영국의 케이크


나는 듣고 누군가가 자신의 생일에 매우 이기적이었다 모두에서 케이크를 요구 하고 공유 할 계획이 없었다! 🎂

오늘 누군가의 생일이 되길 바래요. 케이크를 굽지 않겠습니까? 좋아하는 프로그래밍 언어를 사용하여 맛있는 "생일 축하합니다"메시지와 함께 맛있는 케이크를 만드십시오. (저는 요리사를 추천 할 수 있습니다 !)

당신의 케이크는

  • 실제 레시피를 모방하십시오 (연결할 수 있다면 훌륭합니다!).
    • 케이크를 만들기에 적합한 개행 분리 성분 목록
    • 메소드에 대한 개행으로 구분 된 단계 목록
    • 얼마나 많은 사람들이 서비스를 제공합니까
  • 정확한 성분비에 최대한 가깝게 유지하십시오.
  • 제공 될 때 최소한 "생일 축하합니다"를 출력합니다.

가장 좋은 케이크는 다음과 같습니다.

  • 맛있는 -이것은 이기 때문에, 커뮤니티는 맛있는 것을 결정할 것입니다
  • 개인화 -특정 생일 축하 메시지를 특정 사람에게 구워보십시오. (PPGC 사용자를 찾을 수 없다면 유명인이 아닌 이유는 무엇입니까?)
  • 균형 잡힌 음식 -조리법이 준비하는 서빙 양에 적합한 수의 재료를 사용하십시오. 1000 eggs, serves 1한 번의 서빙은 아마도 조금 거대 하고 거대하고 ,

    절대적으로 거대하다!

  • Outlandish- 기본 스펀지보다 더 많이 구울 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 착빙, 이슬비, 소스 제공, 장식 등이 있습니다.
  • 시각적으로 매력적 -이미지는 소스 코드에서 ascii 또는 출력으로 좋습니다. 첫 번째 "바이트"는 결국 눈입니다.

그리고 훌륭한 빵 굽는 사람 은 모서리를 자르지 않고 일을 올바르게하는 것을 잊지 마십시오. ( 노-업 코드를 사용하여 레시피처럼 보이게 한 다음 인쇄하고 코드에 의미가 있는지 확인하십시오 ) 유권자들이 이러한 레시피를 부정적으로 보도록 권장합니다.

행복한 베이킹!

여기에 이미지 설명을 입력하십시오

이봐, 내 방어에서, 난 당신이 나에게 약간을 얻을 것이라고 생각했다!
Beta Decay

아냐 괜찮아, 농담이야;)
Beta Decay

어쩌면 그것은 또한 했어야 불공정 ?

@close voter : 모든 프로그램이 충족해야하는 3 가지 기준과 "판사"가 케이크 투표에 사용할 수있는 6 가지 기준을 나열합니다. 내가 무엇을 놓치고 있습니까?
James Webster



ECMAScript 2015, 10 인분

Don  =([_])=> alert(_.replace(/^.*(?=, )/,'Happy Birthday'))

ReadMoreAbout  =classic=  victoria  =sandwich=  on  =bbcgoodfood=      ~`

⚠  Remember that OCR technologies aren't perfect, and that scanning old,
⚠  smudgy recipes does not always go as smoothly as we'd expect or hope.
⚠  This recipe is not wonderful, but please, thoroughly enjoy making it.


try/* to do this properly! */{
  // Link to recipe:
  'Makes 10 slices'

      - 200 | grammes | castorSugar
      - 200 | grammes | softenedButter
      -   4 | whole   | eggs
      - 200 | grammes | self-raising_flour
      -   1 | tsp     | bakingPowder
      -   2 | tbsp    | milk

      -  100 | grammes | butter, softened
      -  140 | grammes | icing.sugar, sifted
      -    a | drop    | vanilla- extract (optional)
      -  240 | grammes | jar.good-quality_strawberryJam
      -                  icingSugar, to.decorate

    1. ^`Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Butter two 20cm sandwich tins
         and line with non-stick baking paper. In a large bowl,
         beat all the cake ingredients together until you have a smooth, soft batter.`
    2. ^`Divide the mixture between the tins, smooth the surface with a spatula
         or the back of a spoon, then bake for about 20 mins until golden
         and the cake springs back when pressed. Turn onto a cooling rack
         and leave to cool completely.`
    3. ^`To make the filling, beat the butter until smooth and creamy,
         then gradually beat in icing sugar. Beat in vanilla extract if you’re
         using it. Spread the butter cream over the bottom of one of the sponges,
         top it with jam and sandwich the second sponge on top.
         Dust with a little icing sugar before serving.
         Keep in an airtight container and eat within 2 days.`

  * HappyBirthdayǃ
} catch (cake) {
  Don`t drop that! It's your cake, Uncle Chris! This cake is one day late – sorry about that.

유효한 ES6 코드; 모서리가 잘리지 않습니다!

Firefox Developer Edition에서 작동합니다.

모두 유효한 코드입니다. 은 try단지 잡는 역할 ReferenceError정의되지 않는 변수에 의해 발생한다.

이것은 좋은 대답입니다. 이것이 내가 찾던 것입니다. 😆
James Webster

분명히 ⚠은 ECMAScript 7에서 유효한 주석 문자가되어야합니다.

@immibis 그래, 확실히 :-)



mbomb007s의 답변에서 영감을 얻어 케이크를 만들었습니다.

나는 레시피를 잃어 버릴 까봐 두렵다. (어딘가에 있지만, 코너를 자르기 위해 규칙을 어길 수도있다.) 여기 완성 된 제품이 있습니다.

               )                    )             (
                       )           (o)    )
               (      (o)    )     ,|,            )
              (o)     ,|,          |~\    (      (o)
              ,|,     |~\    (     \ |   (o)     ,|,
              \~|     \ |----(o)->++|+\<]>,|,     |+.
              |`\-----|`\@@@-|-@@@@\.-@@@\~|[++>-\ |-
             -\-|-o@@@\ |@@@<]>@@@@|.\@@@|.\@@@o+|+\++
       º# ::%::%%%%%%:::::::::::::::::::::::::%%%%%::%::##º
     º### ::::::%%:::%:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:%:::%%::::: ###º
   º##### ::::::%:::::%%::::::%%%%:::::%%::::%:::::::::: #####º
  º###### `:::::::::::%:::::::%:::::::::%::::%:::::::::' ######º
 º########  ``::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::''  #########º
  º##########   ```::::::::::::::::::::::::::'''   ###########º'
    `º#########-[---->+<]>++.[-->+++<]>..+++++++. ###########º'
      ` º#################################################º '
          ` º#######################################º '
             ` º#################################º '
                   ` º######################º '

출력 :

happy birthday 007

따라서 James Bond에게는 편리하게 작동하지만 11 월 11 일까지는 불가능합니다.

우와 ........... 좋아!

깨끗한 Brainfuck입니까? 그것은 나를 위해 작동하지 않는 것 같습니다 ...


파이썬 2, 0 인분

우선, 죄송합니다, 이것은 실제 세계 케이크가 아닙니다.

그러나 그것은 최고의 게임 중 하나 인 Portal입니다.

이 레시피는 인텔리전스 코어 가 재료라고 말하는 내용을 기반으로합니다 .

""" Happy Birthday, Chell!
* * * * * * * * * * * """
# Here are all the ingrediants for portal cake
candles = 1 # There is most certainly only one candle for her.
fish_shaped_dirt = 32 # There isn't an official amount of dirt to add, 32 seems like a nice number.

#Full of lies
lie = float('inf')

serves = None

# Show the tester the documentation on how to use this
print __doc__,

# Now, we are going to repeat these steps until chell stops lying.
while lie:
    # She did it again, so now we need to do the whole thing once more.
    print "\r",
    # Check how many candles her cake will have
    if candles:
        # We had better take them away from her. Maybe it will stop her lying so much
        candles = 0
        # Maybe if we give her a candle, she will listen
        candles = 1
    # See, her chances of lying go down when we give her candles!
    lie -= candles
    # Add the fish shaped dirt. But ONLY if we're giving her a candle.
    print chr(fish_shaped_dirt)*candles,
    # Add all the other rubbish
    print __doc__[25:],
    #Flush it into the relaxation vault
    import sys
    # Wait and ask her if she liked it.
    import time


 Happy Birthday, Chell!
 * * * * * * * * * * *


 Happy Birthday, Chell!
  * * * * * * * * * * *

그런 다음 무한 반복

케이크는 거짓말이다.

Portal을 좋아하기 때문에 투표하고 싶지만 내 기준으로는 할 수 없습니다! 거짓말이 아닌 케이크를 먹을 수 있다고해도 끔찍한 맛이납니다. 먼지는 좋은 음식을 만들지 않습니다!
James Webster

이것은 승리입니다.

당신은 최고의 재료를 사용하지 않았습니다. 1 rhuBARB on fire, 물고기 모양의 크래커, 맨손으로 사람을 죽이는 방법에 대한 책

그것은 0을 제공합니다. 당신은 그것을 제공하기 위해 그것을 충분히 만들 수 없습니다. 따라서 나는 그것이 맛이 말할 때 내 말을 들어해야 할 것이다


Brainf ***

나는 베이킹이 필요없는 아이스크림 케이크를 좋아합니다. 또한 내 생일 이니까 어떤 종류의 케이크를 먹을 수 있는지 말하지 마십시오.

Buy an ice cream cake:
    +   +   +    +   +   +
    |   |   |    |   |   |
then serve it.

나는 >+<]>물고기 모양의 크래커 인 척합니다 .

나는 이것이 4/5 "최고의 케이크"기준과 일치하는 +1의 가치가 있다고 생각합니다. 나는 당신에게 투표를 할 것이지만, 분명히 cut corners케이크를 구입함으로써. 😞
James Webster

나는 또한 그것을 개인화 할 수 있었지만 케이크가 두 배 커질 것입니다. 또한 그다지 좋아 보이지 않았습니다.

나는 현재 케이크를 더욱 화려하게 보이게하려고 노력하고있다. : P
James Webster

@mikeTheLiar Portal을 플레이하지 않았거나 최근 레시피를 읽지 않은 것 같습니다. 다시 읽어보십시오 : theportalwiki.com/wiki/Core_voice_lines#Cake_core


, 2 인분

생일 맛이 좀 더 세계적인 사람들을 위해 ...

Our dessert tonight: " Birthday " Dosa!
(adapted from vegrecipesofindia.com/masala-dosa-recipe-how-to-make-masala-dosa-recipe)

1 cup rice: ("mmm, rice")
1 cup ukda chawal: [don't know what that is but it sounds good]
1/2 cup urad dal: ["dal" means lentils in Hindi]
1/4 cup poha: ["poha" is another kind of rice]
1/4 tsp methi seeds: ("!")
salt to taste: ["Happy" time]
water as needed: [you'll need some water]

Are you ready to cook? Yes? OK then:

1. rinse the rice and urad dal separately first.:
2. soak the ukda chawal, rice and poha.
3. in another bowl soak the urad dal-methi in enough water.
4. grind the urad dal with methi to a fine and fluffy batter.
5. grind the rice and poha to a smooth batter.
6. mix both the rice and urad dal batter with salt.
7. cover and let the batter ferment for 8-9 hours.

is it Ready? Y(es) or N(o)

Answer should be: y.
    take batter out and:

1. heat a flat cast-iron griddle and smear some oil on it.
3. spread the dosa batter in a circular way on the griddle; add some oil on top.
4. flip and cook the other side.
5. serve dosa hot with coconut chutney and sambar. (yum)

Recipe serves ___:
           `(?<=2) ?`
Actually, it serves exactly 2--half feR "ME" and half feR:_" YOU"!
Yeah! Happy birthday  !


Happy Birthday 2 YOU!

또는 요리하면 :

생일 도사

이제 배가 고파요.

요리 관련 도전에 Dosa? 익숙한 것 같습니다 ... ;-)
Tim Pederick

"이제 배고프다"+1 고마워요, 나도 배가 고파요.
박수 :

기록을 위해 나는 또한 ukda chawal이 무엇인지 전혀 모른다.
Alex A.


요리사, 16 인분

이것에 기초 합니다 . 온라인에서 통역사를 찾을 수 없었으므로 여기에 있는 사양을 자세히 준수했습니다 .


"Happy" Birthday Cake.

This recipe was recovered from an *erm* ANCIENT cave, in which the culture consumed enormous amounts of eggs and water, and did so through their caves. Modern ingredients have been added in an endevour to make the cake better.

48 teaspoons 2% milk
1 cup butter
1 l semisweet chocolate
73 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 teaspoons salt
24 g happiness
3 teaspoons water
8 ml corn starch
32 g space

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 162 degrees Celsius.

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add corn starch to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add corn starch to the mixing bowl. Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add sugar to the mixing bowl. Put space into mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Remove water from the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add butter to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Combine water into the mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Combine water into the mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Remove semisweet chocolate from mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add sugar to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put eggs in mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Remove sugar from the bowl. Remove baking soda from the bowl. Put space into mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add salt to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add butter to the mixing bowl. Add water to the mixing bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Add baking soda to the mixing bowl. Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl. Serves 16.

출력 : Happy Birthday, me!.

각 단계에 대한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

"Happy" Birthday Cake.

This recipe was recovered from an *erm* ANCIENT cave, in which the culture consumed enormous amounts of eggs and water, and did so through their caves. Modern ingredients have been added in an endevour to make the cake better.

48 teaspoons 2% milk
1 cup butter
1 l semisweet chocolate
73 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 teaspoons salt
24 g happiness
3 teaspoons water
8 ml corn starch
32 g space

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 162 degrees Celsius.


Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72 (H)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 97 (a)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add corn starch to the mixing bowl.             +8 =112 (p)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add corn starch to the mixing bowl.             +8 =112 (p)

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 96
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=120
Add sugar to the mixing bowl.                   +1 =121 (y)

Put space into mixing bowl.                     32      ( )

Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              24
Remove water from the mixing bowl.              -3 = 21
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 42
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 66 (B)
Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add butter to the mixing bowl.                  +1 = 81
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 95 (i)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Combine water into the mixing bowl.             *3 = 96
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 93
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 90
Add happiness to the bowl.                      +24=114 (r)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Combine water into the mixing bowl.             *3 = 96
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 93
Remove semisweet chocolate from mixing bowl.    -1 = 92
Add happiness to the bowl.                      +24=116 (t)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the bowl.                       +24=104 (h)

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 96
Add sugar to the mixing bowl.                   +1 = 97 (d)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 97 (a)

Put eggs in mixing bowl.                        73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24 = 97
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24 =121(y)

Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              24
Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              +24= 48
Remove sugar from the bowl.                     -3 = 45
Remove baking soda from the bowl.               -1 = 44 (,)

Put space into mixing bowl.                     32      ( )

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add salt to the mixing bowl.                    +5 =109 (m)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=97
Add butter to the mixing bowl.                  +1 =98
Add water to the mixing bowl.                   +3 =101 (e)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Add baking soda to the mixing bowl.             +1 = 33 (!)

Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl.            Converts the mixing bowl to characters

Serves 16.                                      Outputs the contents of the first
                                                16 bowls.

"행복"이라고 쓰지 않습니까, 아니면 이름이 특정한 방법이어야합니까?

죄송합니다, 내 코드 패드에 썼습니다. 자동 수정 기능을 해제 한 것을 잊었습니다.
Conor O'Brien

나는 또한 이것을 아직 실행하지는 않았지만, 당신은 하나의 믹싱 보울에 모든 것을 가지고 있고 16을 출력하려고 생각합니다.
James Webster

@JamesWebster 사양은 Serves N명령문이 모든 것을 출력 한다고 말합니다. N. 1에서 각각의 그릇에 재료를
코너 오브라이언

네,하지만 한 그릇 만 사용하셨습니다. 그릇 2-15가 비어 있거나 존재하지 않습니다.
James Webster
당사 사이트를 사용함과 동시에 당사의 쿠키 정책개인정보 보호정책을 읽고 이해하였음을 인정하는 것으로 간주합니다.
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.