자바- 647 533 그러나 Java 8 Streams에 대한 일부 브라우니 포인트를 기대합니다.
class I{int p;I e;I(int p,I e){this.p=p;this.e=e;}void x(){if(e!=null){int r=p&1;e.p+=(p-r)/2;p=r;}}public String toString(){return ""+p;}}Deque<I>B(String d){H<I>e=new H<>();return Arrays.stream(d.split(" ")).map(s->Integer.valueOf(s)).map(p->e.hold(new I(p,e.held()))).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedList::new));}void x(Deque<I>is){is.descendingIterator().forEachRemaining((I i)->{i.x();});}void t(String s){Deque<I> a=B(s);x(a);System.out.println(a);}class H<T>{T h=null;H(){}T hold(T t){return (h=t);}T held(){return h;}}
비 압축 형태 :
private static class Island {
int population;
final Island eastwardIsland;
Island(int population, Island eastwardIsland) {
this.population = population;
this.eastwardIsland = eastwardIsland;
private void exodus() {
if (eastwardIsland != null) {
// How many remain.
int remain = population & 1;
// How many leave.
int leave = population - remain;
// Account for 50% death rate.
int arrive = leave / 2;
// Modify the eastward island population.
eastwardIsland.population += arrive;
// Change my population.
population = remain;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(population);
private Deque<Island> buildIslands(String data) {
// Holds the island to the east as we traverse.
final Holder<Island> eastward = new Holder<>();
// Build my list of islands - assumes order is retained.
return Arrays.stream(data.split(" "))
// Convert to int.
.map(s -> Integer.valueOf(s))
// Build the island in a chain.
.map(p -> eastward.hold(new Island(p, eastward.held())))
// Roll them into a linked list.
private void exodus(Deque<Island> islands) {
// Walk backwards.
// Perform all exodus.
.forEachRemaining((Island i) -> {
private void test(String data) {
Deque<Island> archipelago = buildIslands(data);
// Initiate the exodus.
// Print them.
다음의 도움으로 :
// Mutable final.
private static class Holder<T> {
private T held = null;
public Holder() {
public Holder(T it) {
held = it;
public T hold(T it) {
return (held = it);
public T held() {
return held;
public String toString() {
return held == null ? "null" : held.toString();
@DavidCarraher의 테스트가 약간 걱정되었습니다.
145 144 144 59 35 129 109 99 200 24 219 96 12 121 7520 153 124 131 178 228 120 63 207 228
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