엉 가드!
내 전사는 예측할 수없는 태도와 상대방의 입장에서 약점에 대한 예리한 눈을 결합합니다. 그는 공격적인 적을 처리 할 수있을 것이라고 확신하지만 그의 트레이너 (나)는 특정 시나리오를 예측하지 못했을 수도 있고, 더 걱정이되면 규칙 (버그 !!)을 잘못 해석했을 수도 있습니다.
어쨌든 나는 새롭기 때문에 이것이 코드의 ok 형식입니다.
from random import choice, random
def cleverly_pick_move(me_allowed,op_allowed,opp_last_move=None) :
""" Behold the genius you're up against!
Pretty much everything else is just flavour text or match rules
so you'll probably only want to read this...
heights = ['head','chest','feet']
rand_choice = lambda a,h : {'type':choice([t for t in a if a[t]]),
if opp_last_move is None or feeling_like_a_lucky_punk():
return rand_choice(me_allowed,heights)
if sum(1 for x in op_allowed if op_allowed[x]) == 3 :
for i in op_allowed:
if not op_allowed[i] :
weakness = i
return {'type':exploit_weakness(weakness,me_allowed),
return rand_choice(me_allowed,heights)
def exploit_weakness(weakness,me_allowed) :
moves = ['attack','parry','lunge','block']
for i,move in enumerate(moves) :
if move == weakness :
if me_allowed[moves[(i+1) % 4]] :
return moves[(i+1) % 4]
if me_allowed[weakness] :
return weakness
return choice([x for x in me_allowed if me_allowed[x]])
def feeling_like_a_lucky_punk() :
return random() > 0.8
def main():
this_round = 1
opp_last_move = None
score = {'myself':0, 'the blaggard':0}
quips = ['blaggard', 'fool', 'scum', 'raggamuffin']
adverbs = ['deftly', 'skillfully', 'gracefully', 'clumsily']
me_allowed = {'attack':True,'block':True,'lunge':True,'parry':True}
op_allowed = {'attack':True,'block':True,'lunge':True,'parry':True}
while (this_round <= 50 and
all([points < 3 for points in score.values()])) :
if this_round == 1 :
move = cleverly_pick_move(me_allowed,op_allowed)
move = cleverly_pick_move(me_allowed,op_allowed,
print "Our hero %s %ss at the %s's %s" % (
print "We await the %s's response..." % choice(quips)
print "Our hero's move: " + (move['type'][0]+move['height'][0]).upper()
opp_move = parse_move(raw_input("Opponent's move: "))
outcome,me_allowed,op_allowed = get_outcome(move,opp_move,me_allowed,
if outcome == 'WIN' :
print "Our hero pulls off an excellent round!"
score['myself'] += 1
elif outcome == 'LOSE' :
print "Never before have we seen such blatant cheating!"
score['the blaggard'] += 1
else :
print "Our hero is clearly toying with his opponent as he allows \
a drawn round."
print ("""The score after round %d:\nOur hero:\t%d\nHis opponent:\t%d"""
% (this_round, score['myself'], score['the blaggard']))
opp_last_move = opp_move
this_round += 1
print "Match over, surely the victory is mine!"
print """Final score:\n
Our hero:\t%d\nOpponent:\t%d""" % (score['myself'],
score['the blaggard'])
if score['myself'] > score['the blaggard'] :
print "My victory was inevitable!"
elif score['myself'] == score['the blaggard'] :
print "An even match! Huzzar!"
else :
print ""
def reset_allowed(dictionary) :
return dict((x,True) for x in dictionary)
def get_outcome(mymove,opmove,me_allowed,op_allowed) :
result = ''
if not me_allowed[mymove['type']] :
print "Whoops, I forgot I couldn't do that..."
result = 'LOSE'
if not op_allowed[opmove['type']] :
print "Haha! What a clutz!"
result = 'WIN'
if mymove['height'] != opmove['height'] :
print "The combatants flail at each other with little effect!"
print "They'll have to try something else next round!"
result = 'DRAW'
if mymove['type'] == opmove['type'] :
if mymove['type'] in ['attack','lunge']:
print "The combatants' blades clash dramatically!"
else :
print "Both combatants take a moment to practice their \
defensive stance..."
result = 'DRAW'
if result :
me_allowed, op_allowed = (reset_allowed(me_allowed),
if mymove['height'] != opmove['height'] :
me_allowed[mymove['type']] = op_allowed[opmove['type']] = False
return (result, me_allowed,op_allowed)
else :
return compare_attacks(mymove,opmove,me_allowed,op_allowed)
def compare_attacks(mymove,opmove,me_allowed,op_allowed) :
0 A > P 1
^ x v
3 B < L 2
print "Our hero %ss, his opponent %ss!" % (mymove['type'],opmove['type'])
move_val = {'attack':0,'parry':1,'lunge':2,'block':3}
result_num = (move_val[opmove['type']] - move_val[mymove['type']]) % 4
results = ['DRAW','WIN','DRAW','LOSE']
me_allowed, op_allowed = (reset_allowed(me_allowed),
if result_num == 1 :
print "Our hero easily outwits his foe! *Huge cheers from crowd*"
return ('WIN',me_allowed,op_allowed)
elif result_num == 3 :
print "Our hero graciously allows his opponent a charity point.\
*A torrent of boos from the crowd*"
return ('LOSE',me_allowed,op_allowed)
# Combatants drew and will have their moves restricted next round.
if mymove['type'] in ['attack','parry'] :
me_allowed['attack'] = me_allowed['lunge'] = False
me_allowed['parry'] = me_allowed['block'] = True
op_allowed['parry'] = op_allowed['block'] = False
op_allowed['attack'] = op_allowed['lunge'] = True
else :
me_allowed['parry'] = me_allowed['block'] = False
me_allowed['attack'] = me_allowed['lunge'] = True
op_allowed['attack'] = me_allowed['lunge'] = False
op_allowed['parry'] = op_allowed['block'] = True
return ('DRAW',me_allowed,op_allowed)
def parse_move(move_string) :
m_types = {'A':'attack','B':'block','L':'lunge','P':'parry'}
m_heights = {'C':'chest','H':'head','F':'feet'}
move_string = move_string.strip().upper()
if not move_string :
print "Couldn't understand your input: %s" % move_string
return parse_move(raw_input("Opponent's move: "))
if move_string[0] not in m_types :
move_string = move_string[::-1]
try :
move = {'type':m_types[move_string[0]],
return move
except KeyError :
print "Couldn't understand your input: %s" % move_string
return parse_move(raw_input("Opponent's move: "))
if __name__ == '__main__' :