A 또는 An?


영어에서이 재미와 사이의 간단한 차이 ana: 사용 an모음 소리로 시작하는 단어를 이전 할 때, 그리고 a단어가 자음 소리와 함께 시작됩니다.

이 문제를 간단하게하기 위해 an모음 ( aeiou)으로 a시작하는 단어와 자음으로 시작하는 단어가 앞에옵니다.


문자열로, 인쇄 가능한 ASCII 문자를 포함 [?]삽입하도록 선택해야합니다 장소에 나타나는 ana. [?]단어 앞에 항상 나타납니다. 문장이 문법적으로 정확하고 평소와 같이 서식이 있다고 가정 할 수 있습니다.


입력 문자열 [?]이 해당 단어 ( an또는 a) 로 바뀝니다 . 대문자 사용에 대해 걱정해야합니다!


단어 앞에 문자가 없거나 (입력에서 첫 번째 단어) .?!뒤에 공백 이 오는 단어는 대문자를 사용하십시오 .

Input: Hello, this is [?] world!
Output: Hello, this is a world!

Input: How about we build [?] big building. It will have [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window.
Output: How about we build a big building. It will have an orange banana hanging out of a window.

Input: [?] giant en le sky.
Output: A giant en le sky.

Input: [?] yarn ball? [?] big one!
Output: A yarn ball? A big one!

Input: [?] hour ago I met [?] European.
Output: A hour ago I met an European.

Input: Hey sir [Richard], how 'bout [?] cat?
Output: Hey sir [Richard], how 'bout a cat?

이것은 이므로 바이트 단위의 가장 짧은 코드가 이깁니다!

알았어 고마워. 입력 [?]과 단어 사이에 여분의 공백이 없을 것이라고 가정 할 수 있습니까 ?

문장의 시작 부분에서 입력 중간에 대문자를 사용해야합니까? ( "이것은 [?] 테스트입니다. [?] 테스트입니다.") 그렇다면 문장은 어떤 문장 부호로 끝날 수 있습니까? 따옴표 나 괄호 안의 문장은 어떻습니까? 또는 마침표로 끝나는 약어 ( "예 : [?] 같은 입력")? 대문자 사용 규칙에는 이상한 특수한 사례가 많이 있으므로 프로그램이 처리하거나 처리 할 필요가없는 것에 대해 명시 적으로 알려주십시오.

언제 대문자로 표기해야합니까? 첫 캐릭터?

[?] hour ago I met [?] European.모든 사람이 울부 짖도록 테스트 사례를 추가해야합니다 .
Martin Ender

이제 우리는[?] hour ago I met [?] horse.



V , 41 바이트

ÍãÛ?Ý ¨[aeiou]©/an
Í^aü[.!?] a/A

온라인으로 사용해보십시오! 또한 여분의 바이트 수없이 모든 테스트 사례를 확인하는 데 편리하게 사용할 수 있습니다.

이것은 V의 "Regex Compression"을 이용합니다. 인쇄 할 수없는 많은 문자를 사용하므로 다음은 16 진 덤프입니다.

0000000: cde3 db3f dd85 20a8 5b61 6569 6f75 5da9  ...?.. .[aeiou].
0000010: 2f61 6e0a cddb 3fdd 2f61 0acd 5e61 fc5b  /an...?./a..^a.[
0000020: 2e21 3f5d 2093 612f 41                   .!?] .a/A

불행히도 OP는 " 대문자에 대해 걱정할 필요 있다 "고 말했다 . (강조 광산).
El'endia Starman

@ El'endiaStarman 아, 나는 그것을 잘못 읽었다. 나는 그것을 고칠 수는 있지만 OP가 명시하지 않았기 때문에 자본화 할 단서가 없습니다.

@ El'endiaStarman 수정되었습니다.


펄, 48 바이트

Ton Hospel 로 인해 1 바이트를 절약했습니다 .

#!perl -p
s;\[\?];A.n x$'=~/^ [aeiou]/i^$"x/[^.?!] \G/;eg

shebang을 하나로 계산하여 입력을 stdin에서 가져옵니다.


#!perl -p               # for each line of input, set $_, auto-print result

s;                      # begin regex substitution, with delimiter ;
\[\?]                   # match [?] literally, and replace with:
A.n x$'=~/^ [aeiou]/i   # 'A', concatenate with 'n' if post-match ($')
                        #   matches space followed by a vowel
^$"x/[^.?!] \G/         # if the match is preceded by /[^.?!] /, xor with a space
                        #   this will change An -> an

;eg                     # regex options eval, global

샘플 사용법

$ echo Hello, this is [?] world! | perl a-an.pl
Hello, this is a world!

$ echo How about we build [?] big building. It will have [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window. | perl a-an.pl
How about we build a big building. It will have an orange banana hanging out of a window.

$ echo [?] giant en le sky. [?] yarn ball? | perl a-an.pl
A giant en le sky. A yarn ball?

$ echo [?] hour ago I met [?] European. | perl a-an.pl
A hour ago I met an European.

이것을 설명해 주시겠습니까?

/[.?!]/공간 뒤의 자본화에 대한 지원 이 누락 됨
Ton Hospel

@TonHospel 10 시간 전, 문제는 이것을 언급하지 않았습니다.

좋아, 사양을 즉석에서 변경하는 것은 너무 불공평하다. 추신 : 나는 \G백 워드를 사용 하는 것을 좋아합니다. 약간 더 짧은 PPS :s;\[\?];A.n x$'=~/^ [aeiou]/^$"x/[^.?!] \G/;eg
Ton Hospel

@sudee가 설명을 포함하도록 업데이트되었습니다.


루비, 78 72 바이트

->s{s.gsub(/(^|\. )?\K\[\?\]( [aeiou])?/i){"anAn"[$1?2:0,$2?2:1]+"#$2"}}

언 골프

def f(s)
    s.gsub(/(^|\. )?\[\?\]( [aeiou])?/i) do |m|
        capitalize = $1
        vowel = $2
        replacement = if vowel then
            capitalize ? "An" : "an"
            capitalize ? "A" : "a"
        m.sub('[?]', replacement)

"anAn"[...]정말 영리합니다. 👍🏻 내부를 건너 뛰어 몇 바이트를 절약 할 수 있습니다 sub.s.gsub(/(^|\. )?\K\[\?\] ([aeiou])?/i){"anAn"[$1?2:0,$2?2:1]+" #$2"}


PHP, 207 바이트


나는 때때로 더 완벽한 솔루션을 좋아
하지만 ... 완전히 완료 되지는 않았지만 약간 과잉이라는 것을 인정해야합니다.

파일로 저장하고 다음으로 실행 php <filename> STDIN의 입력으로 .

테스트 사례

How about we build [?] big building ... with [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window.
=>  How about we build a big building ... with an orange banana hanging out of a window.

Hello, this is [?] world!               =>  Hello, this is a world!
Should I use [?] '[?]' or [?] '[?]'?    =>  Should I use an 'an' or an 'a'?
[?] elephant in [?] swimsuit.           =>  An elephant in a swimsuit.

How I met your moth[?].                 =>  How I met your motha.
b[?][?][?] short[?]ge!                  =>  banana shortage!


        // lookbehind: uppercase if the end of a sentence precedes
        // lookahead: append "n" if a vowel follows (consider quote characters blank)
    // output replacement and this part
    // prepare previous part for next iteration
    $a=$i               // this part was NOT the first:
        ?   ''==$d
            ? a             // if empty -> a word ($r from the previous iteration)
            : $b            // default: $b
        :  (''==$d      // this WAS the first part:
            ? "."           // if empty: end of a sentence (= uppercase next $r)
            : a             // else not
    // golfed down to `$a=!$i^''==$d?a:($i?$b:".");`

"바나나 부족"에 찬성! LOL

@MonkeyZeus : 시험[?][?][?]s [?]lert!

내가 상상할 수있는 모든 :( 심해 동키 콩 (Donkey Kong)는 이제 부족에 대한 아픈 걱정입니다


Minkolang 0.15 , 75 바이트

od4&r$O."]?["30$Z3&00w4X"Aa"I2-"Aa ."40$Z,*2&$rxr$O" aeiou"od0Z1=3&"n"r5X$r

여기 사용해보십시오!


od                                                                    Take character from input and duplicate (0 if input is empty)
  4&                                                                  Pop top of stack; jump 4 spaces if not 0
    r$O.                                                              Reverse stack, output whole stack as characters, and stop.

    "]?["                                                             Push "[?]" on the stack
         30$Z                                                         Pop the top 3 items and count its occurrences in the stack
              3&                                                      Pop top of stack; jump 3 spaces if not 0
                00w                                                   Wormhole to (0,0) in the code box

                3X                                                    Dump the top 3 items of stack
                  "Aa"                                                Push "aA"
                      I2-                                             Push the length of stack minus 2
                         "Aa ."40$Z,                                  Push ". aA" and count its occurrences, negating the result
                                    *                                 Multiply the top two items of the stack
                                     2&$r                             Pop top of stack and swap the top two items if 0
                                         x                            Dump top of stack
                                          r                           Reverse stack
                                           $O                         Output whole stack as characters
                                             " aeiou"                 Push a space and the vowels
                                                     od               Take a character from input and duplicate
                                                       0Z             Pop top of stack and count its occurrences in the stack (either 1 or 2)
                                                         1=           1 if equal to 1, 0 otherwise
                                                           3&         Pop top of stack; jump 3 spaces if not 0
                                                             "n"      Push "n" if top of stack is 0

                                                             r        Reverse stack
                                                              5X      Dump top five items of stack
                                                                $r    Swap top two items of stack

Minkolang은 환상적이므로 프로그램 카운터가 오른쪽 가장자리를 벗어나면 왼쪽에 다시 나타납니다. 확실히 골프를 칠 수 있지만 사양으로 인해 21 바이트를 추가해야했기 때문에 시도하지 않을 수 있습니다.

나는 그 설명을 읽은 후 excitebike를하고 싶은 유일한 사람입니까?
Magic Octopus Urn


자바 스크립트 (ES6), 90 86 87 85

대문자 사양이 변경됨에 따라 한 번 더 편집

다시 편집 1 바이트 저장 thx @Huntro

IsmaelMiguel이 지적한대로 인용 부호 등을 관리하기 위해 2 바이트를 더 편집하십시오 (op가 요청했는지 여부를 모르더라도). 이전에는 86 바이트를 세었지만 85였습니다.

의견이 불완전한 경우 댓글 이벤트에 명시된 대문자 규칙을 따르려고 시도

x=>x.replace(/([^!?.] )?\[\?](\W*.)/g,(a,b,c)=>(b?b+'a':'A')+(/[aeiou]/i.test(c)?'n'+c:c))


f=x=>x.replace(/([^!?.] )?\[\?](\W*.)/g,(a,b,c)=>(b?b+'a':'A')+(/[aeiou]/i.test(c)?'n'+c:c))

function go() {
  var i=I.value, o=f(i)
  O.innerHTML = '<i>'+i+'</i>\n<b>'+o+'</b>\n\n'+O.innerHTML 

#I { width:80% }
<input value='How about we build [?] big building. It will have [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window.' id=I><button onclick='go()'>GO</button><pre id=O></pre>

[?][?]포기 해서는 안 Ana됩니까? 그리고 [?][?] a.생산 해서는 안 Ana a.됩니까?
Ismael Miguel

@IsmaelMiguel 나는 당신이 무슨 뜻인지 정확히 이해하지 못하지만 어쨌든[?] will always appear before a word. You can assume that the sentence will be grammatically correct and formatted like normal.

알았지 만 코드에서 [?] "[?]".( An "A", 인용 부호는 관련이 없음) 및 [?] "A".( )에 대해 이상한 결과를 제공 합니다 [?] A..
Ismael Miguel

@IsmaelMiguel [?] "[?]"은 유효한 입력이 아닙니다. [?] will always appear before a word "[?]"는 단어가 아닙니다.

두 번째 탈출은 ]필요하지 않습니다. /(\w )?\[\?](\W*.)/g


배치, 136 바이트

@for %%v in (a e i o u)do @call set s=%%s:[?] %%v=an %%v%%
@set s=%s:[?]=a%
@if %s:~0,1%==a set s=A%s:~1%
@echo %s:. a=. A%

STDIN에서 입력 라인을받습니다.


PHP, 100 92 바이트

<?=preg_filter(["/\[\?]\K(?= [aeiou])/i","/([.?!] |^)\K\[\?]/","/\[\?]/"],[n,A,a],$argv[1]);

정규식을 더 골프화하는 것이 가능했습니다.

정의되지 않은 상수에 대한 알림을 제공하지만 여전히 작동합니다.

편집 : primo 덕분에 8 바이트가 절약되었습니다.

또한 [n,A,a]둘러보기 어설 션 ( \K(?= )) 을 사용하여 교체 배열을 얻을 수 있어야합니다 .


파이썬 3.5.1, 153 (147) 124 바이트

*s,=input().replace('[?]','*');print(*[('a','A')[i<1or s[i-2]in'.?!']+'n'*(s[i+2]in 'aeiouAEIOU')if c=='*'else c for i,c in enumerate(s)],sep='')

입력 :

[?] apple [?] day keeps the doctor away. [?] lie.

출력 :

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A lie.

123 바이트 버전-대문자 규칙을 처리하지 않습니다.

s=list(input().replace('[?]','*'));print(*['a'+'n'*(s[i+2]in 'aeiouAEIOU')if c=='*'else c for i,c in enumerate(s)],sep='')

무시 했어!

Welcome to Codegolf. You could use ; and golf it.

m.start() for should be m.start()for, s[i+2] in 'aeiouAEIOU' should be s[i+2]in'aeiouAEIOU'. An easy -3-byte shave due to whitespace.
Erik the Outgolfer

('an','a')[s[i+2]in'aeiouAEIOU'] is inverted, you could use 'a'+'n'*(s[i+2]in'aeiouAEIOU') to fix that and save 2 bytes. Here you can find a lot of tips to golf.

This community is so lovely, seeing how many people are willing to help a newcomer and provide golfing tips!

Wow enumerate() is cool. Thanks @chepner.
Gurupad Mamadapur


Java, 180178 bytes

My first post here, I did use a part of the Kevin Cruijssen post but and up with a different approach, he helped me to reduce a bit more so, thanks to him !

String c(String s){String x[]=s.split("\\[\\?]",2),r=x[0];return x.length>1?r+(r.matches("(.+[.!?] )|(^)$")?"A":"a")+("aeiouAEIOU".contains(""+x[1].charAt(1))?"n":"")+c(x[1]):r;}

Here it is ungolfed :

static String c(String s) {
        String x[] = s.split("\\[\\?\\]", 2), r = x[0];
        return x.length > 1 ? r + (r.matches("(.+[.!?] )|(^)$") ? "A" : "a")
                + ("aeiouAEIOU".contains("" + x[1].charAt(1)) ? "n" : "") + c(x[1]) : r;

And the result

A simple explanation, I use a recursive approch to find every [?].

I couldn't find a way to use the matches with insensitive case (not sure it is possible).

178bytes : Thanks to Martin Ender !

Welcome to PPCG! I don't think you need to escape the ] in your regex.
Martin Ender

You are right, only the opening one is enought, thanks


05AB1E, 38 36 35 bytes


Try it online or verify all test cases.


2F            # Loop 2 times:
  žN          #  Push consonants "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"
  žM          #  Push vowels "aeiou"
             #  Pair them together into a list
     Nè       #  And use the loop-index to index into this pair
  S           #  Convert this string to a list of characters
   ðì         #  Prepend a space in front of each character
     …[?]     #  Push string "[?]
         ©    #  Store it in variable `®` (without popping)
          ì   #  And prepend it in front of each string in the list as well
  }D          #  Then duplicate the list
    u         #  Uppercase the characters in the copy
     «        #  And merge the two lists together
              #   i.e. for the vowel-iteration we'd have ["[?] a","[?] e","[?] i","[?] o",
              #    "[?] u","[?] A","[?] E","[?] I","[?] O","[?] U"]
   D          #  Duplicate it
    ®         #  Push "[?]" from variable `®`
     'a      '#  Push "a"
       'n    '#  Push "n"
         N×   #  Repeated the 0-based index amount of times (so either "" or "n")
           «  #  And append it to the "a"
    :         #  Replace all "[?]" with "an"/"a" in the duplicated list
     :        #  And then replace all values of the lists in the (implicit) input-string
 }.ª          #  After the loop: sentence-capitalize everything (which fortunately retains
              #  capitalized words in the middle of sentences, like the "European" testcase)
              # (and after the loop the result is output implicitly)

There's a little bug in it. It capitalizes each word after an "an". For example "[?] orange" becomes "an Orange". Seems to work, if you add a ] after the ::

@Dorian Woops.. I removed that } later on because I thought it would save a byte, but you're indeed right that it fails for [?] vowel cases.. Thanks for letting me know!
Kevin Cruijssen


C#, 204 235 bytes

string n(string b){for(int i=0;i<b.Length;i++){if(b[i]=='['){var r="a";r=i==0||b[i-2]=='.'?"A":r;r=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(b[i+4].ToString(),@"[aeiouAEIOU]")?r+"n":r;b=b.Insert(i+3,r);}}return b.Replace("[?]","");}

Ungolfed full program:

using System;

class a
    static void Main()
        string s = Console.ReadLine();
        a c = new a();

    string n(string b)
        for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
            if (b[i] == '[')
                var r = "a";
                r = i == 0 || b[i - 2] == '.' ? "A" : r;
                r = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(b[i + 4].ToString(), @"[aeiouAEIOU]") ? r + "n" : r;
                b = b.Insert(i + 3, r);
        return b.Replace("[?]", "");

I'm sure this could be improved, especially the Regex part, but can't think of anything right now.

does it work without the imports?

Whoops, forgot to include the regex import in the count.

The golfed code should run as-is in whatever format -- if it doesn't run without the regex import, then the regex import should go in the golfed code too

Okay, thanks. Still ironing out exactly how to answer. The count and answer include System.Text.RegularExpressions now.

This looks good now. :) You can also check out Code Golf Meta and the faq tag there.


Java 7, 239 214 213 bytes

String c(String s){String x[]=s.split("\\[\\?\\]"),r="";int i=0,l=x.length-1;for(;i<l;r+=x[i]+(x[i].length()<1|x[i].matches(".+[.!?] $")?65:'a')+("aeiouAEIOU".contains(x[++i].charAt(1)+"")?"n":""));return r+x[l];}

Ungolfed & test cases:

Try it here.

class M{
  static String c(String s){
    String x[] = s.split("\\[\\?\\]"),
           r = "";
    int i = 0,
        l = x.length - 1;
    for (; i < l; r += x[i]
                     + (x[i].length() < 1 | x[i].matches(".+[.!?] $") 
                        ? 65
                        : 'a')
                     + ("aeiouAEIOU".contains(x[++i].charAt(1)+"")
                        ? "n"
                        : ""));
    return r + x[l];

  public static void main(String[] a){
    System.out.println(c("Hello, this is [?] world!"));
    System.out.println(c("How about we build [?] big building. It will have [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window."));
    System.out.println(c("[?] giant en le sky."));
    System.out.println(c("[?] yarn ball? [?] big one!"));
    System.out.println(c("[?] hour ago I met [?] European. "));
    System.out.println(c("Hey sir [Richard], how 'bout [?] cat?"));
    System.out.println(c("[?] dog is barking. [?] cat is scared!"));


Hello, this is a world!
How about we build a big building. It will have an orange banana hanging out of a window.
A giant en le sky.
A yarn ball? A big one!
A hour ago I met an European. 
Hey sir [Richard], how 'bout a cat?
A dog is barking. A cat is scared!

I tried using a recursive solution, I end up with 2 bytes more then you :( need to improvement maybe .. but since I use your regex, I don't like to post it.

@AxelH Could you perhaps post it on ideone and link here? Together we might spot something to golf. ;)
Kevin Cruijssen

Here is it ideone.com/z7hlVi, I did find a better approch thanisEmpty using the regex ^$. I believe I end up with 202 ;)

@AxelH Ah nice. Hmm, I count 195 bytes instead of 202? Btw, you can golf it to 180 by doing a direct return with a ternary if-else: String c(String s){String x[]=s.split("\\[\\?\\]",2),r=x[0];return x.length>1?r+(r.matches("(.+[.!?] )|(^)$")?"A":"a")+("aeiouAEIOU".contains(""+x[1].charAt(1))?"n":"")+c(x[1]):r;} So definitely shorter than my loop-answer. :)
Kevin Cruijssen

Oh yeah, i manage to put the if bloc in one line at the end, forgot to replace it. Thanks;


Racket 451 bytes (without regex)

It is obviously a long answer but it replaces a and an with capitalization also:

(define(lc sl item)(ormap(lambda(x)(equal? item x))sl))
(define(lr l i)(list-ref l i))(define(f str)(define sl(string-split str))
(for((i(length sl))#:when(equal?(lr sl i)"[?]"))(define o(if(lc(string->list"aeiouAEIOU")
(string-ref(lr sl(add1 i))0))#t #f))(define p(if(or(= i 0)(lc(string->list".!?")
(let((pr(lr sl(sub1 i))))(string-ref pr(sub1(string-length pr))))))#t #f))
(set! sl(list-set sl i(if o(if p"An""an")(if p"A""a")))))(string-join sl))


(f "[?] giant en le [?] sky.")
(f "[?] yarn ball?")
(f "[?] hour ago I met [?] European. ")
(f "How about we build [?] big building. It will have [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window.")
(f "Hello, this is [?] world!")


"A giant en le a sky."
"A yarn ball?"
"A hour ago I met an European."
"How about we build a big building. It will have an orange banana hanging out of a window."
"Hello, this is a world!"

Detailed version:

(define(contains sl item)
  (ormap(lambda(x)(equal? item x))sl))

(define(lr l i)
  (list-ref l i))

(define(f str)
  (define sl(string-split str))
  (for((i(length sl))#:when(equal?(lr sl i)"[?]"))
    (define an   ; a or an
      (if(contains(string->list "aeiouAEIOU")
                  (string-ref(lr sl(add1 i))0))
         #t #f ))
    (define cap   ; capital or not
      (if(or(= i 0)(contains(string->list ".!?")
                            (let ((prev (lr sl(sub1 i)))) (string-ref prev
                                       (sub1(string-length prev))))))
         #t #f))
    (set! sl(list-set sl i (if an (if cap "An" "an" )
                                 (if cap "A" "a")))))
  (string-join sl))

Yay for Racket! See also Tips for golfing in Racket / Scheme

It is an excellent language, though not meant for golfing.


J, 113 bytes

[:;:inv 3(0 2&{(((('aA'{~[)<@,'n'#~])~('.?!'e.~{:))~('AEIOUaeiou'e.~{.))&>/@[^:(<@'[?]'=])1{])\' 'cut' . '([,~,)]

Try it online!

Shame, shame!


Retina, 66 60 bytes

i`\[\?\]( ([aeiou]?)[a-z&&[^aeiou])
(^|[.?!] )a

Try it online.


Do a case-insensitive search for [?] followed by a vowel or consonant, where the optional vowel is saved in capture group 2, and the entire match in capture group 1:

i`\[\?\]( ([aeiou]?)[a-z&&[^aeiou])

Replace this with an a, followed by the length of the second group amount of n (so either 0 or 1 n), followed by the letter(s) of capture group 1:


Then match an a at either the start of the string, or after either of .?! plus a space:

(^|[.?!] )a

And uppercase that A, without removing the other characters of capture group 1:



Java (JDK), 154 bytes

s->{String v="(?= [aeiou])",q="(?i)\\[\\?]",b="(?<=^|[?.!] )";return s.replaceAll(b+q+v,"An").replaceAll(q+v,"an").replaceAll(b+q,"A").replaceAll(q,"a");}

Try it online!


    String v="(?= [aeiou])",          // matches being followed by a vowel
    q="(?i)\\[\\?]",                  // matches being a [?]
    b="(?<=^|[?.!] )";                // matches being preceded by a sentence beginning
    return s.replaceAll(b+q+v,"An")   // if beginning [?] vowel, you need "An"
        .replaceAll(q+v,"an")         // if           [?] vowel, you need "an"
        .replaceAll(b+q,"A")          // if beginning [?]      , you need "A"
        .replaceAll(q,"a");}          // if           [?]      , you need "a"


C (gcc), 225 207 202 201 bytes

Thanks to ceilingcat for -24 bytes

#define P strcpy(f+d,index("!?.",i[c-2])+!c?
c;d;v(i,g,f)char*i,*g,*f;{for(d=0;i[c];c++,d++)strcmp("[?]",memcpy(g,i+c,3))?f[d]=i[c]:(index("aeiouAEIOU",i[c+4])?P"An ":"an "),d++:P"A ":"a "),d++,c+=3);}

Try it online!


Groovy, 73 162 bytes

def a(s){s.replaceAll(/(?i)(?:(.)?( )?)\[\?\] (.)/){r->"${r[1]?:''}${r[2]?:''}${'.?!'.contains(r[1]?:'.')?'A':'a'}${'aAeEiIoOuU'.contains(r[3])?'n':''} ${r[3]}"}}

edit: damn, the capitalization totally complicated everything here

Does this capitalize at the beginning of a sentence?

nope. I see now, that the challenge description has been changed in the meantime...

"Give me [?] hour with [?] open cellar door." Breaks your code: groovyconsole.appspot.com/edit/5159915056267264
Magic Octopus Urn

the challenge description still is completely inconsistent. first it says "You do have to worry about capitalization!" and directly after that there are the rules for capitalization

It is consistent. You have to worry about capitalization (that is, you need to manage it). Then it explains how


C# 209 bytes

string A(string b){var s=b.Split(new[]{"[?]"},0);return s.Skip(1).Aggregate(s[0],(x,y)=>x+(x==""||(x.Last()==' '&&".?!".Contains(x.Trim().Last()))?"A":"a")+("AEIOUaeiou".Contains(y.Trim().First())?"n":"")+y);}


string A(string b)
    var s = b.Split(new[] { "[?]" }, 0);
    return s.Skip(1).Aggregate(s[0], (x, y) => x + (x == "" || (x.Last() == ' ' && ".?!".Contains(x.Trim().Last())) ? "A" : "a") + ("AEIOUaeiou".Contains(y.Trim().First()) ? "n" : "") + y);


Perl 6, 78 bytes

{S:i:g/(^|<[.?!]>' ')?'[?] '(<[aeiou]>?)/{$0 xx?$0}{<a A>[?$0]}{'n'x?~$1} $1/}


    ( # $0
    | ^             # beginning of line
    | <[.?!]> ' '   # or one of [.?!] followed by a space
    ) ?             # optionally ( $0 will be Nil if it doesn't match )

    '[?] '          # the thing to replace ( with trailing space )

    ( # $1
      <[aeiou]> ?   # optional vowel ( $1 will be '' if it doesn't match )

    $0 xx ?$0      # list repeat $0 if $0
                   # ( so that it doesn't produce an error )
    < a A >[ ?$0 ] # 'A' if $0 exists, otherwise 'a'
    'n' x ?~$1     # 'n' if $1 isn't empty
                   # 「~」 turns the Match into a Str
                   # 「?」 turns that Str into a Bool
                   # 「x」 string repeat the left side by the amount of the right

  # a space and the vowel we may have borrowed
  } $1/


#! /usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.c;
use Test;

my &code = {S:i:g/(^|<[.?!]>' ')?'[?] '(<[aeiou]>?)/{<a A>[?$0]~('n'x?~$1)} $1/}

my @tests = (
  'Hello, this is [?] world!'
  => 'Hello, this is a world!',

  'How about we build [?] big building. It will have [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window.'
  => 'How about we build a big building. It will have an orange banana hanging out of a window.',

  '[?] giant en le sky.'
  => 'A giant en le sky.',

  '[?] yarn ball?'
  => 'A yarn ball?',

  '[?] hour ago I met [?] European.'
  => 'A hour ago I met an European.',

  "Hey sir [Richard], how 'bout [?] cat?"
  => "Hey sir [Richard], how 'bout a cat?",

plan +@tests;

for @tests -> $_ ( :key($input), :value($expected) ) {
  is code($input), $expected, $input.perl;
ok 1 - "Hello, this is a world!"
ok 2 - "How about we build a big building. It will have an orange banana hanging out of a window."
ok 3 - "A giant en le sky."
ok 4 - "A yarn ball?"
ok 5 - "A hour ago I met an European."
ok 6 - "Hey sir [Richard], how 'bout a cat?"

Can you remove a space from } $1 at the end (making it }$1)?

@Cyoce There is a way of doing that, but it adds more complexity elsewhere. {S:i:g/(^|<[.?!]>' ')?'[?]'(' '<[aeiou]>?)/{<a A>[?$0]~('n'x?~$1.substr(1))}$1/}
Brad Gilbert b2gills

Ok, I wasn't sure how perl would parse that


Lua, 131 Bytes.

function(s)return s:gsub("%[%?%](%s*.)",function(a)return"a"..(a:find("[AEIOUaeiou]")and"n"or"")..a end):gsub("^.",string.upper)end

Although lua is a terrible Language for golfing, I feel I've done pretty well.


Pip, 62 55 54 50 bytes

Takes the string as a command-line argument.

aR-`([^.?!] )?\[\?]( [^aeiou])?`{[b"aA"@!b'nX!cc]}

Try it online!


a                                                   Cmdline argument
 R                                                  Replace...
  -`                           `                    The following regex (case-insensitive):
    ([^.?!] )?                                      Group 1: not end-of-sentence (nil if it doesn't match)
              \[\?]                                 [?]
                   ( [^aeiou])?                     Group 2: not vowel (nil if there is a vowel)
                                {                }  ... with this callback function (b = grp1, c = grp2):
                                 [              ]   List (concatenated when cast to string) of:
                                  b                 Group 1
                                   "aA"@!b          "a" if group 1 matched, else "A"
                                          'nX!c     "n" if group 2 didn't match, else ""
                                               c    Group 2


Racket (with regex) 228 bytes

(define(r a b c)(regexp-replace* a b c))
(define(f s)
(set! s(r #rx"[a-zA-Z ]\\[\\?\\] (?=[aeiouAEIOU])"s" an "))
(set! s(r #rx"[a-zA-Z ]\\[\\?\\]"s" a"))
(set! s(r #rx"\\[\\?\\] (?=[aeiouAEIOU])"s"An "))
(r #rx"\\[\\?\\]"s"A"))


(f "[?] giant en le [?] sky.")
(f "[?] yarn ball?")
(f "[?] apple?")
(f "[?] hour ago I met [?] European. ")
(f "How about we build [?] big building. It will have [?] orange banana hanging out of [?] window.")
(f "Hello, this is [?] world!")


"A giant en le a sky."
"A yarn ball?"
"An apple?"
"A hour ago I met an European. "
"How about we build a big building. It will have an orange banana hanging out of a window."
"Hello, this is a world!"


Python 3, 104 103 bytes

-1 bytes, unescaped ]

lambda s:r('(^|[.?!] )a',r'\1A',r('a( [aeiouAEIOU])',r'an\1',r('\[\?]','a',s)));from re import sub as r

Try it online!

Starts by replacing all occurences of [?] with a,
Then replaces all a followed by a vowel, with an.
Then replaces all a at the start of input or a sentence with A.

Assumes that [?] will never be touching another word, and that lower-case a should never begin a sentence.

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