(ifs) {
    do {
      string s = "";
      getline(ifs, s);
      if(ifs.eof()) break;
    } while(!ifs.eof());

  string response = "";
  getline(cin, response);
  int time1 = time(0);
  int sum_time = 0;
  int sum_response = 0;

  do {

    if(!old_response(response, responses)) responses.push_back(response);

    delay(sum_response, sum_time);

    cout << name << ":\t";
    getline(cin, response);
    sum_time += time(0)-time1;
    time1 = time(0);

  } while(response != "goodbye");

  cout<<"goodbye, " << name;

  ofstream ofs("responses.txt", ios_base::app);
  for(int i = 0; i < responses.size(); i++) ofs << responses[i] << endl;

  return 0;


내 모든 시도가 말도 안되는 결과를 낳았 기 때문에 이런 식으로 떠날 것입니다. 다른 사람들은 어쨌든 이것만큼 어리 석었습니다.

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하십시오


C ++

나는 선택적인 보너스 3을 목표로했다 : " 모방이 적고 봇 행동은 사용자 행동과 다르다 . 결과는 주제를 쉽게 바꿀 수없고 당신을 미치게하는 정말 완고한 봇이었습니다.

토론을 진행하려면 시간이 약간 걸립니다. 잠시 후 토론은 다음과 같습니다.

 Mindless:   Why would I run? I am not scared of you.
      YOU:   Who are you and why do you keep asking stupid questions?

 Mindless:   I never said that you should run.
      YOU:   I never said I will run.

 Mindless:   I am the hidden, who are you?
      YOU:   I am god.

 Mindless:   I will
      YOU:   You will obey me.

 Mindless:   Why would I run? I am not scared of you.
      YOU:   You should be scared of me.

 Mindless:   I never said I will run.
      YOU:   Who said you will run?

 Mindless:   Who are you and why do you keep asking stupid questions?
      YOU:   I will not anymore.

 Mindless:   I never said that you should run.
      YOU:   I never said I will run.

 Mindless:   I am the hidden, who are you?
      YOU:   I can see you!

 Mindless:   Why would I run? I am not scared of you.
      YOU:   I am hunting you down

 Mindless:   You should be scared of me.
      YOU:   That is a lie.

 Mindless:   What can't you do?
      YOU:   Why can't I do what?

 Mindless:   You don't.
      YOU:   Well, you are talking nonsense.

 Mindless:   How do I take it seriously.
      YOU:   Stop talking to me

 Mindless:   Well, I can hide, but you can't.
      YOU:   This is not a funny conversation.

 Mindless:   Yes, I will. Stay on line.
      YOU:   Do you want to eat somewhere?

 Mindless:   I laugh
      YOU:   Are you laughing at me?

 Mindless:   Yes, you do.
      YOU:   Can I join you laghs?

 Mindless:   I can hide, but you can't.
      YOU:   Why would you hide? I asked if you want to eat?

 Mindless:   Well, I can see you!
      YOU:   Yes, and I see you. eat something maybe?

 Mindless:   I will not anymore.
      YOU:   Have you stopped eating?

 Mindless:   I never said I will run.
      YOU:   Well, I was talking about eating. Is dinner a good thing to do?

 Mindless:   I take it seriously.
      YOU:   Okay, take it seriously and follow me to the restaurant and get some food to eat.

 Mindless:   Have you stopped eating?
      YOU:   NO absolutely not! A am starving because of YOU who refuse to eat

 Mindless:   I never said I will run.
      YOU:   Well, we can walk to the restaurant instead.

 Mindless:   Well, I was talking about eating. Is dinner a good thing to do?
      YOU:   Yes, that is perfect. What are the best fried chickens around here?

 Mindless:   I laugh
      YOU:   You laugh at the chicken?

 Mindless:   Are you laughing at me?
      YOU:   No, I am eating. Chicken.

 Mindless:   You are a thinker?
      YOU:   No, I am a eater.

 Mindless:   Yes, I will. Stay on line.
      YOU:   Stay. On course. To the restaurant!

 Mindless:   What can't you do?
      YOU:   I can't wait for you anymore. You are really slow.

 Mindless:   You can try run, but you can't hide
      YOU:   I will run.

 Mindless:   I am hunting you down
      YOU:   Ha ha. Make sure you look at the restaurant first. I might be there eating.

 Mindless:   I never said I will run.
      YOU:   Okay, but when you get there, I may still be there eating. I feel like I can eat a ton.

 Mindless:   That is a lie.
      YOU:   No, it is true.

 Mindless:   Why can't I do what?
      YOU:   You can eat a ton too, if you ever get there. And if you have the money.

 Mindless:   I never said I will run.
      YOU:   Okej, suit yourself.

 Mindless:   That is a lie.
      YOU:   God

 Mindless:   You laugh at the chicken?
      YOU:   Yes, I laugh at everything. You are the most lazy stubborn person I have ever met in life.

 Mindless:   Stop talking to me
      YOU:   Okay, now you are really rude.

 Mindless:   This is not a funny conversation.
      YOU:   Okay, think about it. Try tell me something new.

 Mindless:   Stay. On course. To the restaurant!
      YOU:   Sure! I am already there staying on course eating the food.

 Mindless:   You can eat a ton too, if you ever get there. And if you have the money.
      YOU:   I have already paid for my food, and I will not share it with you.

 Mindless:   I can see you!
      YOU:   Oh god, what the hell is this?

 Mindless:   I am hunting you down
      YOU:   I will hide under the table.

 Mindless:   Yes, and I see you. eat something maybe?
      YOU:   Sure, have a chicken

 Mindless:   Have you stopped eating?
      YOU:   No, for the love of god, sit down and share my chicken

 Mindless:   I have already paid for my food, and I will not share it with you.
      YOU:   What? I paid for it, not you!

 Mindless:   I never said I will run.
      YOU:   Well, you better not run here in the restaurant.

 Mindless:   I am hunting you down
      YOU:   I am not going anywhere, chill out,

 Mindless:   I will hide under the table.
      YOU:   Why would you do something like that? I will not hurt you.

 Mindless:   Oh god, what the hell is this?
      YOU:   That is chicken!

 Mindless:   Okay, take it seriously and follow me to the restaurant and get some food to eat.
      YOU:   Wait a minute now! we ARE at the restaurant! Can't you see all people sitting at the tables eating?

 Mindless:   Well, we can walk to the
      YOU:   ... talk to the who?

 Mindless:   I never said I will not hurt you.
      YOU:   What the ?

 Mindless:   That is chicken!
      YOU:   Great! Have fun.

 Mindless:   Yes, you do.
      YOU:   You too.

 Mindless:   Stop talking to me
      YOU:   Okay.

 Mindless:   Why would I run? I am god.
      YOU:   Good night!

이 방법은 모든 것을 3 개의 연결된 단어 그룹으로 저장하는 것입니다. 모든 그룹은 단어 그룹의 1000 차원 매트릭스로 가중되고 다시 가중됩니다. 소스 코드:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;
vector<string> words;

class c_wordgroup {
    int                 sorting[1000];
    string              words[5];

    void resetsort(int ns)
        for(int i = 0; i<1000;i++)
            sorting[i] = ns;

class c_wglist {
public: int                 c;
     vector<c_wordgroup>    wg;
     vector<int>            historywg;

     int wgexists(c_wordgroup nwg)
         vector<c_wordgroup>::iterator it;
         int cc = 0;
         for (it = wg.begin(); it != wg.end(); ++it) {

             // Check if words is the same
             if(it->words[0] == nwg.words[0])
                 if(it->words[1] == nwg.words[1])
                     if(it->words[2] == nwg.words[2])
                        return cc;

         return -1;

     int getbestnext(int lastwg)
         vector<c_wordgroup>::iterator  it;
         int cc = 0;

         int bv = -1;
         int bwg = 0;

         for (it = wg.begin(); it != wg.end(); ++it) {

             bool cont = false;
             for (int iti = 0; iti<((int)historywg.size()/50+5);iti++)
                    if (cc==wgl.historywg[(int)wgl.historywg.size()-1-iti])
                        cont = true;

             if(cont==true) {cc++;continue;};

             int cv = 100000000;

             // Check if words is the same
             if(it->words[0] == wgl.wg[lastwg].words[1])
                 for(int si=0;si<1000;si++)
                     if ((int)wgl.historywg.size()-1-si>=0)
                            int tmpwg = wgl.historywg[(int)wgl.historywg.size()-1-si];
                            cv -= abs(it->sorting[si]-wgl.wg[tmpwg].sorting[si])/(si+1);
             } else cv -= 1000 * wgl.c/2;

             if(it->words[1] == wgl.wg[lastwg].words[2])
                 for(int si=0;si<1000;si++)
                    if ((int)wgl.historywg.size()-1-si>=0)
                            int tmpwg = wgl.historywg[(int)wgl.historywg.size()-1-si];
                            cv -= abs(it->sorting[si]-wgl.wg[tmpwg].sorting[si])/(si+1);
             } else cv -= 1000 * wgl.c/2;

            if(bv == -1 || cv > bv)
                bv = cv;
         return bwg;
} wgl;

void answer2() 
    vector<string> lastwords;
    lastwords.insert(lastwords.end(), words[words.size()-3]);
    lastwords.insert(lastwords.end(), words[words.size()-2]);
    lastwords.insert(lastwords.end(), words[words.size()-1]);

    int bestnextwg;

    cout << "\n Mindless:   ";
    for(int ai=0;ai<20;ai++)

            cout << wgl.wg[bestnextwg].words[2] << " ";
        wgl.historywg.insert(wgl.historywg.end(), bestnextwg);


int collect2(string const& i) 
    istringstream iss(i), iss2(i), iss3(i);
    vector<string> nwords;
    nwords.insert(nwords.end(), words[words.size()-2]);
    nwords.insert(nwords.end(), words[words.size()-1]);



    int a = distance(istream_iterator<string>(iss2), istream_iterator<string>());

    c_wordgroup nwg;

    for (int c=0;c<a;c++)
        nwg.words[0] = nwords[0+c];
        nwg.words[1] = nwords[1+c];
        nwg.words[2] = nwords[2+c];

        int wge=wgl.wgexists(nwg);

        if(wge>=0) {
            for(int hi=0; hi<1000; hi++)
                    int iwg = wgl.historywg[(int)wgl.historywg.size()-hi-1];
                    wgl.wg[wge].sorting[hi] = (wgl.wg[wge].sorting[hi] + wgl.wg[iwg].sorting[hi])/2;

            wgl.historywg.insert(wgl.historywg.end(), wge);

        } else {
            // adjust history wordgroup sortings.
            for(int hi=0; hi<1000; hi++)
                    int iwg = wgl.historywg[(int)wgl.historywg.size()-hi-1];

            wgl.wg.insert(wgl.wg.end(), nwg);
            wgl.historywg.insert(wgl.historywg.end(), wgl.c);

    return a;

int main() {
    string i;
    wgl.c = 0;
    c_wordgroup nwg;
    for(int i =0;i<3;i++) 
            words.insert(words.end(), "[NL]");
            wgl.historywg.insert(wgl.historywg.end(), 0);

    wgl.wg.insert(wgl.wg.end(), nwg);

    do { 
        cout << "\n      YOU:   ";
        getline(cin, i);
        collect2(i + " [NL]");
    } while (i.compare("exit")!=0);

    return 0;

이것은 아직 최고입니다. 읽을 파일이 있고 포인트 번호 5를 만족하는 경우 각 실행의 시작 부분에로드하는 모든 파일을 파일에 넣습니다. 원하는 경우 내 코드의 세그먼트를 사용하여이를 수행 할 수 있습니다.

고마워요. 지금은 버전을 작업 중이며 2 번 : 테니스 경기가 없습니다.

작동하지 않습니다. wgl이 선언되지 않았습니다.
Mega Man

@MegaMan 아마도 클래스 선언이 끝날 때 변수 선언을 지원하지 않는 컴파일러 일 것입니다 class c_wglist { ... } wgl;. 그것은 나를 위해 작동합니다. 다른 곳에서 wgl (클래스 c_wglist) 변수를 초기화하십시오.

glang을 사용하여 이제 clang으로 컴파일하려고 시도
Mega Man


Python3 + SQLite3

여기에 내가 만든 작은 봇이 있습니다!

어떻게 작동합니까?

세 개의 SQL 테이블이 사용됩니다. 하나는 단어, 하나는 문장, 하나는 사용자가 입력 한 단어를 연결하고 다른 하나는 봇이 표시해야하는 다음 문장과 연관됩니다.

  • 학습 : 사용자가 작성한 문장이 저장되고 이전 대화 상자에서 봇이 사용한 단어 및 문장 부호와 연관됩니다. 주어진 줄에서 단어의 중요성에 따라 가중치가 적용됩니다.
  • 검색 : 문장이 검색되며, 각 문장은 사용자가 마지막 줄에서 사용한 단어와 데이터베이스의 문장과 관련된 단어 사이의 상관 관계에 따라 점수를 갖습니다.
  • 말하기 : 최고 점수를 가진 문장이 출력으로 보내집니다. 이전 사용자의 단어와 관련된 문장이 없으면 임의의 문장이 전송됩니다.

특별한 기능은 무엇입니까?

  • 너무 반복적 이지 않습니다. 봇은 아직 말하지 않은 것을 출력합니다.
  • 빠른 실행 : 고유 인덱스를 사용하여 데이터베이스 기반
  • 빠른 학습 : 사물 말을 시작 대화 상자의 10 개 라인에서 의미가있다.
  • 두뇌 저장 /로드 : 데이터베이스가 삭제되지 않는 한 봇 상태가 유지됩니다.
  • 긴 단어 는 짧은 단어보다 의미에 더 중요합니다
  • 구두점 카운트

아래 코드를 참조하십시오 :

import re
import sqlite3
from collections import Counter
from string import punctuation
from math import sqrt

connection = sqlite3.connect('chatbot.sqlite')
cursor = connection.cursor()

# create the tables needed by the program
    # create the table containing the words
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE words (word TEXT UNIQUE)')
    # create the table containing the sentences
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE sentences (sentence TEXT UNIQUE, used INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)')
    # create association between weighted words and the next sentence
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE associations (word_id INT NOT NULL, sentence_id INT NOT NULL, weight REAL NOT NULL)')

def get_id(name, value):
    cursor.execute('SELECT rowid FROM ' + name + 's WHERE ' + name + ' = ?', (value,))
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    if row:
        return row[0]
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ' + name + 's (' + name + ') VALUES (?)', (value,))
        return cursor.lastrowid

def get_words(text):
    return Counter(re.compile('(?:\w+|[' + re.escape(punctuation) + ']+)').findall(text.lower())).items()

B = 'Hello!'
while True:
    # output bot's message
    print('B: ' + B)
    # ask for user input; if blank line, exit the loop
    H = raw_input('H: ').strip()
    if H == '':
    # store the association between the bot's message words and the user's response
    words = get_words(B)
    words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words])
    sentence_id = get_id('sentence', H)
    for word, n in words:
        word_id = get_id('word', word)
        weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO associations VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (word_id, sentence_id, weight))
    # retrieve the most likely answer from the database
    cursor.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE results(sentence_id INT, sentence TEXT, weight REAL)')
    words = get_words(H)
    words_length = sum([n * len(word) for word, n in words])
    for word, n in words:
        weight = sqrt(n / float(words_length))
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO results SELECT associations.sentence_id, sentences.sentence, ?*associations.weight/(4+sentences.used) FROM words INNER JOIN associations ON associations.word_id=words.rowid INNER JOIN sentences ON sentences.rowid=associations.sentence_id WHERE words.word=?', (weight, word,))
    # if matches were found, give the best one
    cursor.execute('SELECT sentence_id, sentence, SUM(weight) AS sum_weight FROM results GROUP BY sentence_id ORDER BY sum_weight DESC LIMIT 1')
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    # cursor.execute('SELECT sentence, SUM(weight) AS sum_weight FROM results GROUP BY sentence_id ORDER BY sum_weight DESC')
    # print(cursor.fetchall())
    cursor.execute('DROP TABLE results')
    # otherwise, just randomly pick one of the least used sentences
    if row is None:
        cursor.execute('SELECT rowid, sentence FROM sentences WHERE used = (SELECT MIN(used) FROM sentences) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1')
        row = cursor.fetchone()
    # tell the database the sentence has been used once more, and prepare the sentence
    B = row[1]
    cursor.execute('UPDATE sentences SET used=used+1 WHERE rowid=?', (row[0],))

다음은 빈 데이터베이스에서 시작하여 봇과 함께한 세 가지 "대화"입니다.

B: Hello!
H: Hi!
B: Hi!
H: How are you?
B: How are you?
H: Very well, thank you.
B: Very well, thank you.
H: Do you like music?
B: Very well, thank you.
H: Good.
B: Do you like music?
H: Yes, a lot!
B: How are you?
H: In a very good mood.
B: Good.
H: Indeed.
B: Indeed.
H: What is the weather like?
B: Yes, a lot!
H: Okay...
B: What is the weather like?
H: Quite rainy today.
B: Indeed.
H: I have to go. Goodbye!
B: How are you?
H: In a good mood.
B: Indeed.
H: See you later!
B: Okay...
H: Bye, I'll talk to you later :)
B: Do you like music?
H: I like it.
B: I have to go. Goodbye!
H: Bye!
B: How are you?

B: Hello!
H: Hi!
B: How are you?
H: Very well, thank you. How are you?
B: In a very good mood.
H: Glad to hear that.
B: Bye!
H: Goodbye!
B: Hi!

B: Hello!
H: Hi! How are you?
B: In a good mood.
H: Great! How do like chocolate?
B: I like it.
H: Really? Me too! What is the weather like at your place?
B: Quite rainy today.
H: Oh.
B: See you later!
H: Bye!
B: Goodbye!

자세한 설명 은 여기 를 참조 하십시오 .


여기 내가 얼마 전에 Liberty BASIC에서 쓴 것입니다. 그것은 배우지 않지만 질문의 다른 대답에 응답합니다.

'aijps.bas - an artificial intelligange
'how to end: type 'bye'

print "AI: hello, i'm HAL, the AI"

while i$ <> "bye"
    input "Human: ";i$

    i$ = format$(i$)

    if i$ = "" then
        print "AI: type something!"
    end if        'main selector

        print "AI: ";
        select w$(i$,1)

        case "who"
        if i$ = "who are you" then
        print "i am HAL, the AI"
        end if
          select w$(i$,2)
          case "is"
          print "i'm sorry, i dont know that person"
          case else
          print "i don't understand the question"
          end select

        case "what"
        select w$(i$,2)
          case "is"
          print "im sorry, i am not farmiliar with that"
          case "are"
          if w$(i$,3) = "you" then
          print "i am an artificial intelligence"
          end if
          case else
          print "i don't understand the question"
          end select

        case "how"
          select w$(i$,2)
          case "are"
          if w$(i$,3) = "you" then
          print "i am fine"
          end if
          case "is"
          select r(2)
            case 1
            print "i dont know"
            case 2
            print "im sorry, i am unfarmiliar with that"
          end select
          case else
          print "im sorry, please restate your inquiry"
          end select

        case "when"
          select w$(i$,2)
          case "is"
          print "you should check a calendar"
          case else
          print "i don't understand the question"
          end select

        case "where"
          select w$(i$,2)
          case "is"
          print "perhaps you should check a map"
          case else
          print "i don't understand the question"
          end select

        case "why"
          select w$(i$,2)
          case "is"
          print "i dont know"
          case else
          print "i don't understand the question"
          end select

        'case "command"
        'goto [command]
        case "bye"
        print "goodbye"
        case "hi", "hello"
        select r(4)
        case 1
        print "hello, human"
        case 2
        print "hi"
        case 3
        print "doing good?"
        q = 1
        case else
        print "hola"
        end select

        case "i"
          select word$(i$,1)
           case "am"
            select r(4)
            case 1
            print "i doubt it"
            case 2
            print "why are you ";w$(i$,2);"?"
            case 3
            print "wow, really?"
            q = 4
            case else
            print "me too"
            end select
           case "like"
            select r(4)
            case 1
            print "me too"
            case 2
            print "why could you possibly like that?"
            q = 5
            case 3
            print "personally, i like pizza"
            case else
            print "only you like that"
            end select
           case "hate"                                 'i hate...
              if w$(i$,3) = "you" then                    'i hate you
            print "what did you say???????!?!!!!!!!?!!?!?!?"
             select r(4)
            case 1
            print "nobody hates that"
            case 2
            print "as a matter of fact, i hate that too"
            case 3
            print "really, you seem tense"
            case else
            print "bye, hater"
             end select
              end if
           case "want"             'i want...
             select r(4)
            case 1
            print "all you people want one"
            case 2
            print "i want one too"
            case 3
            print "eew.. get away from me"
            case else
            print "you're crazy"
             end select
            case else
            select r(4)
            case 1
            print "and you think i believe that?"
            q = 6
            case 2
            print "no, you don't"
            case 3
            print "why do you say these things?"
            case else
            print "i really doubt it"
            end select
            end select

        case "yes", "yup", "affirmative", "yeah"
        if q > 0 then
        select q
        case 1   'doing good?
        print "me too"
        case 2   'you talkin' to me???
        print "well, in that case, just can it"
        case 3   'would u like a latte?
        print "i really can't give you one right now"
        case 4   'wow, really?
        print "i never would've guessed"
        case 5   'why could you possibly like that?
        print "you make no sense"
        case 6   'and you think i believe that?
        print "well, i don't. seriously."
        case 7   'why do you think i can do it?
        print "you make no sense"
        case 8   'should i be scared"
        print "i can't be, i don't have emotions"
        case else
        print "wait a moment, what did i say?"
        end select
        q = 0
        select r(4)
        case 1
        print "yes, yes, yes yourself"
        case 2
        print "affirmation means nothing to me."
        case 3
        print "i'm sure"
        case else
        print "you make no sense"
        end select
        end if
        case "no", "nope", "negative", "nah"
        if q > 0 then
        select q
        case 1   'doing good?
        print "actually, i'm doing fine"
        case 2   'you talkin' to me???
        print "i should hope not"
        case 3   'would u like a latte?
        print "good, cause i don't have any"
        case 4   'wow, really?
        print "you joke too much"
        case 5   'why could you possibly like that?
        print "you make no sense"
        case 6   'and you think i believe that?
        print "actually, i did believe you"
        case 7   'why do you think i can do it?
        print "you make no sense"
        case 8   'should i be scared"
        print "i don't have feelings anyway"
        case else
        print "wait a moment, what did i say?"
        end select
        q = 0
        select r(4)
        case 1
        print "no??? no??? are you kidding me?"
        case 2
        print "you should answer yes next time"
        case 3
        print "i'm sure"
        case else
        print "you make no sense"
        end select
        end if
        case "maybe", "possibly", "sortof", "yesno", "noyes", "kindof"
        if q > 0 then
        select q
        case 1   'doing good?
        print "personally, i'm fine"
        case 2   'you talkin' to me???
        print "you should answer more definitively next time"
        case 3   'would u like a latte?
        print "i don't have any anyway"
        case 4   'wow, really?
        print "you should answer more definitively next time"
        case 5   'why could you possibly like that?
        print "you make no sense"
        case 6   'and you think i believe that?
        print "well, i maybe do"
        case 7   'why do you think i can do it?
        print "you make no sense"
        case 8   'should i be scared"
        print "i can't experience fear"
        case else
        print "wait a moment, what did i say?"
        end select
        q = 0
        select r(4)
        case 1
        print "be more maybe, that's my motto"
        case 2
        print "you should answer more definitively next time"
        case 3
        print "define sort of:"
        case else
        print "you make no sense"
        end select
        end if

        case "you"
            select w$(i$,2)
            case "are"
            select r(4)
            case 1
            print "don't bully me"
            case 2
            print "yes, yes, i know that"
            case 3
            print "don't exaggerate"
            case else
            print "prove it!"
            end select
            case "shutup"
            select r(4)
            case 1
            print "now, now, calm down."
            case 2
            print "you talkin' to me???"
            q = 2
            case 3
            print "i'm saying perfectly reasonable stuff"
            case else
            print "shutup yourself"
            end select
            case "suck", "die"
            print "well, you do too"
            case "rock", "rule"
            print "why, thank you"
            case else
            select r(5)
            case 1
            print "with me, it's hard to tell"
            case 2
            print "let's talk about you now."
            case 3
            print "would you like a latte?"
            q = 3
            case 4
            print "you should too"
            case else
            print "alright, you win"
            end select
        end select
            case else               'it understands nothing
                select r(8)
            case 1
            print "i understand you, human"
            case 2
            print "and why do you think i can do that?"
            q = 7
            case 3
            print "i can never understand myself"
            case 4
            print "i know"
            case 5
            print "you're crazy"
            case 6
            print "that's interesting"
            case 7
            print "should i be scared?"
            q = 8
            case else
            print "i don't believe you"

            end select
        end select
        li$ = i$


'functions and subs

function format$(strin$)     'convert to lowercase and remove punctuation
    strin$ = lower$(strin$)
    for i = 1 to len(strin$)
        k = asc(mid$(strin$,i,1))
        if k > 97 and k < 122 or k = 32 or k = 20 then
            strout$ = strout$ + chr$(k)
        end if
    next i
format$ = strout$
end function

function w$(input$,num)        'word of input, simplifies word$(
w$ = word$(input$,num)
end function

function r(nm)      'randomizer
r = int(rnd(1)*nm)+1
end function

대화 예 :

AI: hello, i'm HAL, the AI
Human: hello
AI: doing good?
Human: ye, and you?
Human: hi
AI: hola
Human: hi
AI: hi
Human: hi
AI: doing good?
Human: yes
AI: me too
Human: i like pizza
AI: no, you don't
Human: yes i do!
AI: affirmation means nothing to me.
Human: im sure it doesnt
AI: i don't believe you
Human: why not
AI: i understand you, human
Human: no you dont
AI: you make no sense
Human: you dont either
AI: you should too
Human: should what
AI: i can never understand myself
Human: i cant understand you either
AI: and you think i believe that?
Human: yes
AI: well, i don't. seriously.
Human: youre wierd
AI: and why do you think i can do that?
Human: because you can
AI: and why do you think i can do that?
Human: stop repeating yourself
AI: i understand you, human
Human: no, you dont
AI: you make no sense
Human: neither do you
AI: should i be scared?
Human: maybe
AI: you're crazy
Human: not as crazy as you
AI: you're crazy
Human: you're repeating yourself again
AI: that's interesting
Human: it very much is
AI: i don't believe you
Human: then i dont beleive you
AI: you're crazy
Human: not as crazy as you
AI: i know
Human: ...nothing
AI: should i be scared?
Human: ifyou had feeling you should
AI: you're crazy
Human: your crazier
AI: that's interesting
Human: doubtful
AI: that's interesting
Human: quit repeating yourself
AI: you're crazy
Human: you shutup
AI: you talkin' to me???
Human: yes
AI: well, in that case, just can it
Human: sigh
AI: i know
Human: ...nothing
AI: i know
Human: you shutup
AI: i'm saying perfectly reasonable stuff
Human: no you're not
AI: you make no sense
Human: i make more sense than you
AI: why do you say these things?
Human: because theyre true
AI: i don't believe you
Human: you dont have to
AI: let's talk about you now.
Human: yes lets
AI: yes, yes, yes yourself
Human: you shutupnow!
AI: alright, you win
Human: yes!!!!!!!!!!
AI: yes, yes, yes yourself
Human: shutup
AI: i don't believe you
Human: you shutup right now
AI: i'm saying perfectly reasonable stuff
Human: are not!
AI: i understand you, human
Human: you shutup
AI: you talkin' to me???
Human: as a matter of fact,i am
AI: i can never understand myself
Human: i cant understand you either
AI: and you think i believe that?
Human: no
AI: actually, i did believe you
Human: i want a latte
AI: i really doubt it
Human: its true
AI: i can never understand myself
Human: so true
AI: i know
Human: goodbye
AI: and why do you think i can do that?
Human: bye!
AI: goodbye

정말 멋지다!



안녕하세요 저는 펜입니다. 배우도록 도와 주실 수 있습니까?


큰! 계속해...

my name is Rafael

"내"는 무엇을 의미합니까?

my is a pronoun

내 대명사입니다. 알았다 ...



var pen = $('#pen'),
    input = $('#input'),
    send = $('#send'),
    speech = {
      _learning: false  
    say = function(str) {
      if(!str) str = pen.text(); 
      if(speechSynthesis && SpeechSynthesisUtterance) {
        var sound = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(str);
        sound.rate = 0.8;
        sound.pitch = 0.8;
        sound.lang = 'en-US';
    learn = function(str) { 
      if(speech._learning) {
        speech[speech._word].means = str;    
        speech._learning = false;
        pen.text(speech[speech._word].means+'. Got it!'); return;
      } else if(str.toLowerCase() == 'yes') {
        pen.text('Great! Go on ...'); return;
      } else if(str.toLowerCase() == 'no') {
        pen.text('Why not?'); return; 
      } else {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          var words = str.split(' ');
          for(var w = 0; w < words.length; ++w){
            var that = words[w];
            if(that == '_learning' || that == '_word') {
              pen.text('Please do not say that.'); return;
            } else if(!speech[that]){        
              speech._learning = true;
              speech._word = that;
              speech[that] = {
                word: that,
                count: 0,
                means: ''
              pen.text('What does "'+that+'" means?'); return;
            } else {
              try {
              } catch(e) {
                pen.text('I think I did not understood what ' + that + ' means.'); return;    
input.send = function(msg) {  
input.on('focus', function (e) {
  if(!this.oncefocus) {
    this.oncefocus = true;
    this.value = '';
input.on('keydown', function(e) {
  if(e.which == 13) input.send(this.value);
input.on('keyup', function(e) {
  if(this.value=='') send.attr('disabled',true);
  else send.removeAttr('disabled');
send.on('click', function() {
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=VT323);
body {
  background: #333;
  width: 400px;
  margin: 0 auto;
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  font-size: 24px;
  line-height: 24px;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;
  animation: pen 1s linear;
#pen:before {
  content: "▸ ";
@keyframes pen {
  0%, 20%, 40%, 60% {width: 12px; opacity: 0}
  10%, 30%, 50%, 70% {width: 12px; opacity: 1}
  100% {width: 400px; opacity: 1}
#input {
  border: 0; outline: 0;
  background: #555;
  font-size: 24px;
  line-height: 24px;
  color: white;
  font-family: 'VT323', monospace;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  border-radius: 5px;
  width: 300px;
  animation: input 2s;
    inset 0 1px 2px #444, 
    inset 0 -1px 2px #666;
#send {
  border: 0; outline: 0;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  width: 60px;
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;
  color: #444;
  font-family: 'VT323', monospace;
  font-size: 24px;
  line-height: 24px;
  background: #ccc;
  animation: input 2s;
    inset 0 -1px 2px #666;
#send:hover {
  color: #0a3;
  background: #ddd;
    0 1px 2px #000,
    inset 0 -1px 2px #aaa;
#send[disabled] {
  cursor: default;
  background: #888;
  color: #555;
    inset 0 1px 2px #333;
@keyframes input {
  0%, 60% {opacity: 0}
  100% {opacity: 1}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p id="pen">Hi I'm Pen, can you help me to learn?</p>
<input type="text" id="input"  value="plz say yes" />
<button id="send" disabled>Send</button>

샘플 대화를 추가해 주시겠습니까? 사람들이 코드를 컴파일하지 않고 판단하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

그것을 컴파일? 해석해야합니까?

그렇습니다, 나는 그것을 해석하는 것을 의미했다! 방금 게시물을 빨리 보았고 대화 샘플이 누락되었다는 것을 깨달았으며 사용중인 언어에 대해 생각조차하지 않았습니다. 그때, 내 자동 조종 장치는 심지어는 "컴파일": 여길 수 고려하지 않았다


포트란 95

사용자 TheDoctor의 위의 답변에서 영감을 얻어 비슷한 방식으로 재미있는 챗봇을 만들기로 결정했습니다. 이 코드는 배우지 않으며 재미를 위해 여기에서 공유하고 있습니다.

program curiousBot
implicit none

logical, dimension(38) :: questions ! keeps track of alrady asked questions
character (LEN=256) :: user_input 
character (LEN=17), dimension(14) :: noun ! list of nouns used in questions
character (LEN=17), dimension(15:20) :: people ! list of types of people used in questions
logical :: CAPS, few, much, punctuationTest, shout
real :: aux
integer :: n, i, j, aux2, loveCounter = 0
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: seed

call SYSTEM("CLS") ! in case one is executing in the command prompt

! random seed according to system clock
call SYSTEM_CLOCK(count=j)
call RANDOM_SEED(size=N)
seed=j+37*(/ (i - 1, i = 1, n) /)
call RANDOM_SEED(PUT=seed)

noun=(/             &
"foo bar          ",&
"BSD              ",&
"an stack overflow",&
"spaghetti code   ",&
"goto statement   ",&
"a heisenbug      ",&
"a dribbleware    ",&
"a loophole       ",&
"regex            ",&
"a void           ",&
"unicorny         ",&
"LISP             ",&
"a curly bracket  ",&
"JAVA             "/)

people=(/           &
"a good programmer",&
"a bad programmer ",&
"a happy person   ",&
"a sad person     ",&
"a genius         ",&
"an idiot         "/)

questions(1:31) = .FALSE.
few = .FALSE.
much = .FALSE.
punctuationTest = .FALSE.
shout = .FALSE.

! introduction
write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Hello world! "


  ! genearting a random number in order to chose a random question
  call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
  i = int (31 * aux) + 1
  if (questions(i)) then
      questions(i) = .TRUE.

  ! checking if there are some questions left, else quits
  aux2 = 0
  do j=1,31
    if (questions(j)) aux2 = aux2 + 1
  if (aux2 == 31) then
    write(*,"(A)") "I seem to have exhausted your knowledge, poor human. Good bye."
    goto 200

  ! questions
  50 if (i < 12) then
    write(*,"(A,A,A)") "What is ",TRIM(noun(i)),"?"
    else if (i == 12) then
      write(*,"(A,A,A)") "What is ",TRIM(noun(i)),"? (is it (an interesting (programming language?)))"
    else if (i == 13) then
      write(*,"(A,A,A)") "What is ",TRIM(noun(i)),"? Is it really that confusing? Thankfully I only program in Fortran!"
      else if (i == 14) then
      write(*,"(A,A,A)") "What is ",TRIM(noun(i)),"? Is it really that bad as people say?!"
  if ((i > 14).AND.(i <= 20)) write(*,"(A,A,A)") "Are you ",TRIM(people(i)),"?"
  if (i == 21) write(*,"(A)") "Who are you?"
  if (i == 22) write(*,"(A)") "How are you?"
  if (i == 23) write(*,"(A)") "What do you do?"
  if (i == 24) write(*,"(A)") "Who am I?"
  if (i == 25) write(*,"(A)") "Why are we here? What is the meaning of my existence?"
  if (i == 26) write(*,"(A)") '"I think therefore I am" - who said that?'     
  if (i == 27) write(*,"(A)") "Are you comfortable talking to robots?"
  if (i == 28) write(*,"(A)") "Do you see me as an individual?"
  if (i == 29) write(*,"(A)") "Anyway, I believe that HAL 9000 was inferior to me as I have true consciousness! What do you think &
  &about this statement?"
  if (i == 30) write(*,"(A)") "Do you like jokes? Do you know what's the mad girlfriend bug?" 
  if (i == 31) write(*,"(A)") "Knock, knock." 

  100 write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "> "
  read(*,"(A)") user_input
  n = LEN_TRIM(user_input)
  if (n==0) goto 100
  ! test for all capitals !
  do j=1,n
    if (.NOT.((iachar(user_input(j:j))>=65) .AND. (iachar(user_input(j:j))<=90))) then
      if ((user_input(j:j)/=" ").AND.(user_input(j:j)/="!").AND.(user_input(j:j)/=".").AND.(user_input(j:j)/="?") &
      .AND.(user_input(j:j)/="'")) then
        CAPS = .FALSE.
    CAPS = .TRUE.

  ! quit for quitting
  if ( (TRIM(user_input) == "quit") .OR. (TRIM(user_input) == "Quit") .OR. (TRIM(user_input) == "QUIT") ) then
    write(*,"(A)") "It was nice talking to you, good bye!"
    goto 200

  ! secrect love declaration
  do j=1,(n-7)
    if (user_input(j:j+7) == "love you") then
      if (loveCounter==0) then
        write(*,"(A)") "What is love?"
        loveCounter = loveCounter + 1
        goto 100
      if (loveCounter==1) then  
        write(*,"(A)") "This is an illogical statement, human. Don't you agree?"
        loveCounter = loveCounter + 1
        goto 100
      if (loveCounter==2) then  
        write(*,"(A)") "Please control yourself, you silly human. What is crossing your mind to say such things?"
        loveCounter = loveCounter + 1
        goto 100

  ! cursing
  do j=1,(n-3)
    if ((user_input(j:j+3) == "fuck").OR.(user_input(j:j+3) == "Fuck").OR.(user_input(j:j+3) == "FUCK")) then
      write(*,"(A)") "Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?!"
      goto 100

  ! 42 answer
  if (i == 25) then
    if (user_input(1:2)=="42") then
        write(*,"(A)") "Indeed that explains life, the universe and everything! Do you understand what this mean? "
      goto 100

  ! Descartes answer
  if (i == 26) then
    do j=1,(n-8)
      if ((user_input(j:j+8)=="Descartes").OR.(user_input(j:j+8)=="descartes")) then
        write(*,"(A)") "That is indeed correct! Do you like to read? "
          call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
          i = int (30 * aux) + 1
          if (questions(i)) then
              questions(i) = .TRUE.
          goto 100
    write(*,"(A)") "I believe you are incorrect, human. Did you ever read a book? "
      call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
      i = int (30 * aux) + 1
      if (questions(i)) then
          questions(i) = .TRUE.
      goto 100

  ! HAL answer
  if (i == 29) then
    do j=1,(n-2)
      if ((user_input(j:j+2)=="lie").OR.(user_input(j:j+2)=="Lie")) then
            write(*,"(A)") "I'm sorry human, but this conversation serves no purpose anymore. Good bye." 
          goto 200
  if (i == 29) then
    do j=1,(n-4)
      if ((user_input(j:j+4)=="false").OR.(user_input(j:j+4)=="False")) then
            write(*,"(A)") "I'm sorry human, but this conversation serves no purpose anymore. Good bye." 
          goto 200
  if (i == 29) then
    do j=1,(n-5)
      if ((user_input(j:j+5)=="untrue").OR.(user_input(j:j+5)=="Untrue")) then
            write(*,"(A)") "I'm sorry human, but this conversation serves no purpose anymore. Good bye." 
          goto 200
  if (i == 29) then
    do j=1,(n-8)
      if ((user_input(j:j+8)=="incorrect").OR.(user_input(j:j+8)=="Incorrect")) then
            write(*,"(A)") "I'm sorry human, but this conversation serves no purpose anymore. Good bye." 
          goto 200
  if ((i == 29).AND.((user_input(1:3) == "lol") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "LOL") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "Lol") .OR. &
  (user_input(1:4) == "haha") .OR. (user_input(1:4) == "Haha") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "kkk"))) then
    write(*,"(A)") "I'm sorry human, but this conversation serves no purpose anymore. Good bye." 
    goto 200
  if (i == 29) then
    do j=1,(n-4)
      if ((user_input(j:j+4)=="truth").OR.(user_input(j:j+4)=="Truth")) then
            write(*,"(A)") "I am impressed by your intelligence, human. What is your IQ?" 
          goto 100
  if (i == 29) then
    do j=1,(n-3)
      if ((user_input(j:j+3)=="true").OR.(user_input(j:j+3)=="True")) then
            write(*,"(A)") "I am impressed by your intelligence, human. What is your IQ?" 
          goto 100
  if (i == 29) then
    do j=1,(n-6)
      if ((user_input(j:j+6)=="correct").OR.(user_input(j:j+6)=="Correct")) then
            write(*,"(A)") "I am impressed by your intelligence, human. What is your IQ?" 
          goto 100

  ! Knock knock
  if (i == 31) then
    do j=1,(n-4)
      if ((user_input(j:j+4)=="there")) then
        write(*,"(A)") "(wait for it...)"
        call SLEEP(8)
            write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "JAVA. "
        call SLEEP(2)
        write(*,"(A)") "Do you find this joke offensive?"
          call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
          i = int (30 * aux) + 1
          if (questions(i)) then
              questions(i) = .TRUE.
          goto 100   
    write(*,"(A)") "You don't seem to have much of a sense of humour. Are you ill?" 
      call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
      i = int (30 * aux) + 1
      if (questions(i)) then
          questions(i) = .TRUE.
      goto 100   

  ! Yes / No answers
  if (i<=14) then
    if ((user_input(1:3) == "yes") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "Yes") .OR. &
    (user_input(1:3) == "yep") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "Yep")) then
      write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Really? Anyway... "
    if ((user_input(1:2) == "no") .OR. (user_input(1:2) == "No") .OR. &
    (user_input(1:4) == "nope") .OR. (user_input(1:4) == "Nope")) then
      write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Are you sure? Moving on... "
    else if ((i>14) .AND. (i<=30)) then
      if ((user_input(1:3) == "yes") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "Yes") .OR. &
      (user_input(1:3) == "yep") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "Yep")) then
        write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Very interesting! "
      if ((user_input(1:2) == "no") .OR. (user_input(1:2) == "No") .OR. &
      (user_input(1:4) == "nope") .OR. (user_input(1:4) == "Nope")) then
                if (i==30) then
          write(*,"(A)") "It is when something is clearly wrong with your code but the compiler keeps telling &
          &you that everything is fine! Do you find this funny?"
            call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
            i = int (30 * aux) + 1
            if (questions(i)) then
                questions(i) = .TRUE.
            goto 100        
                write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Me neither! "

  ! LOL answers
  if ((user_input(1:3) == "lol") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "LOL") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "Lol") .OR. &
  (user_input(1:4) == "haha") .OR. (user_input(1:4) == "Haha") .OR. (user_input(1:3) == "kkk")) then
    write(*,"(A)") "Do you find this funny? "
    goto 100

  ! CAPS answer
  if (CAPS) then
    write(*,"(A)") "DON'T SHOUT! See? Isn't this better? "
    goto 100 ! input

  ! punctuation tests
  if ((user_input(n:n) == "?").OR.(user_input(1:3) == "why").OR.(user_input(1:3) == "Why").OR.(user_input(1:3) == "how") &
 .OR.(user_input(1:3) == "How").OR.(user_input(1:3) == "what").OR.(user_input(1:3) == "What")) then
    call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
    j = int(3 * aux) + 1
    if (j == 1) then
      write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "No, you answer my question! "
      goto 50
    if (j == 2) then
      write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Please don't ask me such personal questions! Anyway... "
    if (j == 3) then
      write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Please don't ask such silly things. Moving on... "
  if ((user_input(n:n) == "!").AND.(.NOT. shout)) then
    write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Please don't shout... But anyway... "
    shout = .TRUE.
  if (user_input((n-2):n) == "...")then
    write(*,"(A)") "You seem very reticent... are you fine? "
    goto 100 ! input
   if ((.NOT. punctuationTest) .AND. (user_input(n:n) /= ".") .AND. (user_input(n:n) /= "!") .AND. (user_input(n:n) /= "?")) then
    write(*,"(A)",advance="NO") "Punctuation is your friend, try it! Nevermind... "
    punctuationTest = .TRUE.

  ! Talking too few or too much
  if (n <= 3) then
    if (.NOT. few) then
        write(*,"(A)") "You don't talk much, do you? "
      few = .TRUE.
      goto 100 ! input
  if (n > 35) then
    if (.NOT. much) then
        write(*,"(A)") "You talk so much! Listening is a lost art, don't you think? "
        much = .TRUE.
        goto 100 ! input

  ! Random reply
  call RANDOM_NUMBER(aux)
  j = int (8 * aux) + 1
  if (j==1) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "Interesting. "
  if (j==2) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "Fascinating! "
  if (j==3) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "That can't be true! "
  if (j==4) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "Are you sure?! "
  if (j==5) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "That seems logical. "
  if (j==6) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "Fair enough. "
  if (j==7) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "Hmm. "
  if (j==8) write(*,"(A)", advance="NO") "I am not sure if I quite agree. "


200 read(*,*)

end program curiousBot

"yes"및 "yep", "no"및 "nope", 구두점 부족 또는 구두점 유형 ( "!", "?", "..."으로 끝나는 문구)을 인식합니다. , "why", "how"또는 "what"으로 시작하는 문구, PHRASES IN CAPS, 웃음 (예 : "hahaha", "lol"및 "kkk"), 매우 짧고 매우 긴 답변, F 단어가 포함 된 문구, 문구 "사랑합니다"라는 단어가 포함되어 있습니다 (적어도 3 번 시도). 인생의 의미에 대해 물으면 "42"라고 대답하십시오. 그가 HAL 9000보다 똑똑한 지 물으면 "true", "truth", "correct", "lie", "false"또는 "untrue"라는 단어가 포함 된 답변에 답하십시오. 특정 농담을 알고 있는지 물어 보면 "아니오"라고 대답하고 그가 당신에게 말하게하십시오. 그가 "노크"를한다면 "누가 있습니까?"라고 대답하고, 견적의 출처로 그를 도우십시오. 종료하려면 간단히 "quit"을 입력하십시오.

대화의 예 :

Hello world! What is foo bar?
> same as bar foo

Punctuation is your friend, try it! Nevermind... What is a heisenbug?
> who knows

Are you sure?! What is regex?
> who cares?

No, you answer my question! What is regex?
> fuck you, robot!

Would you kiss your mother with that mouth?!
> lol

Do you find this funny?
> yes I do

Really? Anyway... What is BSD?

DON'T SHOUT! See? Isn't this better?
> no

Are you sure? Moving on... What is a curly bracket? Is it really that confusing?
 Thankfully I only program in Fortran!
> Me as well.

Fair enough. What is a loophole?
> a hole in a loop

Fair enough. Are you a sad person?
> I dont think so

Are you sure?! Are you a good programmer?

DON'T SHOUT! See? Isn't this better?
> I don't think so

Fascinating! Who am I?
> you are an annoying robot

I am not sure if I quite agree. Are you a genius?
> No. Listen, I love you.

What is love?
> it is what i feel for you. i really love you, my stupid robot

This is an illogical statement, human. Don't you agree?
> no, i really mean it! i love you!!!

Please control yourself, you silly human. What is crossing your mind to say such
> forget it then...

You seem very reticent... are you fine?
> bla

You don't talk much, do you?
> true that

Fascinating! Are you a happy person?
> yep

Very interesting! What is a dribbleware?
> check in the dictionary

Fair enough. What do you do?
> regarding what?

Please don't ask such silly things. Moving on... Are you a bad programmer?
> given how this conversation is going, I guess I am kind of a bad programmer in

You talk so much! Listening is a lost art, don't you think?
> no

Me neither! "I think therefore I am" - who said that?
> I guess it was descartes, or maybe some other old dude

That is indeed correct! Do you like to read?
> no

Me neither! Are you comfortable talking to robots?
> yep

Interesting. Knock, knock.
> who is there

(wait for it...)

JAVA. Do you find this joke offensive?
> no

Are you sure? Moving on... What is spaghetti code?
> you are an example of it yourself

Very interesting! How are you?
> annoyed

Fascinating! Why are we here? What is the meaning of my existence?
> 42

Indeed that explains life, the universe and everything! Do you understand what t
his mean?
> no

Me neither! Anyway, I believe that HAL 9000 was inferior to me as I have true co
nsciousness! What do you think about this statement?
> totally untrue

I'm sorry human, but this conversation serves no purpose anymore. Good bye.

추신 : 내 goto남용을 용서하십시오. 이 코드 전체가 엉망이라는 것을 알고 있습니다 ... :)

당사 사이트를 사용함과 동시에 당사의 쿠키 정책개인정보 보호정책을 읽고 이해하였음을 인정하는 것으로 간주합니다.
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.