불쾌한 숫자


undulant 번호는 번호입니다 사이의 대체 그 자리 위로아래로 수는 다음과 같은 : 461902 또는 708143, 또는 1,010,101 아니라 123, 2 <3 있기 때문이다.

숫자가 거칠지 않으면 참 값을, 그렇지 않으면 거짓 값 을 반환하는 프로그램이나 함수를 작성하십시오 . 가장 짧은 코드가 승리합니다.

참고 : 단일 자리 숫자는 유효한 입력하지만 간주되지 않습니다 udulant 따라서, isUndulantN <10 false를 반환합니다.

문자열, 정수, 부동 소수점으로 숫자 입력?
시계 반대 방향으로 돌리지

여기서 목표는 무엇입니까? 코드 골프 (가장 짧은 기능)?

@ JBernardo : 재귀의 더 나은 기본 사례이므로 True 또는 정의되지 않은 동작이라고 생각합니다.
Joey Adams

undulant 번호에 대한 정의는 표준 정의 mathworld.wolfram.com/UndulatingNumber.html 과 일치하지 않습니다 . 이것은 의도적 인 것입니까?

기본 사례가 사실이라면 내 솔루션은 16 % 더 작을 수 있습니다 (IMHO가 의미가 있음).



J, 45


샘플 사용 :

   *./(n>9),(}:(=-)}.)(}:*@-}.)n#:~10$~>.10^.n=. 461902
   *./(n>9),(}:(=-)}.)(}:*@-}.)n#:~10$~>.10^.n=. 708143
   *./(n>9),(}:(=-)}.)(}:*@-}.)n#:~10$~>.10^.n=. 1010101
   *./(n>9),(}:(=-)}.)(}:*@-}.)n#:~10$~>.10^.n=. 123
   *./(n>9),(}:(=-)}.)(}:*@-}.)n#:~10$~>.10^.n=. 5

인서트 /를 비틀어 더 많은 작업을 수행 할 수 있는 더 좋은 방법이 있다고 확신 하지만 몇 개월 동안 J가 없었으므로 다시 가져와야합니다.

이 문제에서 J를이기는 것은 어려울 것입니다. 좋은 해결책!

@leonardo 감사합니다!


루비, 72 70 자


사용법 및 테스트 케이스 :

p u[10101]   # <= true
p u[708143]  # <= true
p u[2421]    # <= false
p u[1231]    # <= false
p u[873]     # <= false

한 자릿수는 false를 생성합니다 .

p u[5]       # <= false

연속 된 동일한 숫자도 false 를 반환합니다 .

p u[66]      # <= false
p u[1221]    # <= false


J, 30 바이트

*/0<(#,]*{.*1 _1$~#)2-/\a.i.":

다른 J 답변과 다른 접근법.

   * / 0 <(#,] * {. * 1 _1 $ ~ #) 2-/ \ ai ": 461902
   * / 0 <(#,] * {. * 1 _1 $ ~ #) 2-/ \ ai ": 708143
   * / 0 <(#,] * {. * 1 _1 $ ~ #) 2-/ \ ai ": 1010101
   * / 0 <(#,] * {. * 1 _1 $ ~ #) 2-/ \ ai ": 123
   * / 0 <(#,] * {. * 1 _1 $ ~ #) (} .-} :) ai ": 5

5가 불쾌한 것으로 간주되면 3 문자가 짧아집니다.

글쎄, 적어도 내가 한 시간 동안 리드했다는 생각으로 자신을 위로 할 수 있습니다. :-)


(pdf) eTeX, 129 자


로 컴파일 pdfetex filename.tex 1324?하면 pdf 출력이 생성됩니다. TeX는 기본적으로 조판 언어이며 표준 출력으로 출력하는 데 약 20자가 더 필요합니다. 또한 한 자리 숫자에 대한 이상한 요구 사항 (참이 아닌 거짓)으로 인해 26자가 필요합니다.


Haskell, 88 77 73 65 자

z=tail>>=zipWith compare
q s=all(/=EQ)$s++z s

여기에는 일반적으로 사용되는 언어 pragma (또는 -X플래그) 가 필요합니다 NoMonomorphismRestriction. 그것을 인정하지 않으면 4 문자를 추가하고 다음과 z같이 정의해야합니다 .

z s=zipWith compare s$tail s

나는 당신이 내 104 문자 솔루션을 이길 정도로 분노합니다. u n=length s>1&&(a[GT,LT]||a[LT,GT])where s=show n;z=q compare s$tail s;w=q(==)z;q=zipWith;a=and.w.cycle좀 우아합니다. zipWith와 한 번 compare당신이 그랬던 것처럼, 그때 zipWith다시와 (==)cycle[GT,LT]cycle[LT,GT]두 번째 인수로.

tail>>=zipWith compare몇 바이트를 줄이는 것처럼 w를 인라인 할 수 있습니다.
자부심을 가진 haskeller

또한, 나는 더 짧은 버전의 qq[]=0<1;q(a:b:s)|a/=b,a/=EQ=q$b:s;q _=0>1
골프를 쳤다

실제로, 여기 더 짧은 버전이 있습니다 : q s=and$all(/=EQ)s:zipWith(/=)s(tail s)
자부심을 가진 haskeller

@proudhaskeller-어느 버전도 모든 테스트를 통과하지 못합니다. 둘 다 3에 실패하고 (거짓이어야 함) 첫 번째는 32 및 101010101과 같은 다른 많은 실패에 실패합니다.


세이지, 83 76 바이트

f=lambda x:uniq(cmp(*`x`[i-2:i][::(-1)^i])for i in[2..len(`x`)])in[[1],[-1]]

JBernardo의 cmp (* [..])를 사용하는 아이디어가 있습니다. Sage에서 uniq(...)의 별칭입니다 list(set(...)).

편집 : 단지 X <10, 눈치 uniq(cmp(...)) == []에하지 않은 [[1],[-1]]. x가 정수 대신 문자열로 입력되면 다른 4자를 얻을 수 있습니다!

sum(uniq(...))^2이후로 sum([1,-1]) = 0, 및 singletons [1] 및 [-1] squares의 합을 1 로 사용하는 아이디어가있었습니다 . 불행히도, 세 번 반복 된 숫자에서 실패합니다. 1011101.

좋은. 나는 세이지를 배워야한다. BTW, 방금 백틱이 L숫자가 파이썬에서 2 ** 32보다 크면 결과에 영향을 미친다는 것을 깨달았습니다 . Sage에서 발생합니까?

Yeah, Sage makes a few things nice for golfing... for instance, its ridiculous startup time is spent importing a huge tree of modules. The Sage Integer class doesn't bother with the L because Sage is preparsed python; 1234 -> Integer('1234'). You can jump right into using Sage here: sagenb.org


Python: 101 100 characters

Before minification:

undulate = (lambda n: n > 9
            and all(cmp(*digits) == (i % 2) * 2 - 1
                    for i, digits
                    in enumerate(zip(min(`n`,`n`[1:]), 

After minification:

a=lambda b:b>9and all(cmp(*c)==d%2*2-1 for d,c in enumerate(zip(min(`b`,`b`[1:]),max(`b`,`b`[1:]))))


Python, 134 129 chars

def f(x):d=[cmp(*i)for i in zip(`x`,`x`[1:])]if x>9 else[0];n=d[0]>0;return all(i<0 for i in d[n::2])&all(i>0 for i in d[n<1::2])


def f(x):
    if x>9:
        d = [cmp(*i)for i in zip(`x`,`x`[1:])] #difference of x[i] and x[i+1]
        d = [0]       #trick to return False if x<10 using less chars
    n = d[0]>0        #First digit is -1 or 1?
    neg = d[n::2]     #negative numbers if x is Undulant
    pos = d[not n::2] #positive numbers if x is Undulant

    #check if all negs are -1 and all pos are 1 and return value
    return all(i<0 for i in neg) and all(i>0 for i in pos)


JavaScript, 88 chars

function _(i){i+='';c=i[0];f=i[a=x=1];for(g=f<c;d=i[x++];c=d)g^=a&=g?d<c:d>c;return!f^a}

In essence, turn the number into a string and compare adjacent characters, flipping the expectation for each.

In JavaScript, a function doesn't need a name and the question asks explicitly for a function, so you can save two characters.


K, 41 bytes

{(x>9)&~max(=). 1_'-':'1_'(<':;>':)@\:$x}


{(x>9)&~max(=). 1_'-':'1_'(<':;>':)@\:$x}1212130659


CoffeeScript, 98 67 53 bytes

(n)->0!in((n[i]>=c^(n[0]<n[1])+i)%2for c,i in n[1..])


    '01010101' # true
    '12345'    # false
    '1010101'  # true
    '887685'   # false
    '9120734'  # true
    '090909'   # true


undulant = (n) ->
    direction = n[0] < n[1]
    return n.split('').every (cur, i) ->
        prev = arr[i-1] or 10 * direction
        +(prev >= cur) is (direction+i)%2


J, 44 39 36 31 bytes

*/2(0<#@],0>*/\)*2-/\".;' ',.":

Usage as before.

I hadn't noticed that my last edit made the inequality with 0 check completely unnecessary. :-)

Previous answer (+ explanation):

(0=+/2=/\u)*(1<#u)**/2~:/\2<:/\u=.".;' ',.":


    (0=+/2=/\u)*(1<#u)**/2~:/\2<:/\u=.".;' ',.":461902

The answer has four parts:

  1. u=.".;' ',.": This reads in the number as a string ":, splits it into a list of characters preceded by spaces ' ',., stitches it back together ;, converts it back to numbers ". and then stores the result u=. This basically turns 461902 into 4 6 1 9 0 2 which I find easier to process in J.

  2. */2~:/\2<:/\ This operates on the value stored in u. It takes each pair of characters and checks if the left one is less than or equal to the right one 2<:/\ so 4 6 1 9 0 2 becomes 1 0 1 0 1. It then takes the result of this and checks each pair of numbers for inequality 2~:/\ so 1 0 1 0 1 becomes 1 1 1 1. Finally it multiplies them all together to get either a 0 or a 1 */ At this point we could return the answer if it weren't for 2 things: a single digit returns 1 when the question requires a 0; and equal numbers are treated the same as 'less than' so 461900 returns 1 instead of 0. Bummer. On we go...

  3. (1<#u) This checks if the number of items stored in u #u is greater than 1 and returns false if it's just a single digit number.

  4. (0=+/2=/\u) This takes each pair of numbers stored in u and checks for equality 2=/\u. It then sums the answers and checks if it has 0.

The results of parts 2, 3 and 4 are then multiplied together to (hopefully) produce a 1 when the number meets the requirements specified in the question.

Nice job re-taking the lead, but I just borrowed a trick from yours!

(That being said, I think you could take my a.i.": to shave a few more characters off.)

Unfortunately, I'm probably going to have to put that inequality check back in - my answer fails now for 11, 22, 33, 44 etc.


Haskell, 82 bytes

l!n=n>9&&and(zipWith3($)l(show n)$tail$show n)
u n=c!n||((>):c)!n

Try it online!

I count only 83 characters in this solution. (Are you on Windows, perhaps? Write the file with unix line endings, which is legal Haskell.)

Thanks, I was using 'wc' to count my characters on Cygwin. I count 82 characters. I used the following code, as wc seems to be outputting an extra character. (Vim doesn't show a trailing newline, but notepad does...) readFile "Undulant.hs" >>= print . length . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse . filter (/= '\r')
Thomas Eding

c=cycle[(<),(>)] can be shortened to c=(<):(>):c.

zipWith3($)l(show n)$tail$show n can be zipWith3($)l=<<tail$show n and ((>):c) can be tail c. All together 70 bytes: Try it online!


Python, 119 108 bytes

def u(x):l=[cmp(i,j)for i,j in zip(`x`,`x`[1:])];print x>9and all([i*j<0 for i,j in zip(l,l[1:])])and l!=[0]

Nice use of xor. You can cut quite a few characters out with ... for a,b in zip(t,t[1:]) rather than using ranges. Also, you don't need the brackets in all([...]) -- Python makes a generator when it finds (... for ...), even if the parentheses are for a function call.

Thank you very much for your advice! They have been very valuable! -20 chars

Very nice solution. Few more characters x>9 and all(i^j for i,j in zip(l,l[1:])) and remove if l else False.

It is not working in all cases. Two cases are problematic: only 2 digits (e.g. 11), and last 2 digits are same and larger than one before (e.g. 12155). First problem is since there is no testing if x<100. Second is because 'one way comparison'. It can be fix with cmp(i,j) and instead i^j set i*j<0, and testing and l[0]!=0. Few more characters :-/

Hmmm... print saves one character over return, but is it legitimate? The spec does ask for a function that "returns".


Python, 155 chars

g=lambda a,b:all(x>y for x,y in zip(a,b))
u=lambda D:g(D[::2],D[1::2])&g(D[2::2],D[1::2])
def U(n):D=map(int,str(n));return(n>9)&(u(D)|u([-d for d in D]))


C++, 94 chars

bool u(int N){int K,P,Q,U=1,D=1;while(N>9)P=N%10,Q=(N/=10)%10,K=D,D=U&Q<P,U=K&Q>P;return U^D;}

same method as my Erlang awnser with a for loop rather than recursion.


Python 105 101 100 chars

c=lambda r,t:len(r)<2 or(cmp(*r[:2])==t and c(r[1:],-t))
u=lambda x:x>9and c(`x`,cmp(*`x`[:2])or 1)

Recursive solution. c(r,t) checks if first char of r is less (t==-1) or greater (t==1) of second char, and call opposite check on shortened string.

Nice. You can save a character in the first line by removing 0, and you can save three characters on the second line by writing u=lambda x:x>9 and c(`x`,cmp(*`x`[:2])or 1)

Tnx. I didn't like any() from the beginning :-)

You can save one more by writing x>9and.


Perl/re, 139 bytes

Doing everything in regex is kind of a bad idea.

/^(?:(.)(?{local$a=$1}))?(?:(?>((.)(?(?{$a lt$3})(?{local$a=$3})|(?!)))((.)(?(?{$a gt$5})(?{local$a=$5})|(?!))))*(?2)?)(?(?{pos>1})|(?!))$/

I'm using Perl 5.12 but I think this will work on Perl 5.10. Pretty sure 5.8 is out though.

for (qw(461902 708143 1010101 123 5)) {
    print "$_ is " . (/crazy regex goes here/ ? '' : 'not ') . "undulant\n";

461902 is undulant
708143 is undulant
1010101 is undulant
123 is not undulant
5 is not undulant


GolfScript, 48 bytes


Hoping to beat J, my first time using GolfScript. Didn't quite succeed.


JavaScript, 66 65 62 60 bytes

Takes input as a string, returns true for undulant numbers, an empty string (falsey) for single digit numbers and false otherwise.


Try it

Run the Snippet below to test 0-9 and 25 random numbers <10,000,000.

tests=new Set([...Array(10).keys()])
o.innerText=[...tests].map(x=>(x=x+``).padStart(7)+` = `+JSON.stringify(f(x))).join`\n`
<pre id=o></pre>


A few fun little tricks in this one so I think it warrants a rare explanation to a JS solution from me.


We start, simply, with an anonymous function which takes the integer string as an argument when called.


That argument is immediately destructured into 2 parameters: s being the first character in the string and a being an array containing the remaining characters (e.g. "461902" becomes s="4" and a=["6","1","9","0","2"]).


First, we concatenate a with itself, which casts both occurrences to strings. If the input is a single digit number then a will be empty and, therefore, become and empty string; an empty string plus an empty string is still an empty string and, because that's falsey in JS, we stop processing at the logical AND and output our empty string. In all other cases a+a will be truthy and so we continue on to the next part of the function.


We'll be checking if every element x in a returns true when passed through a function.


This determines what our first comparison will be (< or >) and then we'll alternate from there. We check if the string s is less than the array a, which gets cast to a string in the process so, if s is less than the first character in a, y will be true or false if it's not.


We build a string with the current value of s at the beginning and x at the end. In between, we index into the string "<>" by incrementing y, casting its initial boolean value to an integer, and modulo by 2, giving us 0 or 1.


Eval that string.


Finally, we pass a second argument to eval, which it ignores, and use it to set the value of s to the current value of x for the next iteration.


PowerShell, 88

Naïve and trivial. I will golf later.

filter u{-join([char[]]"$_"|%{if($n){[Math]::Sign($n-$_)+1}$n=$_})-notmatch'1|22|00|^$'}

My test cases.


JavaScript, 112

function(n,d,l,c,f){while(l=n%10,n=n/10|0)d=n%10,c?c>0?d>=l?(f=0):(c=-c):d<=l?(f=0):(c=-c):(c=d-l,f=1);return f}

You only need to pass it one argument. I could probably golf this further with a for loop.

(d>=l -> d>0) and (d<=l -> d<2) perhaps? I'm not looking closely, as perhaps d might contain fractional parts that might skew it.
Thomas Eding

@trinithis: That's a lowercase L, not a 1. Thanks though!

Where's DejaVu Sans Mono or Bitstream Vera Sans Mono when you need it? Perhaps I need to customize stackoverflow with some custom css or a user script...
Thomas Eding

@trinithis: I agree, the font choice isn't that great. Bolding doesn't stand out enough...


Erlang, 137 123 118 chars

u(N)->Q=N div 10,u(Q,N rem 10,Q>0,Q>0). u(0,_,D,U)->D or U;u(N,P,D,U)->Q=N rem 10,u(N div 10,Q,U and(Q<P),D and(Q>P)).

Won't this return True so long as there has been at least one up and one down transition anywhere? Won't it return True for, say 1234321?

@ MtnViewMark, yeah it did thanks, I misunderstood the question fixed now hopefully.
Scott Logan


CJam, 30 bytes

CJam is newer than this challenge, so this does not compete for the green checkmark, but it's not a winner anyway (although I'm sure this can actually be golfed quite a bit).


Test it here.

How it works

Firstly, I'm doing some string manipulation (followed by eval) to save 5 bytes on duplicate code:

"..."        "Push this string.":
     _       "Duplicate.";
      8'*t   "Replace the 8th character (the -) with *.";
          +~ "Concatenate the strings and evaluate.";

So in effect my code is


First, here is how I deal with the weird special case of a single digit. I copy the digit at index 1 and prepend it to the number. We need to distinguish 3 cases:

  • The first two digits are different, like 12..., then we get 212..., so the start is undulant, and won't affect whether the entire number is undulant.
  • The first two digits are the same, like 11..., then we get 111.... Now the start is not undulant, but the number wasn't undulant anyway, so this won't affect the result either.
  • If the number only has one digit, the digit at index 1 will be the first digit (because CJam's array indexing loops around the end), so this results in two identical digits, and the number is not undulant.

Now looking at the code in detail:

l                                   "Read input.";
 _1=\+                              "Prepend second digit.";
      {_@-\}*                       "This fold gets the differences of consecutive elments.";
             ;]                     "Drop the final element and collect in an aray.";
               _1=\+                "Prepend second element.";
                    {_@*\}*         "This fold gets the products of consecutive elments.";
                           ;]       "Drop the final element and collect in an aray.";
                             {W>},  "Filter out non-negative numbers.";
                                  ! "Logical not.";

I'm sure there is a shorter way to actually check digits (of length greater 1) for whether they are undulant (in particular, without using two folds), but I couldn't find it yet.


Prolog 87 bytes

u(X) :- number_codes(X,C),f(C).
f([A,B,C|L]) :- (A<B,B>C;A>B,B<C),f([B,C|L]).

To run it, just save it as golf.pl, open a prolog interpreter (e.g. gprolog) in the same directory then do:


It will give true if the number is undulant, otherwise just no.


Mathematica, 46 bytes


Examples (spaces are not required):

# != Sort@# && # != Reverse@Sort@# &[IntegerDigits@5]
# != Sort@# && # != Reverse@Sort@# &[IntegerDigits@123]
# != Sort@# && # != Reverse@Sort@# &[IntegerDigits@132]
# != Sort@# && # != Reverse@Sort@# &[IntegerDigits@321]

(*  out *)
False  False  True  False


Scala, 141 133 129 97 bytes

def u(n:Int):Boolean=n>9&&{
val a=n%10
val b=(n/10)%10

With a = n % 10, b = (n/10) % 10, c = (n/100) % 10

if a > b and b < c or 
   a < b and b > c

Then a-b * b-c is either x*-y or -x*y with x and y as positive numbers, and the product is in both cases negative, but for -x*-y or x*y (a < b < c or a > b > c) the product is always positive.

The rest of the code is handling special cases: one digit, two digits, two identical digits.


Perl, 78 bytes

sub u{@_=split//,$_=shift;s/.(?=.)/($&cmp$_[$+[0]])+1/ge;chop;$#_&&!/00|1|22/}


Q, 71 bytes

{$[x>9;any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':){"I"$x}each -3!x;0b]}

Sample usage:

q){$[x>9;any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':){"I"$x}each -3!x;0b]} 5
q){$[x>9;any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':){"I"$x}each -3!x;0b]} 10101
q){$[x>9;any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':){"I"$x}each -3!x;0b]} 01010
q){$[x>9;any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':){"I"$x}each -3!x;0b]} 134679
q){$[x>9;any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':){"I"$x}each -3!x;0b]} 123456
q){$[x>9;any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':){"I"$x}each -3!x;0b]} 132436

You can logic away the if {(x>9)&any all a=#[;(1 -1;-1 1)](#)a:1_signum(-':)("I"$')($)x} gives 62

Never seen ($) syntax for string before and the logic is a nice touch.


Julia 0.6, 62 bytes


Takes in a number, returns true for Undulant, and false for not. Eg f(163) returns true.

f(x,                        )                                   # function definition
    a=sign.(diff(digits(x)))                                    # default 2nd argument is array of differences of signs of digits
                              x>9&&                             # short circuiting and to catch cases under 10
                                   -a*a[1]                      # make the first element of a always -1
                                          ==(-1).^(1:endof(a))  # check that a is an array of alternating -1 and 1 of correct length

Try it online!

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