도시의 게임



게임은 다른 도시와 작은 세계에서 이루어집니다. 도시의 통치자들은 서로를 미워하고 세계를 통치하고 싶습니다. 사람들은 전사와 저조한 두 그룹으로 나뉩니다. 그러나 저소득층은 전사에게 양육할 수 있습니다. 당신은이 세 도시의 통치자입니다.

게임 플레이

게임이 시작되면 세 도시를 다스립니다. 각 도시에는 100 명이 있습니다. 그것들을 기사와 저소득자로 나눠야합니다.

그런 다음 실제 게임이 시작되며 이는 턴제입니다. 차례는 다음과 같습니다 : "Produce" knights=> execute command of first town=> execute command of next town(모든 도시에 대한 반복) => try a rebellion.

  • 매 턴마다, 당신 이 속한 각 도시마다 프로그램이 시작될 입니다. 당신은 마을을 공격하거나 마을지원 하거나 단순히 기다릴 수 있습니다. 이 작업은 동시에가 아니라 순차적으로 실행됩니다.
  • 3 턴마다 2 명의 저생 아 (23 명의 저생 아 => 11 명의 기사) 당 하나의 기사를 얻습니다. 저소득자의 수는 동일하게 유지됩니다.
  • 마을 안의 기사들은 1.2의 방어 보너스를받습니다. 당신이 공격을받을 경우, 당신의 기사는 (예, 당신은이 수를 곱한 것 78 knights, 당신이해야합니다 93 knights공격시). 공격 후 여분의 기사가 제거됩니다 ( 82 knights생존하는 경우 여전히 78 knights).
  • 공격에서 각 기사는 죽기 전에 적을 죽입니다. 예를 들어 : 30 knights공격 100 knights(방어 보너스없이) => 70 기사가 생존합니다.
  • 당신은 그 안의 모든 기사를 죽여 마을을 점령 할 수 있습니다 . 모든 저소득층이 당신에게 속해 있으며 생존 한 기사들이 마을에 주둔하고 있습니다. 다음 라운드에서는 다른 모든 도시 외에도이 도시를 지배 할 수 있습니다 .
  • 마을이 점령 된 후에는 2 번의 턴 (방문이 깨 졌기 때문에)에 대한 방어 보너스가 없습니다. 세 번째 턴에는 게이트가 수리됩니다.
  • born 아들이 반역하는 것을 막기 위해서는 born 아들보다 절반 정도의 기사가 필요합니다 (마을의 23 명의 born 아는 같은 도시의 12 명의 기사가 필요합니다). 그렇지 않으면, 저소득층이 모든 기사를 죽이고 도시는 "중립적"이됩니다 (리더없이 PlayerId로 표시 -1).
  • 중립 도시는 기사를 "생산"하지만 다른 도시를 공격하거나 지원하지는 않습니다.


컨트롤러는 명령 인수를 통한 입력을 제공하며 프로그램은 stdout을 통해 출력해야합니다.

출력 (준비)
게임이 시작되기 전에 컨트롤러는 인수없이 제출을 호출합니다. 즉, 100 명 (각 도시마다)을 기사와 저소득층으로 분배해야합니다. KnightCount KnightCount KnightCount예를 들어 출력해야합니다 95 80 95.

첫 번째 라운드에서 이것은 다음과 같습니다 1;2;2;0_0_100_0;1_1_50_50;2_2_80_20. 여기, 당신은 그것이 첫 번째 라운드 인 것을 보았습니다. 당신은 2 번 타운의 2 번 선수입니다. 80 명의 기사와 20 명의 저생자가 있습니다.

게임 후반에는 다음과 같이 될 수 있습니다 20;2;1;0_0_100_0;2_1_30_50;2_2_40_20. 당신은 여전히 ​​플레이어 2입니다 (이것은 결코 변하지 않습니다). 그러나 당신은 도시 1 (지금 당신이 통제하고있는)을 점령했습니다.

A TownId NumberOfKnights 하거나 S TownId NumberOfKnights또는 W(대기)입니다.
예 : A 2 100(100 기사의 마을 2 공격) 또는 S 3 2(2 기사의 마을 3 지원).


  • 봇은 다른 특정 봇을 이길 수 있도록 작성해서는 안됩니다.
  • 파일 쓰기가 허용됩니다. " yoursubmissionname .txt "에 쓰면 게임이 시작되기 전에 폴더가 비워집니다. 다른 외부 리소스는 허용되지 않습니다.
  • 제출 한 내용은 1 초 (도시 당)입니다.
  • 제출물을 컴파일하고 실행하는 명령을 제공하십시오.


승자는 100 라운드 이후 가장 많은 도시를 가진 사람입니다. 플레이어가 모든 도시를 점령하면 게임이 중단되고 승리합니다. 여러 플레이어가 같은 마을 수를 가지고 있다면 기사의 수와 세가의 수가 계산됩니다.

제어 장치

github에서 컨트롤러를 찾을 수 있습니다. 또한 Java로 작성된 2 개의 샘플 봇이 포함되어 있습니다. Eclipse에서 열고 컴파일 된 봇을 루트 폴더에 넣고 제어 프로그램에 클래스를 추가하십시오 (샘플 봇과 동일).


최종 결과를 위해 10 게임을 뛰었습니다. 이것은 평균입니다 :

    플레이어 타운 
 1. 해방자 37.5
 2. Sehtimianer 8.2
 3. 슈퍼 프로듀서 5.4
 4. 슬리퍼 1.4
 5. 프랑켄슈타인 1.2
 6. 버터 0.8 (더 많은 기사)
 7. TheKing 0.8 (기사 이하)
 8. 출애굽기 0.6
 9. 거북이 0.5 (더 많은 기사)
10. AttackOn3 0.5 (기사 이하)
11. 민주주의 0.3
12. 계산 실패 0.2
13. 혁명가 0.1

여기에서 샘플 게임을 읽을 수 있습니다 : github의 샘플 게임

한 도시 A가 다른 도시를 지지 할 때 B, 주어진 기사의 수는 단순히에서 A로 이전 된 B후, 소유자가 통제하는 것 B입니까?

@Zgarb Correct :)

경기를 진행하고 리더 보드를 보여 주겠습니까?
논리 기사

@CarpetPython 물론, 나는 시간이 되 자마자 게시한다

@ Manu, 나는 당신의 KOTH를 사랑한다고 말해야합니다. 이것은 내 유형의 Codegolf.SE 질문입니다. 언제 제출을 수락 할 때까지? 이제 알고리즘에 대해 생각할 것입니다. 또한 사용자 당 최대 제출 수인 다른 규칙을 추가해야한다고 생각합니다.
Mark Gabriel



Python3, 해방자

from sys import argv
from math import ceil, floor

class OppressedTown:
    def __init__(self, owner_id, id, oppressors, oppressed):
        self.owner_id = owner_id
        self.id = id
        self.oppressors = oppressors
        self.oppressed = oppressed

    def get_free_oppressors(self):
        return self.oppressors - ceil(self.oppressed / 2)

    def get_needed_liberators(self):
        return ceil(self.oppressed / 2)

class LiberatedTown:
    def __init__(self, owner_id, id, liberators, liberated):
        self.owner_id = owner_id
        self.id = id
        self.liberators = liberators
        self.liberated = liberated

    def get_free_liberators(self):
        return self.liberators - ceil(self.liberated / 2)

    def get_needed_liberators(self):
        return ceil(self.liberated / 2)

    def is_safe(self):
        return self.liberators >= self.liberated * 2

    def get_unneeded_liberators(self):
        return self.liberators - self.liberated * 2

def safe_div(a, b):
        c = a / b
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        if a == 0:
            c = 0
            c = float("inf")
    return c

def main():
    if len(argv) == 1:
        print ("100 100 100")
        decision = decide()
        print (decision)

def decide():
    def needs_urgent_support(town):
        return town.get_needed_liberators() >= town.liberators and town.liberated > 0

    def can_beat(free_liberators, town):
        return free_liberators > town.oppressors * 1.2 + town.get_needed_liberators()

    def can_damage(free_liberators, town):
        return free_liberators > town.oppressors * 0.2

    args = argv[1].split(";")
    round = int(args[0])
    me = int(args[1])
    current_id = int(args[2])
    liberated_towns = []
    oppressed_towns = []

    for i in range(3, len(args)):
        infos = list(map(int, args[i].split("_")))
        if infos[0] != me:
            oppressed_towns.append(OppressedTown(infos[0], infos[1], infos[2], infos[3]))
            liberated_towns.append(LiberatedTown(infos[0], infos[1], infos[2], infos[3]))

    current_town = [town for town in liberated_towns if town.id == current_id][0]
    free_liberators = current_town.get_free_liberators()

    total_oppressors = sum(town.liberators for town in liberated_towns)
    total_oppressors = sum(town.oppressors for town in oppressed_towns)
    total_liberated = sum(town.liberated for town in liberated_towns)
    total_oppressed = sum(town.oppressed for town in oppressed_towns)

    oppressed_towns.sort(key=lambda town: safe_div(town.oppressed, town.oppressors), reverse=True)

    most_oppressed = oppressed_towns[-1]

    if free_liberators > 0:
        for town in liberated_towns:
            if town.id != current_id and needs_urgent_support(town):
                return "S {0} {1}".format(town.id, free_liberators // 2)

        if current_town.is_safe():
            free_liberators = current_town.get_unneeded_liberators()

            if free_liberators > 0:
                for town in oppressed_towns:
                    if can_beat(free_liberators, town):
                        if total_liberated <= total_oppressed or town.owner_id != -1 or not any(town.owner_id != -1 for town in oppressed_towns):
                            return "A {0} {1}".format(town.id, free_liberators)

                for town in liberated_towns:
                    if not town.is_safe():
                        return "S {0} {1}".format(town.id, free_liberators)

                liberated_towns.sort(key=lambda town: (town.liberated, town.liberators), reverse=True)

##                if current_id == liberated_towns[0].id and total_oppressors > total_oppressors and can_damage(free_liberators, most_oppressed):
##                    return "A {0} {1}".format(most_oppressed.id, free_liberators)

                if current_id != liberated_towns[0].id:
                    return "S {0} {1}".format(liberated_towns[0].id, free_liberators)

    return "W"


이 봇의 유일한 목표는 가장 평범한 사람들을 압제의 멍에에서 자유롭게하는 것입니다.

이 리버 레이터는 전염병입니다. 강력하고 빠르며 치명적입니다. 그것은 거의 모든 시뮬레이션에서 승리했으며 심지어 중립 플레이어를 때렸습니다 ... Still Butter는 강력한 도전자입니다.

당신은 버터의 폭정에서 빵을 해방했습니다. :( 나는 버터를 좋아합니다.

댕! 해방자는 이길 수 없습니다! 비 Java 참가자를 컨트롤러에 추가하기 전에 제출하려고하는 항목이 있었지만 이제는 해당 항목이 나머지 비 -liberators처럼 이기지 못합니다! 나는 모든 것을 잃지 않도록 시도 할 또 다른 아이디어가 있습니다 ... : P + 1 도전!

잘 했어! 당신은 잘받을만한 승리였습니다!


파이썬 2, 왕

왕은 자신의 제국에서 가장 많은 수의 도시를 통치하고, 모든 초과 기사를 그의 통치하에있는 다른 도시에서 보내도록 요구합니다. 기사가 충분하면 적의 도시를 공격합니다. 그는 똑똑한 왕이 아니기 때문에 역사를 연구하지 않았거나 그의 행동의 결과를 이해하지 못했습니다.

import sys
from random import *


if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print randint(20,100), randint(50,100), randint(70,100)
    parts = sys.argv[1].split(';')
    turn, me, thistown = [int(parts.pop(0)) for i in range(3)]
    towns = [[int(v) for v in town.split('_')] for town in parts]
    enemy = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] != me]
    mytowns = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] == me]
    here = [t for t in mytowns if t[TOWN] == thistown][0]

    avgfree = sum(t[KNIGHTS]-t[SERFS]/2 for t in towns) / len(towns)
    free = here[KNIGHTS] - here[SERFS]/2
    last = mytowns[-1]
    if here == last:
        needed, target = min([(t[KNIGHTS]*1.2+t[SERFS]/2, t) for t in enemy])
        if free > needed+5:
            print 'A', target[TOWN], int(free+needed)/2 + 1
            print 'W'
        spare = max(0, free - avgfree)
        if spare:
            print 'S', last[TOWN], spare
            print 'W'

컨트롤러 나 다른 봇에서는 테스트되지 않았습니다.

+1He is not a very smart King, so has not studied history or understands the consequences of his actions.
Mark Gabriel


자바 스크립트 (노드), Empire

다른 도시를 놀라게하기 위해 강력하게 시작합니다. 도시는 다른 사람들을 사로 잡기 위해 함께 노력합니다. 저소득층이 많은 도시를 점령합니다.

/*jshint node:true*/
'use strict';

function startGame() {
  console.log('80 70 60');

function parseArgs(args) {
  var state = {
    players: [],
    towns: []
  var argArray = args.split(';');
  state.currentTurn = parseInt(argArray.splice(0, 1)[0], 10);
  var myId = argArray.splice(0, 1)[0];
  var myTownId = parseInt(argArray.splice(0, 1)[0], 10);

  for(var townIndex = 0; townIndex < argArray.length; townIndex++) {
    var townArgs = argArray[townIndex].split('_');
    var playerId = townArgs[0];
    var townId = parseInt(townArgs[1], 10);
    var player = state.players[playerId];

    if(!player) {
      player = {
        towns: []
      state.players[playerId] = player;

    var town = {
      id: townId,
      knights: parseInt(townArgs[2], 10),
      lowborns: parseInt(townArgs[3], 10),
      player: player

    state.towns[townId] = town;

  state.me = state.players[myId];
  state.currentTown = state.towns[myTownId];

  return state;

function getDefense(town) {
  return Math.floor(town.knights * 1.2) + Math.ceil(town.lowborns / 2) + 1;

function getAttackers(town) {
  return Math.max(town.knights - Math.ceil(town.lowborns / 2), 0);

function attackTown(town, strength) {
  console.log('A ' + town.id + ' ' + strength);

function supportTown(town, strength) {
  console.log('S ' + town.id + ' ' + strength);

function wait() {

function processTurn(gameState) {
  var attackers = getAttackers(gameState.currentTown);

  if(attackers > 0) {
    var totalAttackers = attackers;

    var helperIndex = (gameState.currentTown.id + 1) % gameState.towns.length;
    while(gameState.towns[helperIndex].player === gameState.me) {
      totalAttackers += getAttackers(gameState.towns[helperIndex]);
      helperIndex = (helperIndex + 1) % gameState.towns.length;

    var bestTarget;

    for(var targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < gameState.towns.length; targetIndex++) {
      var targetTown = gameState.towns[targetIndex];
      if(targetTown.player !== gameState.me) {
        var defense = getDefense(targetTown);

        if(defense < totalAttackers) {
          if(!bestTarget) {
            bestTarget = targetTown;
          else if(targetTown.lowborns > bestTarget.lowborns) {
            bestTarget = targetTown;
          else if(getDefense(bestTarget) < defense) {
            bestTarget = targetTown;

    if(bestTarget) {
      return attackTown(bestTarget, Math.min(attackers, getDefense(bestTarget)));

    var smallestTown;
    var smallestSize = gameState.currentTown.knights;

    for(var myTownIndex = 0; myTownIndex < gameState.me.towns.length; myTownIndex++) {
      var myTown = gameState.me.towns[myTownIndex];
      if(myTown.knights < smallestSize) {
        smallestTown = myTown;
        smallestSize = smallestTown.knights;

    if(smallestTown) {
      var supporters = Math.floor((smallestSize - gameState.currentTown.knights) / 2);
      supporters = Math.min(supporters, attackers);
      if(supporters > 0) {
        return supportTown(smallestTown, supporters);


if(process.argv.length <= 2) {
else {
  var gameState = parseArgs(process.argv[2]);  

실행 : 노드 제국

귀하의 제출물은 때때로 도시에있는 것보다 많은 기사를 보내므로 현재 잃습니다 ...

@Manu oops, 나는 테스트에서 상대 봇을 모두 설정할 기회가 없었기 때문에 내 테스트에서 어쨌든 결코 만난 적이 없거나 적어도 눈치 채지 못했습니다. 이 특정 버그는 지금 수정해야합니다.

그것은 여전히 ​​고정되어 있지 않습니다 ... 때로는 0 또는 음의 양의 기사로 공격합니다 ... 계산하기 때문 knights - lowborns/2이지만 30 명의 기사와 90 명의 ​​저생 아가 있다면 효과가 없습니다. getAttackers()기능을 수정하십시오 .

또한 때때로 기사를 음수로 지원합니다.

@Manu 잘 어리석은 느낌이 들었습니다. 마침내 플래그가 true로 설정된 DEBUG경우에도 컨트롤러 에서 플래그가 오류를 삼키는 원인이되는 것을 알았습니다 GAME_MESSAGES. 난 아직도 현장에 지금 특히 해방자로, 내 전략을 몇 가지 작업을 사용할 수 같은 느낌,하지만 난 내 테스트를 실행하면 최신 편집과 나는 어떤 오류가 표시되지 않습니다 DEBUG


자바, 프랑켄슈타인

리버 레이터를 파괴하는 방법을 찾으려고 노력하는 동안 작은 실수가 내 코드에 빠졌습니다. 그 코드는 경쟁을 파괴하기 시작했다. 민주주의를 추가하고 플레이어를 재정렬 한 후에는 실패하기 시작했습니다. 코드를 연구하면서 전략을 찾으려고 노력했습니다. 결과적으로 다음과 같은 코드가 작성되었습니다. 최고의 선수를 공격하고 파괴하는 경향이 있습니다. 최고의 선수가 파괴 된 후에는 나머지 플레이어가 쉽게 파괴됩니다.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Frankenstein {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;

    Town thisTown;

    int scariestPlayerId = -1;
    int scariestPlayerRecord = -1;

    private static final String LOG_FILE_NAME = "EmperorLog.txt";

    private static final String DATA_FILE_NAME = "Emperor.txt";

    public static void main(String[] args){
        try {
            if (args.length == 0) {
                System.out.println("100 100 100");
            Frankenstein frankenstein = new Frankenstein();
            String result = frankenstein.destroy(args[0].split(";"));
            if (DEBUG) {
                new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(LOG_FILE_NAME, true)).print(args[0] + "\n" + result + "\n");
        } catch (Exception e){
            if (DEBUG) {
                try {
                    e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(LOG_FILE_NAME, true)));
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {

    private void saveScariestPlayer() throws FileNotFoundException {
        PrintStream out = new PrintStream(DATA_FILE_NAME);

    private static int divide(int a, int b){
        if (a == 0){
            return 0;
        if (b == 0){
            return 1000;
        return a/b;

    private String destroy(String[] args) {

        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns) {
            if (town.isMine()) {
                if (town.isThisTown()) {
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {


        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() > 0){

            for (Town town : myTowns){
                if (town.needsHelp() && town.getFreeKnights() + thisTown.getFreeKnights() >= 0){
                    return "S " + town.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights();

            Town bestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a, b) -> divide(a.lowbornCount() * (scariestPlayerId == -1 || scariestPlayerId == a.ownerId ? a.lowbornCount() : 1), a.knightCount()) -
                    divide(b.lowbornCount() * (scariestPlayerId == -1 || scariestPlayerId == b.ownerId ? b.lowbornCount() : 1), b.knightCount())).get();

            if (bestTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer() <= thisTown.getFreeKnights()){
                return "A " + bestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights();

            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.knightCount() - a.knightCount());
            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.lowbornCount() - a.lowbornCount());
            if (!myTowns.get(0).isThisTown()){
                return "S " + myTowns.get(0).getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights();


        return "W";


    private void updateScariestPlayer() {
        Map<Integer, Integer> playerMap = new HashMap<>();
        int biggestPlayerId = -1;
        for (Town town : otherTowns){
            if (playerMap.containsKey(town.ownerId)){
                playerMap.put(town.ownerId, town.lowbornCount() + playerMap.get(town.ownerId));
            } else {
                playerMap.put(town.ownerId, town.lowbornCount());
            if (biggestPlayerId == -1 || playerMap.get(town.ownerId) > playerMap.get(biggestPlayerId)){
                biggestPlayerId = town.ownerId;
        if (scariestPlayerId == -1 || scariestPlayerRecord == -1 || !playerMap.containsKey(scariestPlayerId) || playerMap.get(biggestPlayerId) > scariestPlayerRecord){
            scariestPlayerId = biggestPlayerId;
            scariestPlayerRecord = playerMap.get(biggestPlayerId);

    private void loadScariestPlayer() {
        try {
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(DATA_FILE_NAME));
            int turn = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
            if (turn != round || turn != round + 1){
                throw new Exception();
            scariestPlayerId = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
            scariestPlayerRecord = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            scariestPlayerId = -1;
            scariestPlayerRecord = -1;

    private class Town {
        final int ownerId;
        final int id;
        final int knights;
        final int lowborns;
        boolean defenseBonus;

        Town(String string) {
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            defenseBonus = true;

        int getId() {
            return id;

        int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        boolean isMine() {
            return ownerId == playerID;

        boolean isThisTown() {
            return id == thisTownID;

        int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        int numberOfKnightsToConquer() {
            if (defenseBonus) {
                return ((knights * 6) / 5) + (lowborns / 2) + 1;
            } else {
                return knights + lowborns/2 + 1;

        int numberOfKnightsToOverthrow(){
            if (defenseBonus) {
                return (((knights * 6) / 5) - (lowborns / 2)) + 1;
            } else {
                return knights - lowborns / 2 + 1;

        boolean needsHelp() {
            return getFreeKnights() < 0;

        public boolean isNeutural() {
            return ownerId == -1;

원래 플레이어는 다음과 같습니다.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Frankenstein {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    Player me;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("100 100 100");
        new Frankenstein().destroy(args[0].split(";"));

    private static int divide(int a, int b){
        if (a == 0){
            return 0;
        if (b == 0){
            return 1000000;
        return a/b;

    private void destroy(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns) {
            if (town.isMine()) {
                if (town.isThisTown()) {
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        players.stream().filter(player -> player.id == playerID).forEach(player -> me = player);

        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() > 0){

            for (Town town : myTowns){
                if (town.needsHelp()){
                    System.out.println("S " + town.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights() / 2);

            Town richestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a, b) -> divide(a.lowbornCount(), a.knightCount()) -
                    divide(b.lowbornCount(), b.knightCount())).get();

            if (richestTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer() < thisTown.getFreeKnights()){
                System.out.println("A " + richestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights());

            otherTowns.sort((a,b) -> divide(b.lowbornCount() * b.owner.richness(), b.getFreeKnights()) -
                    divide(a.lowbornCount() * a.owner.richness(), a.getFreeKnights()));

            if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() >= otherTowns.get(0).numberOfKnightsToOverthrow() && !otherTowns.get(0).isNeutral()){
                System.out.println("A " + otherTowns.get(0).getId() + " " + otherTowns.get(0).numberOfKnightsToOverthrow());

            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.knightCount() - a.knightCount());
            myTowns.sort((a,b) -> b.lowbornCount() - a.lowbornCount());
            if (!myTowns.get(0).isThisTown()){
                System.out.println("S " + myTowns.get(0).getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights());




    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;
        private final Player owner;

        private Town(String string) {
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            for (Player player : players){
                if (player.id == ownerId){
                    owner = player;
            owner = new Player(id);//This mistake makes my player perform really good for some reason.

        private int getId() {
            return id;

        private int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        private int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        private boolean isMine() {
            return ownerId == playerID;

        private boolean isThisTown() {
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int numberOfKnightsToConquer() {
            return ((knights * 6) / 5) + (lowborns / 2) + 1;

        private int numberOfKnightsToOverthrow(){
            return (((knights * 6) / 5) - (lowborns / 2)) + 1;

        private boolean needsHelp() {
            return getFreeKnights() < 0;

        private boolean isNeutral() {
            return owner.id == -1;


    List<Player> players = new ArrayList<>();

    private class Player{

        int id;

        List<Town> towns;

        int richness = 0;

        Player(int id){
            this.id = id;
            this.towns = new ArrayList<>();

        void addTown(Town t){
            richness += t.lowbornCount();

        int richness(){
            return id == -1 ? (towns.size() > 0 ? 1 : 0) : richness;


나는 20 게임을했는데 Frankenstein이 2 번만 이겼고 리버 레이터는 17 번 이겼다고 슬프다.

@Thrax 고정 !!!!!


자바, 거북이

핵심 메소드에 대한 TheBestOne 덕분에 방금 알고리즘을 변경했습니다 (괜찮아요). 이 봇은 기본적으로 최고의 방어 도시를 업그레이드하여 가장 위험한 적의 도시와 경쟁하고 다른 도시에서 반란을 막기 위해 충분한 기사를 유지합니다.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Turtle {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("34 34 34");
        new Turtle().defend(args[0].split(";"));

    private void defend(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town bestDefendedTown = null;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (bestDefendedTown == null)
                bestDefendedTown = town;

            bestDefendedTown = bestDefendedTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? bestDefendedTown : town;

        Town dangerousEnemyTown = null;
        for (Town town : otherTowns) {
            if (dangerousEnemyTown == null)
                dangerousEnemyTown = town;

            dangerousEnemyTown = dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? dangerousEnemyTown : town;

        int missingKnights = dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() - bestDefendedTown.knightCount() > 0 ? dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() - bestDefendedTown.knightCount() : 0;
        int reinforcements = thisTown.getFreeKnights() - (missingKnights + 1) > 0 ? thisTown.getFreeKnights() - (missingKnights + 1) : thisTown.getFreeKnights(); 

        if (reinforcements > 0) {
            System.out.println("S " + bestDefendedTown.getId() + " " + reinforcements);
        } else {

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

엮다: javac Turtle.java

운영: java Turtle

나는 당신이 의미 생각 dangerousEnemyTown = dangerousEnemyTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? dangerousEnemyTown : town;하지dangerousEnemyTown = bestDefendedTown.knightCount() >= town.knightCount() ? bestDefendedTown : town;

@TheBestOne 지적 해 주셔서 감사합니다! 내 게시물을 업데이트합니다.

또한 거북이가 매 턴을 기다리게하는 NPE를 수정했습니다. 실제로,이 작은 거북이는 지금까지 침목이었습니다.


자바 8, 정치인

진정한 정치인처럼 행동합니다. 너무 나쁜 크래셔는 여전히 그를 학살합니다.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Politician {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("34 34 34");
        new Politician().bribe(args[0].split(";"));

    private void bribe(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town biggestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.knights - b.knights).get();

        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() <= 0){//Out of knights.
            System.out.println("W");//Waiting for taxes so can hire more knights.

        System.out.println("S " + biggestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getFreeKnights());

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;


엮다: javac Politician.java

운영: java Politician

뇌물 수수는 +1이지만 너무 일반적인 lie방법 을 놓친 것 같습니다


자바 8, 버터

가능한 한 고르게 퍼집니다. 도시가 충분히 작은 경우 도시를 질식시킵니다.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Butter {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("34 34 34");
        new Butter().spread(args[0].split(";"));

    private void spread(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town mySmallestTown = myTowns.stream().min((a, b) -> a.getFreeKnights() - b.getFreeKnights()).get();

        Town smallestEnemyTown = otherTowns.stream().min((a,b) -> a.knights - b.knights).get();

        if ((thisTown.getFreeKnights() - mySmallestTown.getFreeKnights())/2 > 0) {
            System.out.println("S " + mySmallestTown.getId() + " " + (thisTown.getFreeKnights() - mySmallestTown.getFreeKnights()) / 2);
        } else if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() / 2 > smallestEnemyTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer()){
            System.out.println("A " + smallestEnemyTown.getId() + " " + smallestEnemyTown.numberOfKnightsToConquer());
        } else {

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        private Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        private int getId() {
            return id;

        private int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        private int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        private int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        private boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        private boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int numberOfKnightsToConquer(){
            return ((knights * 6) / 5) + (lowborns / 2) + 1;


엮다: javac Butter.java

운영: java Butter


자바, 혁명가

마지막은 여전히 ​​TheBestOne 핵심 방법을 기반으로합니다. 이 봇은 모든 도시에서 반란을 불러 일으키려고 시도합니다. 중립 플레이어는 태어나지 않은 인구에 비해 특정 양의 기사를 죽임으로써 공격적이지 않기 때문입니다. 물론 중립 플레이어를 공격하지 않습니다.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Revolutionist {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("80 80 80");
        new Revolutionist().inciteRebellion(args[0].split(";"));

    private void inciteRebellion(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        Town onEdgeTown = null;
        int edgeCounter = 100;
        for (Town town : otherTowns) {
            if (onEdgeTown == null)
                onEdgeTown = town;

            if (town.getFreeKnights() >= 0 && town.getFreeKnights() <= edgeCounter && town.getOwner() >= 0) {
                onEdgeTown = town;
                edgeCounter = town.getFreeKnights();

        int minimumRequiredKnights = (int) ((onEdgeTown.knightCount() * 1.2 - onEdgeTown.getMinimumKnights() + 2) * 1.2) ;

        if (thisTown.getFreeKnights() > minimumRequiredKnights && onEdgeTown.getOwner() >= 0)
            System.out.println("A " + onEdgeTown.getId() + " " + minimumRequiredKnights);


    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int getMinimumKnights() {
            return lowborns / 2 + 1;

엮다: javac Revolutionist.java

운영: java Revolutionist


자바, Sehtimianer

TheBestOne에 다시 한번 감사드립니다. 저는 그의 핵심 방법도 복사했습니다. ) 이번이 KingOfTheHill-CodeGame을 처음 시작한 것이므로 모든 것이 제대로 되었기를 바랍니다. 나는 자랑스럽게 Sehtimianers를 제시합니다 : D

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class Sehtimianer {

private static final String FILENAME = "Sehtimianer.txt";
private static final int AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER = 80;

int round;
int playerID;
int thisTownID;

List<Town> towns = new ArrayList<Town>();
List<Town> myTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
List<Town> playerTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
List<Town> neutralTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
Map<Integer, Integer> townToPlayerMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
boolean isAllowedToWriteMapping = true;

Town thisTown;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length == 0) {
        // new File(FILENAME).delete();
        System.out.println("100 100 100");
    new Sehtimianer().decide(args[0].split(";"));

private void decide(String[] args) {
    // final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);

    for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++) {
        towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

    for (Town town : towns) {
        if (town.isMine()) {
            if (town.isThisTown()) {
                thisTown = town;
        } else {
            if (town.getOwner() == -1) {
            } else {

    if (new File(FILENAME).exists()) {
        try {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(FILENAME));
            String inputLine;
            String[] ids;
            while ((inputLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                ids = inputLine.split(";");
                if (ids.length == 1) {
                    Integer writingTownID = Integer.valueOf(ids[0]);
                    boolean townIsLost = true;
                    for (Town town : myTowns) {
                        if (town.getId() == writingTownID) {
                            townIsLost = false;
                    isAllowedToWriteMapping = townIsLost || thisTownID == writingTownID;
                townToPlayerMapping.put(Integer.valueOf(ids[0]), Integer.valueOf(ids[1]));

            for (Town town : towns) {
                if (!townToPlayerMapping.get(town.getId()).equals(town.getOwner())) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Dont worry : )

    if (round == 1) {
        int maxKnights = 0;
        int maxKnightTownID = thisTownID;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (town == thisTown) {
            if (town.knightCount() > maxKnights) {
                maxKnights = town.knightCount();
                maxKnightTownID = town.getId();
        if (maxKnightTownID != thisTownID) {
            System.out.println("S " + maxKnightTownID + " " + thisTown.knightCount());
    } else if (round % 3 == 2) {
        int myKnightIncome = 0;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            myKnightIncome += town.lowbornCount() / 2;

        Map<Integer, Integer> playerKnightIncomeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        Map<Integer, Integer> playerTownCountMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        List<Integer> nextRoundKnights = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Map<Integer, Town> nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Town>();

        for (Town town : playerTowns) {
            fillDescisionMaps(town, nextRoundKnights, nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping, playerKnightIncomeMap, playerTownCountMap);
        for (Town town : neutralTowns) {
            fillDescisionMaps(town, nextRoundKnights, nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping, playerKnightIncomeMap, playerTownCountMap);

        Integer maxEnemyKnightIncome = 0;
        for (Integer knightIncome : playerKnightIncomeMap.values()) {
            if (knightIncome > maxEnemyKnightIncome) {
                maxEnemyKnightIncome = knightIncome;
        Integer maxEnemyTownCount = 0;
        for (Integer townCount : playerTownCountMap.values()) {
            if (townCount > maxEnemyTownCount) {
                maxEnemyTownCount = townCount;

        if (maxEnemyKnightIncome > myKnightIncome || (round > AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER && maxEnemyTownCount >= myTowns.size())) {
            int possibleHighest = 0;
            Town enemyTown;
            int enemyTownUpkeep;
            for (int i = nextRoundKnights.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                possibleHighest = nextRoundKnights.get(i);
                enemyTown = nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping.get(possibleHighest);
                enemyTownUpkeep = enemyTown.lowbornCount() / 2;
                if (enemyTownUpkeep > (possibleHighest - enemyTownUpkeep)) { // Substract the calculated Income for the next Turn
                    // Town will be lost because of revolution after captured -> Bad target
                    possibleHighest = 0;
                if (round > AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER || enemyTown.lowbornCount() > 0) {
            if (possibleHighest > 0) {
                Town attackedTown = nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping.get(possibleHighest);
                System.out.println("A " + attackedTown.getId() + " " + calcHowMuchKnightsShouldAttack(attackedTown, possibleHighest));

    if (isAllowedToWriteMapping) {
        try {
            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(FILENAME));
            writer.write(thisTownID + "\n");
            for (Town town : towns) {
                writer.write(town.getId() + ";" + town.getOwner() + "\n");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Dont worry : )


    // long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    // if (duration > 1000) {
    // throw new RuntimeException();
    // }

private void fillDescisionMaps(Town town, List<Integer> nextRoundKnights, Map<Integer, Town> nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping, Map<Integer, Integer> playerKnightIncomeMap,
        Map<Integer, Integer> playerTownCountMap) {
    int calculatedKnights = calcKnightsInNextRound(town);
    nextRoundKnightsToTownMapping.put(calculatedKnights, town);

    Integer enemyKnightIncome = playerKnightIncomeMap.get(town.getOwner());
    if (enemyKnightIncome == null) {
        enemyKnightIncome = town.lowbornCount() / 2;
    } else {
        enemyKnightIncome = enemyKnightIncome + (town.lowbornCount() / 2);
    playerKnightIncomeMap.put(town.getOwner(), enemyKnightIncome);

    Integer enemyTownCount = playerTownCountMap.get(town.getOwner());
    if (enemyTownCount == null) {
        enemyTownCount = Integer.valueOf(1);
    } else {
        enemyTownCount = enemyTownCount + 1;
    playerTownCountMap.put(town.getOwner(), enemyTownCount);

private int calcKnightsInNextRound(Town enemyTown) {
    int knights = (int) ((double) enemyTown.knightCount() * (enemyTown.isDefenseBonus() ? 1.2 : 1));
    knights = thisTown.getFreeKnights() - knights;
    if (knights > 0) {
        knights += enemyTown.lowbornCount() / 2;
    } else {
        knights = 0;
    return knights;

private int calcHowMuchKnightsShouldAttack(Town enemyTown, int possibleHighest) {
    if (round < AGGRESSIVE_ROUND_BORDER && thisTown.lowbornCount() == 0) {
        return thisTown.knightCount();

    int spareKnights = possibleHighest - enemyTown.lowbornCount(); // Correct -> div 2 and mul 2
    int minShouldSend = thisTown.getFreeKnights() - (spareKnights / 2);

    return Math.max(minShouldSend, thisTown.knightCount() / 2);

private class Town {
    private final int ownerId;
    private final int id;
    private final int knights;
    private final int lowborns;
    private boolean defenseBonus;

    public Town(String string) {
        String[] args = string.split("_");
        ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
        defenseBonus = true;

    public boolean isDefenseBonus() {
        return defenseBonus;

    public void setDefenseBonus(boolean defenseBonus) {
        this.defenseBonus = defenseBonus;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public int getOwner() {
        return ownerId;

    public int knightCount() {
        return knights;

    public int lowbornCount() {
        return lowborns;

    public boolean isMine() {
        return ownerId == playerID;

    public boolean isThisTown() {
        return id == thisTownID;

    private int getFreeKnights() {
        return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

Sehtimianers는 게임 전체에서 우월 해 지려고 노력하고 있습니다. 내 봇이 너무 나쁘지 않기를 바랍니다. :)


자바, 출애굽기

TheBestOne 핵심 방법을 기반으로 다시 한 번. 이 봇은 소유자와 무관하게 특정 수준의 기사 인구에 도달하면 마을에서 마을로 이동하여 전 세계를 전환 할 때까지이 과정을 반복합니다.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Exodus {

    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            System.out.println("100 100 100");
        new Exodus().migrate(args[0].split(";"));

    private void migrate(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

       if (thisTown.knightCount() >= 100) {
           int nextTownId = thisTown.getId() + 1 > towns.size() - 1 ? 0 : thisTown.getId() + 1;
           Town nextTown = towns.get(nextTownId);
          if (nextTown.isMine()){
              System.out.println("S " + nextTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.knightCount()) ;
          } else {
              System.out.println("A " + nextTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.knightCount()) ;
       } else {
           System.out.println("W") ;

    private class Town {
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int knightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int lowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

엮다: javac Exodus.java

운영: java Exodus


파이썬 2, 민주주의

이 왕은 왕이 아닙니다. 현대적인 것입니다. 그것은 사람들의 왕입니다 . 민주주의입니다. 느리고 비효율적이며 무언가를 할 때 잘못됩니다.

import sys
from math import sqrt, ceil

class Town:
    def __init__(self, owner, ID, military, civilian):
    def canBeat(self, other):
        otherPower    = int(ceil(other.mil*1.2))
        otherMinPower = int(ceil(other.freeK*1.2))
        selfPower     = self.freeK
        if selfPower<otherMinPower:
            return 0
        elif selfPower<otherPower or (selfPower-otherPower)*2-1<other.civ:
            return 1
            return 2
    def canMove(self, other):
        otherPower    = int(ceil(other.mil*1.2))
        otherMinPower = int(ceil(other.freeK*1.2))
        if otherPower<self.mil:
            return 2
        elif otherMinPower<=self.mil:
            return 1
            return 0

    def canDefend(self, other):
        return self.freeK>other.mil

def attack_weak():

    for town in EnemyTowns:
        if curr.canMove(town)==2:
            print "A", town.id, curr.mil
    for town in EnemyTowns:
        if curr.canMove(town)==1:
            print "A", town.id, curr.mil

    for et in EnemyTowns:
        if et.mil<target.mil and et.id!=-1:
    print "A", target.id, curr.mil-1

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 96, 96, 96
    Round, PlayerId, TownId, Towns = sys.argv[1].split(";", 3)
    Towns=[[int(i) for i in town.split("_")] for town in Towns.split(";")]
    Towns=[Town(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]) for i in Towns]
    MyTowns=[t for t in Towns if t.isEnemy==False]
    EnemyTowns=[t for t in Towns if t.isEnemy]
    GameStateEnd = [t for t in EnemyTowns if t.id!=-1]==[]
    curr=[town for town in MyTowns if town.isCurrent][0]

    support=[town for town in MyTowns if town.freeK<1]
    if support!=[]:
        for town in support:
            if town.id==curr.id:
                if town.civ<5:
                elif town.freeK<-10:
                    print "W"
        for town in support:
            if abs(town.freeK-2)<curr.freeK-2:
                print "S", town.id, abs(town.freeK-2)
                if curr.freeK>10:
                    print "S", town.id, int(abs(town.freeK-2)*0.2)
    if GameStateEnd:
        selection.sort(key=(lambda x: (x.mil-x.civ) if x.civ>3 else x.mil/4))
        for s in selection:
            if curr.canBeat(s)==2 and s.civ>s.mil/2:
                if curr.mil>NF:
                    print "A", s.id, NF+(curr.mil-NF)/3
    if curr.freeK>10:
        MyTowns.sort(key=lambda x: x.mil)
        print "S", MyTowns[-1].id, (curr.freeK-5)/5*3
    print "W"

를 실행하십시오 python2 democracy.py. 민주주의 에는 Python 2 가 필요합니다 .

편집 : 도시 개체 인쇄 관련 버그 수정

이것은 때때로 출력 <__main__.Town합니다.

그것을 고쳐야한다…
Hannes Karppila


C ++ 11, 계산 실패

내가 알고있는 작은 Java로 몇 가지를 시도하고 내가 원하는 것을 달성 할 수 없었 으면 C ++로 다시 작성하고 파일 처리를 추가하기로 결정했습니다. 문제는 내 C ++이 상당히 녹슬고 훨씬 나아지지 않았기 때문에 일부 부품이 함께 엉켜서 Google의 첫 번째 솔루션이므로 실제로 품질 코드는 아닙니다 ...

아직도, 나는 적어도 그렇게 많이 빨리 지 않는 최소한의 작업 결과를 얻을 수 있었고, 때때로 적어도 이기지 만,이 PC에서 다른 모든 제출물을 실행할 수 없기 때문에 완벽하게 테스트 할 수는 없습니다. 아마도 타겟팅을 완전히 다시 작성하여 오늘이나 내일 나중에 다른 답변으로 추가 할 것입니다.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ratio>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class Town {
    Town(int owner, int townId, int knights, int population, int roundToDefBonus);
    int getOwner();
    int getId();
    int getKnights();
    int getPopulation();

    int getFreeKnights();
    int neededConquer();
    int getKnightsStable();
    int getRoundToDef();

    bool operator< (const Town &other) const  {
        return townId < other.townId;
    int owner;
    int townId;
    int knights;
    int population;
    int roundToDefBonus;
    double defBonus;

Town::Town(int inOwner, int inTownId, int inKnights, int inPopulation, int inRoundToDefBonus) {
    owner = inOwner;
    townId = inTownId;
    knights = inKnights;
    population = inPopulation;
    roundToDefBonus = inRoundToDefBonus;
    if(roundToDefBonus > 0) {
        defBonus = 1;
        defBonus = 1.2;

int Town::getOwner() {
    return owner;
int Town::getId() {
    return townId;
int Town::getKnights() {
    return knights;
int Town::getPopulation() {
    return population;
int Town::getFreeKnights() {
    return knights - population / 2;
int Town::neededConquer() {
    return max(static_cast<int>(ceil(knights * defBonus + population / 2)), 1);
int Town::getKnightsStable() {
    return population / 2;
int Town::getRoundToDef() {
    return roundToDefBonus;

int gameRound;
int myId;
int thisTownId;
Town* thisTown;

vector <Town> myTowns;
vector <Town> enemyTowns;

vector <Town> lastTime;

string turn();
Town* bestTarget(int knights);
Town* bestSafe(int knights);
Town* biggestTarget(int knights);
Town* biggestSafe(int knights);

string out(string, int, int);
string attack(Town*);
string safe(Town*);

bool sortTowns(const Town & t1, const Town & t2);

vector <string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if(argc < 2){
        cout << "100 100 100";
        ofstream myFile;
        myFile << "0\n";
        if(argc == 2){

            string input = argv[1];
            vector <string> params = stringSplit(input, ";");

            gameRound = atoi(params.at(0).c_str());
            myId = atoi((params.at(1)).c_str());
            thisTownId = atoi(params.at(2).c_str());

            ifstream myfile("CalculatedFail.txt");
                string line;

                getline(myfile, line);
                bool newRound = false;
                if(atoi(line.c_str()) > gameRound) {
                    newRound = true;

                vector <string> oldVals;
                if(!newRound) {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(oldVals.at(0).c_str());
                        int townId = atoi(oldVals.at(1).c_str());
                        int knights = atoi(oldVals.at(2).c_str());
                        int population = atoi(oldVals.at(3).c_str());
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(oldVals.at(4).c_str());

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));
                else {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(oldVals.at(0).c_str());
                        int townId = atoi(oldVals.at(1).c_str());
                        int knights = atoi(oldVals.at(2).c_str());
                        int population = atoi(oldVals.at(3).c_str());
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(oldVals.at(4).c_str());
                        if(roundToDefBonus) {   //if round def bonus > 0, decrement because new round
                            roundToDefBonus --;

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));

                std::sort(lastTime.begin(), lastTime.end());

            if(lastTime.size() > 0) {
                vector <string> values;
                for(int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(params.at(i), "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(values.at(0).c_str());
                    int townId = atoi(values.at(1).c_str());
                    int knights = atoi(values.at(2).c_str());
                    int population = atoi(values.at(3).c_str());

                    int roundsToDef = lastTime.at(townId).getRoundToDef();
                    if(playerId != lastTime.at(townId).getOwner()) {
                        roundsToDef = 2;
                    if(playerId == myId){
                        if(thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef);
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
            else {
                vector <string> values;
                for(int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(params.at(i), "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(values.at(0).c_str());
                    int townId = atoi(values.at(1).c_str());
                    int knights = atoi(values.at(2).c_str());
                    int population = atoi(values.at(3).c_str());

                    if(playerId == myId){
                        if(thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0);
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));

            string tmp = turn();
            cout << tmp;

            ofstream writeFile("CalculatedFail.txt");
            if(writeFile.is_open()) {
                writeFile << gameRound <<"\n";

                writeFile << thisTown->getOwner() <<"_"<<thisTown->getId()<<"_"<<thisTown->getKnights()<<"_"<< thisTown->getPopulation()<<"_"<<thisTown->getRoundToDef()<<"\n";

                for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << myTowns[i].getOwner() <<"_"<<myTowns[i].getId()<<"_"<<myTowns[i].getKnights()<<"_"<< myTowns[i].getPopulation()<<"_"<<myTowns[i].getRoundToDef()<<"\n";
                for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << enemyTowns[i].getOwner() <<"_"<<enemyTowns[i].getId()<<"_"<<enemyTowns[i].getKnights()<<"_"<< enemyTowns[i].getPopulation()<<"_"<<enemyTowns[i].getRoundToDef()<<"\n";

            cout<<"error, wrong parameter";


    delete thisTown;

    return 0;

string turn() {
    Town* safeTarget;
    Town* attackTarget;
    if(thisTown->getFreeKnights() < 0) {    //evacuate
        safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getKnights());
        attackTarget = biggestTarget(thisTown->getKnights());

        if(safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr){
            if(safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
                return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            else {
                return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        Town* target = &myTowns.at(0);
        for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 1; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
            if(target->getPopulation() < myTowns[i].getPopulation())
                target = &myTowns[i];
        return out("S", target->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());


    safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getFreeKnights());
    attackTarget = bestTarget(thisTown->getFreeKnights());

    if(safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr){
        if(safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
            return safe(safeTarget);
        else {
            return attack(attackTarget);
        return safe(safeTarget);
        return attack(attackTarget);

    return "W";

Town* bestTarget(int knights) {
    Town* target = nullptr;
    double ratio = -1;
    for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if(enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if(enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() / enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() > ratio) {
                target = &enemyTowns[i];
                ratio = enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() / enemyTowns[i].neededConquer();
    return target;

Town* biggestTarget(int knights) {
    Town* target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if(enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if(enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &enemyTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

Town* biggestSafe(int knights) {
    Town* target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for(vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
        if(myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() < 0 && myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() + knights >= 0){
            if(myTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &myTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

string attack(Town* target){
    int knights;
    if(thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->neededConquer();
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("A", target->getId(), knights);
string safe(Town* target){
    int knights;
    if(thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->getFreeKnights() * -1;
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("S", target->getId(), knights);
string out(string order, int targedId, int knights) {
    stringstream tmp;
    tmp << order << " " << targedId << " " << knights;
    return tmp.str();

vector <string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter) {
    stringstream tmp(input);
    vector <string> splitted;
    string pushThis;
    while (getline(tmp, pushThis, delimeter.at(0))){

    return splitted;

로 컴파일 : g++ -std=c++11 CalculatedFail.cpp -o CalculatedFail.exe

구글은 리눅스에서 .exe 대신 CalculatedFail.out이라고 말하지만 테스트 할 수는 없다.

실행 CalculatedFail.exe

파일을 사용하여 방어 보너스를 확인하므로 게임을 여러 번 동시에 실행하면 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다 ...

많은 문제없이 제대로 작동하기를 바랍니다.

나는 리눅스에서 파일 확장자가 없을 것이라고 확신합니다.

Windows의 Java 컨트롤러에서 실행할 수 없습니다. 당신이 말한대로 컴파일했습니다. 명령 행에서 올바르게 작동합니다.

나를 바보 beeing는 한 것을 확인, 게임의 시작 부분에 텍스트 파일의 이름을 변경하는 것을 잊었다, 나는 지금 wrok해야한다고 생각

컨트롤러에 문제가 있다고 생각합니다.

흠 업데이트 된 버전을 사용해 보셨습니까? 어제 우연히 다른 파일 이름이 2 개있었습니다. attackOn3 버전은 기본적으로 이미 이겼다면 회전 오류가 거의 없지만 내 시스템의 컨트롤러에서 완벽하게 실행됩니다.


자바, 일루미나티

나는 이것을 읽고 나는 실행 가능한 전략을 결코 만들 수 없다는 것을 알았으므로 우리를 지배하거나하지 않을 수도있는 비참하게 저명한 도마뱀 사람들을 연기하기로 결정했습니다. 다른 봇들과 싸우는 대신,이 로봇은 협력을 강요하며 결국에는 그들을 버립니다. 이 봇은 실제로 영구적 인 손상을 남기지 않습니다.

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.tools.JavaCompiler;
import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.ToolProvider;

public class Illuminati
    private static final String template = 
            "import java.io.File;import java.util.Scanner;import java.io.IOException;\n" +
            "public class <<NAME>> \n" +
            "{public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {if(args.length == 0) {\n" +
            "System.out.println(\"35 35 35\");} else { File ill_data = new File(\"Illuminati.txt\");\n" + 
            "String order = new String();Scanner sc = new Scanner(ill_data);\n" +
            "while(sc.hasNextLine()){order = sc.nextLine();} sc.close(); int city = Integer.parseInt(order);" +
            "Illuminati.TurnDescriptor desc = new Illuminati.TurnDescriptor(args[0]);" +
            "int amt = desc.thistown.getFreeKnights(); System.out.println(\"S \" + city + \" \" + amt); }}}";

    private static final File datafile = new File("Illuminati.txt");

    private static final JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        if(args.length == 0)
            if(compiler != null)

                File parentdir = datafile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();
                List<File> torecompile = new ArrayList<File>();

                for(File f : parentdir.listFiles())
                        if(f.getName().endsWith(".class") && !f.getName().contains("$") && !f.getName().equals("Illuminati.class"))

                for(File f : torecompile)
                    File newfile = new File(f.getName() + ".temp");
                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newfile);
                    int val;
                    while((val = fis.read()) != -1)

                List<File> tocompile = new ArrayList<File>();

                for(File f : torecompile)
                    String classname = f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 6);
                    String code = template.replace("<<NAME>>", classname);
                    File temp = new File(classname + ".java");
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(temp);

                StandardJavaFileManager manager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null);
                compiler.getTask(null, manager, null, null, null, manager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(tocompile)).call();

                tocompile.forEach(file -> file.delete());

                System.out.println("34 34 34");
                System.out.println("85 85 85");
                TurnDescriptor descriptor = new TurnDescriptor(args[0]);
                int knights = descriptor.thistown.getFreeKnights();
                int stockpile = descriptor.towns.stream()
                .filter(town -> town.owner == descriptor.thistown.owner)
                .mapToInt(town -> town.id)
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(datafile);
                pw.println("" + stockpile);
                if(descriptor.thistown.id != stockpile)
                    System.out.println("S " + stockpile + " " + knights);
                if(descriptor.round > 80 && (descriptor.round & 1) == 1) //If the round is greater than 80 and is odd
                    if(descriptor.thistown.id == stockpile)
                        Town target = descriptor.towns.stream()
                        .filter(town -> town.owner != descriptor.playerid)

                        System.out.println("A " + target.id + " " + descriptor.thistown.getFreeKnights());
                if(descriptor.round == 99) //Resume normal AI practices
            else //Man, now we have to actually do stuff
                System.out.println("W"); //Just kidding! Suicide!

    private static void resetClassesFromCache() throws IOException
        File parentdir = datafile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();

        for(File f : parentdir.listFiles())
                if(f.getName().endsWith(".class.temp") && !f.getName().contains("$"))
                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
                    File out = new File(f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 5));
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(out, false);

                    int val;
                    while((val = fis.read()) != -1)


    public static class Town
        public final int owner;
        public final int id;
        public final int knights;
        public final int lowborns;

        public Town(String chunk)
            String[] vals = chunk.split("_");
            owner = Integer.parseInt(vals[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(vals[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(vals[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(vals[3]);

        public int getFreeKnights()
            return knights - (lowborns/2) - 1;

    public static class TurnDescriptor
        public final List<Town> towns;
        public final int round;
        public final int playerid;
        public final Town thistown;

        public TurnDescriptor(String s)
            String[] info = s.split(";");
            round = Integer.parseInt(info[0]);
            playerid = Integer.parseInt(info[1]);
            final int townid = Integer.parseInt(info[2]);

            towns = new ArrayList<Town>();
            for(int i = 3; i < info.length; i++)
                Town t = new Town(info[i]);

            thistown = towns.stream()
            .filter(town -> {return town.id == townid;})

이것은 흥미로운 답변이지만 " 다른 외부 리소스는 허용되지 않습니다 ". 따라서 귀하의 제출은 시험에서 제외되지만 어쨌든 그것을


자바, 슈퍼 프로듀서

세계에서 늦었으므로 제출에 대해 자세히 설명 할 시간이 없습니다. 나중에 어떻게 작동하는지 자세히 설명하겠습니다.

봇의 성능은 때때로 승리하는 시작 순서에 크게 의존하는 것 같습니다 ...

우승 라운드를 늘리는 데 도움이되는 아이디어가 있지만 시간이 부족합니다. : P

package moogiesoft;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IntSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class SuperProducer implements Serializable
    private static final int MAX_POSSIBLE_LOWBORNS_IN_TOWN = 50;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8652887937499233654L;
    public final String FILE = this.getClass().getSimpleName()+".txt";
    int round;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Map<Integer, Conquest> townOwnerShipMap = new HashMap<Integer, Conquest>();

    Town thisTown;
    private int targetOpponent = -1; // the id of the opponent that out towns will endevour to direct their attacks 
    private int maxOpponentTownSize; // the number of knights of the opponent town with the most knights
    private int avgOpponentTownSize; // the average number of knights in an opponent town
    private int midAvgMaxOpponentTownSize; // value 1/2 between average and max knights in an opponent town

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0){
            new SuperProducer().sendStartingKnights();
            new SuperProducer().letsDoIt(args[0].split(";"));

    private void sendStartingKnights()
        // delete any stale state information
        File file = new File(FILE);

        System.out.println("100 100 0");

    private void letsDoIt(String[] args)
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 3; i < args.length; i++)
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        // load in stored state information
        File file = new File(FILE);
        if (file.exists())
                ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                townOwnerShipMap = (Map<Integer, Conquest>) ois.readObject();
                targetOpponent  = ois.readInt();
            catch (Exception e)

        for (Town town : towns)

            // update town conquest map
            Conquest conquest = townOwnerShipMap.remove(town.getId());
            if (conquest==null)
                conquest = new Conquest(town.ownerId, -1);
            else if (town.getOwner()!=conquest.getOwner())

            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        String response = "W";

        // this town has some knights to potentially command...
        if (thisTown.getKnightCount()>0)
            // first round... consolidate into 1 super town
            if (round==1)
                int thisTownIndex=myTowns.indexOf(thisTown);
                switch (thisTownIndex)
                    case 1:
                    case 0:
                        // if we are the first town then move all knights into second town
                        if (myTowns.size()>1 && thisTown.getKnightCount()<200)
                            response = "S " + myTowns.get(thisTownIndex+1).getId() + " " + thisTown.getKnightCount();
                        // the third town does nothing!
                // second round... go find some good starting towns to conquer
                if (round==2)
                    // this town is a town able to attack
                    if (thisTown.getKnightCount()>100)
                        // If by some miracle we still own the town with no knights then re-inforce it.
                        Town superTown = myTowns.stream().filter(a->a.getKnightCount()==200).findFirst().get();
                        if (superTown!=null && superTown.getId()!=thisTown.getId())
                            response = "S " + superTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getKnightCount();
                            // find the next most productive Town...
                            Town townToAttack = otherTowns.get(0);
                            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                                if (town.getLowbornCount()>townToAttack.getLowbornCount())
                                    if (townToAttack.getOwner()!=playerID)

                            // the town to attack is most likely the own we lost due to having no knights to begin with...
                            response = "A " + townToAttack.getId() + " " + thisTown.getKnightCount();
                    // else this is a conquered town so lets not do anything!
                else if (round>97)
                    int attackForce = thisTown.getFreeKnights()/4;
                    if (thisTown.getFreeKnights()>attackForce && attackForce>0)

                        boolean goFlag=false;
                        Town townToAttack = null;
                        for (Town town : towns)
                            if (town==thisTown) goFlag=true;
                            else if (goFlag && town.getOwner()!=thisTown.getOwner())
                                if (town.getLowbornCount()==0)

                        if (townToAttack==null)
                            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                                if (town.getLowbornCount()==0)

                        if (round > 98 && townToAttack==null)
                            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                                attackForce = thisTown.getKnightCount()-town.getKnightCount()-town.getMinimumKnights()-1-thisTown.getMinimumKnights()-1;
                                if (attackForce>0)

                        if (townToAttack!=null)
                            response = "A " + townToAttack.getId() + " " + attackForce;
                            int thisTownIndex = myTowns.indexOf(thisTown);
                            int supportSize = Math.min(thisTown.getKnightCount()/4, thisTown.getFreeKnights());

                            if (supportSize>thisTown.getMinimumKnights() && thisTownIndex<myTowns.size()-1)
                                Town townToSupport = myTowns.get(thisTownIndex+1);
                                response = "S " + townToSupport.getId() + " " + (thisTown.getKnightCount()-thisTown.getKnightCount()/4);


                // we are on non-beginning non-ending round...
                    // calculate statistics
                    IntSummaryStatistics statistics = otherTowns.stream().collect(Collectors.summarizingInt(Town::getKnightCount));
                    maxOpponentTownSize = statistics.getMax();
                    avgOpponentTownSize = (int) statistics.getAverage();
                    midAvgMaxOpponentTownSize = (maxOpponentTownSize+avgOpponentTownSize)/2;

                    if ((round-1)%3==1)
                        // find the next strongest town of our target Opponent that produces knights...
                        Town townToAttack = null;
                        for (Town town : otherTowns)
                            if (town.getLowbornCount() > 0 && town.getOwner() == targetOpponent && (townToAttack == null || town.getKnightCount()>townToAttack.getKnightCount()))

                        // target opponent cannot grow so choose another opponent...
                        // favour the weakest opponent that has has some towns that produces towns..
                        // otherwise favour the weakest opponent
                        if (townToAttack==null)

                        int minKnightsToLeaveAtThisTown = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(thisTown);
                        int minKnightsToLeftAtAttackedTownAfterBattle = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(townToAttack);

                        double defenceBonus = townToAttack.hasDefenceBonus()?1.2:1;
                        double defenderAttackStrength = townToAttack.getKnightCount() * defenceBonus;
                        int knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound =  minKnightsToLeftAtAttackedTownAfterBattle + (int) (defenderAttackStrength);
                        knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound = knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound + ((knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound-defenderAttackStrength - townToAttack.getMinimumKnights() < 0) ?townToAttack.getMinimumKnights():0);
                        int knightsLeftAtSortieingTownAfterAttacking = thisTown.getKnightCount()-knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound;

                        // if the sortieing town is sufficiently safe from another attack after it attempts to attack the other town will it try to attack  
                        if (knightsLeftAtSortieingTownAfterAttacking > thisTown.getMinimumKnights()*2 &&
                            knightsLeftAtSortieingTownAfterAttacking>minKnightsToLeaveAtThisTown &&
                            response = "A " + townToAttack.getId() + " " + knightsNeededToWinAndEnsureNotAttackedNextRound;
                        // not safe... so lets support our other towns
                            int surplusKnights = thisTown.getKnightCount()-minKnightsToLeaveAtThisTown;

                            // this town has surplusKnights
                            if (surplusKnights>0)
                                int knightsAvailable = Math.min(surplusKnights, thisTown.getFreeKnights());

                                // find our weakest and strongest towns
                                Town myWeakestTown=null;
                                Town myStrongestTown=null;
                                for (Town town : myTowns)
                                    if (!(town.getKnightCount()==0 && round<50) && (myWeakestTown == null || town.getKnightCount()<myWeakestTown.getKnightCount()))
                                    if (!(town.getKnightCount()==0 && round<50) && ( myStrongestTown == null || town.getKnightCount()>myStrongestTown.getKnightCount()))

                                // see if my Weakest Town needs support
                                Town townToSupport = null;
                                int knightsToSend=0;
                                if (thisTown!=myWeakestTown)
                                    int desiredKnightsAtTown = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(myWeakestTown);

                                    if (myWeakestTown.getKnightCount()<desiredKnightsAtTown)
                                        int deltaDesiredKnights = desiredKnightsAtTown-myWeakestTown.getKnightCount();
                                        knightsToSend = Math.min(knightsAvailable, deltaDesiredKnights);

                                // no towns needed support so we will attempt to support the strongest town
                                if (townToSupport == null)
                                    if (thisTown!=myStrongestTown)
                                        int desiredKnightsAtTown = calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(myStrongestTown);
                                        if (myStrongestTown.getKnightCount()<desiredKnightsAtTown)
                                            int deltaDesiredKnights = desiredKnightsAtTown-myStrongestTown.getKnightCount();
                                            knightsToSend = Math.min(knightsAvailable, deltaDesiredKnights);

                                            knightsToSend = knightsAvailable;

                                // support the chosen town if possible
                                if (townToSupport != null)
                                    response = "S " + townToSupport.getId() + " " + knightsToSend;

        // save state information
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
        catch (Exception e)


    // returns a town of the opponent that is deemed to be the most worthy
    private final Town chooseNewOpponentToAttack()
        Town townToAttack=null;

        // calculate opponent sizes
        HashMap<Integer,Opponent> opponentMap = new HashMap<Integer, Opponent>();
        for (Town town : otherTowns)
            Opponent opponent = opponentMap.get(town.getOwner());
            if (opponent == null)
                opponent = new Opponent(town.getOwner());
                opponentMap.put(town.getOwner(), opponent);

        // create sorted list of opponents based on strength. 
        List<Integer> opponentsByStrength = new ArrayList<Integer>(opponentMap.keySet());
        opponentsByStrength.sort(new Comparator<Integer>()
            public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2)
                Opponent left = opponentMap.get(o1);
                Opponent right = opponentMap.get(o2);

                return left.getTotalKnights()-right.getTotalKnights();

        // attempt to choose the weakest opponent's weakest town that has some ability to generate knights...
        for (Integer opponent : opponentsByStrength)
            for (Town town : opponentMap.get(opponent).getTowns())
                if (town.getOwner() !=-1 && town.getLowbornCount() > 0 && (townToAttack == null || town.getKnightCount()<townToAttack.getKnightCount()))
                    break out;

        // no opponents left with knights producing towns... just go for the weakest town.
        if (townToAttack == null)
            for (Town town : otherTowns)
                if (townToAttack == null || town.getKnightCount()<townToAttack.getKnightCount())

        return townToAttack;

    // returns the number of knights that should make this town safe from attack
    final private int calculateDesiredKnightsAtTown(Town town)
        int minimumKnightsWeWantInATown = avgOpponentTownSize;
        return minimumKnightsWeWantInATown + town.getLowbornCount()==0?0:(minimumKnightsWeWantInATown +(int) (((double) town.getLowbornCount() / MAX_POSSIBLE_LOWBORNS_IN_TOWN) * (midAvgMaxOpponentTownSize-minimumKnightsWeWantInATown)));

    /** represents a conquest of a Town by a player */
    class Conquest implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1120109012356785962L;
        private int owner;
        private int conquestRound;
        public int getOwner()
            return owner;
        public void setOwner(int owner)
            this.owner = owner;
        public int getConquestRound()
            return conquestRound;
        public void setConquestRound(int conquestRound)
            this.conquestRound = conquestRound;
        public Conquest(int owner, int conquestRound)
            this.owner = owner;
            this.conquestRound = conquestRound;


    /** represents an opponent in the simulation */
     private class Opponent implements Serializable
         private int ownerId;
         private int totalKnights;
         private List<Town> towns = new ArrayList<SuperProducer.Town>();

         public void addTown(Town town)

        public int getOwnerId()
            return ownerId;

        public int getTotalKnights()
            return totalKnights;

        public List<Town> getTowns()
            return towns;

        public Opponent(int ownerId)
            this.ownerId = ownerId;

     /** represents a Town in the simulation */
     private class Town implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5011668142883502165L;
        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int knights;
        private final int lowborns;
        private boolean defenceFlag =true;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            knights = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            lowborns = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        public boolean hasDefenceBonus()
            return defenceFlag;

        public void setDefenceBonus(boolean defenceFlag)
            this.defenceFlag = defenceFlag;

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public int getOwner() {
            return ownerId;

        public int getKnightCount() {
            return knights;

        public int getLowbornCount() {
            return lowborns;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == playerID;

        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;

        private int getFreeKnights() {
            return knights - lowborns / 2 - 1;

        private int getMinimumKnights() {
            return lowborns / 2 + 1;

컴파일 : javac SuperProducer.java

실행 : java moogiesoft.SuperProducer


C ++ 11, attackOn3

코드 자체는 더 예쁘지 않았지만 이제는 타겟팅하는 다른 방법을 사용하여 나중에 코드에 주석을 추가합니다.

그것은 여전히 ​​프랑켄슈타인과 해방자에 비해 어렵고 지속적으로 이길 수는 없지만 내가 실행중인 봇에서는 괜찮은 것처럼 보입니다.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ratio>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class Town {
    Town(int owner, int townId, int knights, int population, int roundToDefBonus);

    int getOwner();

    int getId();

    int getKnights();

    int getPopulation();

    int getFreeKnights();

    int neededConquer();

    int needRevolt();

    int getRoundToDef();

    bool operator<(const Town &other) const {
        return townId < other.townId;

    int owner;
    int townId;
    int knights;
    int population;
    int roundToDefBonus;
    double defBonus;

Town::Town(int inOwner, int inTownId, int inKnights, int inPopulation, int inRoundToDefBonus) {
    owner = inOwner;
    townId = inTownId;
    knights = inKnights;
    population = inPopulation;
    roundToDefBonus = inRoundToDefBonus;
    if (roundToDefBonus > 0) {
        defBonus = 1;
    else {
        defBonus = 1.2;

int Town::getOwner() {
    return owner;

int Town::getId() {
    return townId;

int Town::getKnights() {
    return knights;

int Town::getPopulation() {
    return population;

int Town::getFreeKnights() {
    return knights - population / 2;

int Town::neededConquer() {
    return max(static_cast<int>(ceil(knights * defBonus + population / 2)), 1);

int Town::needRevolt() {
    return knights * defBonus - population / 2;

int Town::getRoundToDef() {
    return roundToDefBonus;

#define maxRounds 100
#define newKnights 3

const int attackround = newKnights - 1;
const int getEmptyTowns = maxRounds - 5;

int gameRound;
int myId;
int thisTownId;
Town *thisTown;

vector<Town> myTowns;
vector<Town> enemyTowns;

vector<Town> lastTime;

string turn();

Town *bestGainTarget(int knights);

Town *bestSafe(int knights);

Town *biggestTarget(int knights);

Town *biggestSafe(int knights);

Town *weakTarget(int knights);

string out(string, int, int);

string attack(Town *);

string safe(Town *);

bool sortTowns(const Town &t1, const Town &t2);

vector<string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter);

int getBiggestEnemyId();

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        cout << "100 100 100";
        ofstream myFile;
        myFile << "0\n";
    else {
        if (argc == 2) {

            string input = argv[1];
            vector<string> params = stringSplit(input, ";");

            gameRound = atoi(params.at(0).c_str());
            myId = atoi((params.at(1)).c_str());
            thisTownId = atoi(params.at(2).c_str());

            ifstream myfile("attackOn3.txt");
            if (myfile.is_open()) {
                string line;

                getline(myfile, line);
                bool newRound = false;
                if (atoi(line.c_str()) > gameRound) {
                    newRound = true;

                vector<string> oldVals;
                if (!newRound) {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(oldVals.at(0).c_str());
                        int townId = atoi(oldVals.at(1).c_str());
                        int knights = atoi(oldVals.at(2).c_str());
                        int population = atoi(oldVals.at(3).c_str());
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(oldVals.at(4).c_str());

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));
                else {
                    while (getline(myfile, line)) {
                        oldVals = stringSplit(line, "_");

                        int playerId = atoi(oldVals.at(0).c_str());
                        int townId = atoi(oldVals.at(1).c_str());
                        int knights = atoi(oldVals.at(2).c_str());
                        int population = atoi(oldVals.at(3).c_str());
                        int roundToDefBonus = atoi(oldVals.at(4).c_str());
                        if (roundToDefBonus) {   //if round def bonus > 0, decrement because new round

                        lastTime.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundToDefBonus));

                std::sort(lastTime.begin(), lastTime.end());

            if (lastTime.size() > 0) {
                vector<string> values;
                for (int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(params.at(i), "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(values.at(0).c_str());
                    int townId = atoi(values.at(1).c_str());
                    int knights = atoi(values.at(2).c_str());
                    int population = atoi(values.at(3).c_str());

                    int roundsToDef = lastTime.at(townId).getRoundToDef();
                    if (playerId != lastTime.at(townId).getOwner()) {
                        roundsToDef = 2;
                    if (playerId == myId) {
                        if (thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
                        else {
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef);
                    else {
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, roundsToDef));
            else {
                vector<string> values;
                for (int i = 3; i < params.size(); i++) {

                    values = stringSplit(params.at(i), "_");

                    int playerId = atoi(values.at(0).c_str());
                    int townId = atoi(values.at(1).c_str());
                    int knights = atoi(values.at(2).c_str());
                    int population = atoi(values.at(3).c_str());

                    if (playerId == myId) {
                        if (thisTownId != townId)
                            myTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));
                        else {
                            thisTown = new Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0);
                    else {
                        enemyTowns.push_back(Town(playerId, townId, knights, population, 0));

            string tmp = turn();
            cout << tmp;

            ofstream writeFile("attackOn3.txt");
            if (writeFile.is_open()) {
                writeFile << gameRound << "\n";

                writeFile << thisTown->getOwner() << "_" << thisTown->getId() << "_" << thisTown->getKnights() << "_" << thisTown->getPopulation() << "_" << thisTown->getRoundToDef() << "\n";

                for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << myTowns[i].getOwner() << "_" << myTowns[i].getId() << "_" << myTowns[i].getKnights() << "_" << myTowns[i].getPopulation() << "_" << myTowns[i].getRoundToDef() << "\n";
                for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
                    writeFile << enemyTowns[i].getOwner() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getId() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getKnights() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() << "_" << enemyTowns[i].getRoundToDef() << "\n";
        else {
            cout << "error, wrong parameter";

    delete thisTown;

    return 0;

string turn() {
    Town *safeTarget;
    Town *attackTarget;
    if (thisTown->getFreeKnights() < 0) {    //evacuate
        safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getKnights());
        attackTarget = biggestTarget(thisTown->getKnights());

        if (safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr) {
            if (safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
                return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
            else {
                return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        if (safeTarget) {
            return out("S", safeTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        if (attackTarget) {
            return out("A", attackTarget->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());
        Town *target = &myTowns.at(0);
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 1; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (target->getPopulation() < myTowns[i].getPopulation())
                target = &myTowns[i];
        return out("S", target->getId(), thisTown->getKnights());


    safeTarget = biggestSafe(thisTown->getFreeKnights());
    if (gameRound % newKnights == attackround) {      //knights only get produced every 3 town, i want to conquer the best towns just before that so i get more reinforments and dont need to fight quite that much
        attackTarget = bestGainTarget(thisTown->getFreeKnights());
    else {       //but if a town is easy to aquiere i still want it, e. g. because of revolution or someone weakened it so that it will revolte
        attackTarget = weakTarget(thisTown->getFreeKnights());

    if (safeTarget != nullptr && attackTarget != nullptr) {
        if (safeTarget->getPopulation() > attackTarget->getPopulation()) {
            return safe(safeTarget);
        else {
            return attack(attackTarget);
    if (safeTarget) {
        return safe(safeTarget);
    if (attackTarget) {
        return attack(attackTarget);

    if (gameRound > getEmptyTowns) {     //empty towns dont matter early on but still count to win score
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() < 2) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < thisTown->getFreeKnights()) {
                    return attack(&enemyTowns[i]);

    int biggestEnemy = getBiggestEnemyId();
    //if last round attack possible biggest other guy
    if (gameRound == maxRounds) {
        int targetKnights = -1;
        Town *target;
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getOwner() == biggestEnemy) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < thisTown->getFreeKnights()) {
                    if (enemyTowns[i].getFreeKnights() > targetKnights) {
                        target = &enemyTowns[i];
                        targetKnights = target->getFreeKnights();
        if (targetKnights > -1) {
    //revolt from biggest other guy
    if (gameRound > 10) {        //most bots need a bit of time
        int targetPop = 0;
        Town *target;
        for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getOwner() == biggestEnemy) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].needRevolt() < thisTown->getFreeKnights()) {
                    if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > targetPop) {
                        target = &enemyTowns[i];
                        targetPop = target->getPopulation();
        if (targetPop != 0) {
            return attack(target);

    return "W";

Town *bestGainTarget(int knights) {
    Town *target = nullptr;
    int gain = -thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    int now = -thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    //int loses = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        int conquer = enemyTowns[i].neededConquer();
        if (conquer < knights && enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > 0) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() * 2 *1.2 - conquer > gain) {
                if(enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() - conquer > now){
                    target = &enemyTowns[i];
                    now = target->getPopulation() - conquer;
                    gain = target->getPopulation() * 2 - conquer;
    return target;

Town *weakTarget(int knights) {     //maybe change it that it prefers targets with 0/40 over 24/50
    Town *target = nullptr;
    double population = 1;
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getKnights() < enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() / 2) {
                if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                    target = &enemyTowns[i];
                    population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

Town *biggestTarget(int knights) {
    Town *target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (enemyTowns[i].neededConquer() < knights) {
            if (enemyTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &enemyTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

Town *biggestSafe(int knights) {
    Town *target = nullptr;
    int population = -1;
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != myTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() < 0 && myTowns[i].getFreeKnights() + knights >= 0) {
            if (myTowns[i].getPopulation() > population) {
                target = &myTowns[i];
                population = target->getPopulation();
    return target;

int getBiggestEnemyId() {
    int players[enemyTowns.size() / 3 + 1];
    for (vector<Town>::size_type i = 0; i != enemyTowns.size(); i++) {
        if (enemyTowns[i].getOwner() != -1) {
            players[enemyTowns[i].getOwner()] = enemyTowns[i].getPopulation();
    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < enemyTowns.size() / 3 + 1; i++) {
        if (players[i] > players[max]) {
            max = i;

string attack(Town *target) {
    int knights;
    if (thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->neededConquer();
    else {
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("A", target->getId(), knights);

string safe(Town *target) {
    int knights;
    if (thisTown->getPopulation() > target->getPopulation()) {
        knights = target->getFreeKnights() * -1;
    else {
        knights = thisTown->getFreeKnights();
    return out("S", target->getId(), knights);

string out(string order, int targedId, int knights) {
    stringstream tmp;
    tmp << order << " " << targedId << " " << knights;
    return tmp.str();

vector<string> stringSplit(string input, string delimeter) {
    stringstream tmp(input);
    vector<string> splitted;
    string pushThis;
    while (getline(tmp, pushThis, delimeter.at(0))) {
    return splitted;

로 컴파일 g++ -std=c++11 attackOn3.cpp -o attackOn3.exe
하고 실행하십시오.attackOn3.exe

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