FWIW, 여기에 수동으로 방향을 설정하는 구현이 있습니다 (앱의 루트 뷰 컨트롤러, natch로 이동).
CGRect bounds = [[ UIScreen mainScreen ] bounds ];
CGAffineTransform t;
CGFloat r = 0;
switch ( orientation ) {
case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight:
r = -(M_PI / 2);
case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft:
r = M_PI / 2;
if( r != 0 ){
CGSize sz = bounds.size;
bounds.size.width = sz.height;
bounds.size.height = sz.width;
t = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation( r );
UIApplication *application = [ UIApplication sharedApplication ];
[ UIView beginAnimations:@"InterfaceOrientation" context: nil ];
[ UIView setAnimationDuration: [ application statusBarOrientationAnimationDuration ] ];
self.view.transform = t;
self.view.bounds = bounds;
[ UIView commitAnimations ];
[ application setStatusBarOrientation: orientation animated: YES ];
다음 UINavigationControllerDelegate
방법 과 결합됩니다 (를 사용한다고 가정 UINavigationController
-(void)navigationController:(UINavigationController *)navigationController willShowViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated{
// rotate interface, if we need to
UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [[ UIDevice currentDevice ] orientation ];
BOOL bViewControllerDoesSupportCurrentOrientation = [ viewController shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: orientation ];
if( !bViewControllerDoesSupportCurrentOrientation ){
[ self rotateInterfaceToOrientation: UIDeviceOrientationPortrait ];
수신 UIViewController
이 현재 장치 방향을 지원 하는지 여부에 따라 루트 뷰를 회전합니다 . 마지막으로 rotateInterfaceToOrientation
표준 iOS 기능을 모방하기 위해 실제 장치 방향 변경에 연결하는 것이 좋습니다. 이 이벤트 핸들러를 동일한 루트 뷰 컨트롤러에 추가합니다.
UIViewController *tvc = self.rootNavigationController.topViewController;
UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [[ UIDevice currentDevice ] orientation ];
// only switch if we need to (seem to get multiple notifications on device)
if( orientation != [[ UIApplication sharedApplication ] statusBarOrientation ] ){
if( [ tvc shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: orientation ] ){
[ self rotateInterfaceToOrientation: orientation ];
마지막으로, 등록 UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification
의 통지 init
또는 loadview
과 같이 :
[[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] addObserver: self
selector: @selector(onUIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification:)
name: UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification
object: nil ];
[[ UIDevice currentDevice ] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications ];