J, 41 바이트
이제 그것은 뇌 맛보기였습니다!
((,quote,')$~'"_)'((,quote,'')$~''"_)')$~ | Expression taking 1 argument
$~ | Reshape left argument to fit right, taking cyclically.
( ) | One large expression that evaluates to a string
'((,quote,'')$~''"_)' | String literal containing the code to the left of it
(,quote,'$)~'"_) | A 4-Hook:
'$)~'"_ | The string '$)~'
quote, | Appended to the quoted version of the string
, | Appended to the raw string
예 :
((,quote,')$~'"_)'((,quote,'')$~''"_)')$~ 10
((,quote,')$~'"_)'((,quote,'')$~''"_)')$~ 20
((,quote,')$~'"_)'((,quote,'')$~''"_)')$~ 30
((,quote,')$~'"_)'((,quote,'')$~''"_)')$~ 41
((,quote,')$~'"_)'((,quote,'')$~''"_)')$~ 50