더 나은 방법은 상태 머신을 사용하는 것입니다. 아래는 아래 링크의 NodeJS 코드를 Python 3 으로 변환하여 작업 한 샘플 코드입니다 ( Python 3에서만 사용할 수있는 비 로컬 키워드 사용, Python 2에서는 코드가 작동하지 않음).
Edit-1 : Python 2와 호환되는 코드 업데이트 및 제작
편집 -2 : Python3 전용 버전도 업데이트 및 추가했습니다.
Python 3 전용 버전
# A streaming byte oriented JSON parser. Feed it a single byte at a time and
# it will emit complete objects as it comes across them. Whitespace within and
# between objects is ignored. This means it can parse newline delimited JSON.
import math
def json_machine(emit, next_func=None):
def _value(byte_data):
if not byte_data:
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _value # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x22: # "
return string_machine(on_value)
if byte_data == 0x2d or (0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40): # - or 0-9
return number_machine(byte_data, on_number)
if byte_data == 0x7b: #:
return object_machine(on_value)
if byte_data == 0x5b: # [
return array_machine(on_value)
if byte_data == 0x74: # t
return constant_machine(TRUE, True, on_value)
if byte_data == 0x66: # f
return constant_machine(FALSE, False, on_value)
if byte_data == 0x6e: # n
return constant_machine(NULL, None, on_value)
if next_func == _value:
raise Exception("Unexpected 0x" + str(byte_data))
return next_func(byte_data)
def on_value(value):
return next_func
def on_number(number, byte):
return _value(byte)
next_func = next_func or _value
return _value
TRUE = [0x72, 0x75, 0x65]
FALSE = [0x61, 0x6c, 0x73, 0x65]
NULL = [0x75, 0x6c, 0x6c]
def constant_machine(bytes_data, value, emit):
i = 0
length = len(bytes_data)
def _constant(byte_data):
nonlocal i
if byte_data != bytes_data[i]:
i += 1
raise Exception("Unexpected 0x" + str(byte_data))
i += 1
if i < length:
return _constant
return emit(value)
return _constant
def string_machine(emit):
string = ""
def _string(byte_data):
nonlocal string
if byte_data == 0x22: # "
return emit(string)
if byte_data == 0x5c: # \
return _escaped_string
if byte_data & 0x80: # UTF-8 handling
return utf8_machine(byte_data, on_char_code)
if byte_data < 0x20: # ASCII control character
raise Exception("Unexpected control character: 0x" + str(byte_data))
string += chr(byte_data)
return _string
def _escaped_string(byte_data):
nonlocal string
if byte_data == 0x22 or byte_data == 0x5c or byte_data == 0x2f: # " \ /
string += chr(byte_data)
return _string
if byte_data == 0x62: # b
string += "\b"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x66: # f
string += "\f"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x6e: # n
string += "\n"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x72: # r
string += "\r"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x74: # t
string += "\t"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x75: # u
return hex_machine(on_char_code)
def on_char_code(char_code):
nonlocal string
string += chr(char_code)
return _string
return _string
# Nestable state machine for UTF-8 Decoding.
def utf8_machine(byte_data, emit):
left = 0
num = 0
def _utf8(byte_data):
nonlocal num, left
if (byte_data & 0xc0) != 0x80:
raise Exception("Invalid byte in UTF-8 character: 0x" + byte_data.toString(16))
left = left - 1
num |= (byte_data & 0x3f) << (left * 6)
if left:
return _utf8
return emit(num)
if 0xc0 <= byte_data < 0xe0: # 2-byte UTF-8 Character
left = 1
num = (byte_data & 0x1f) << 6
return _utf8
if 0xe0 <= byte_data < 0xf0: # 3-byte UTF-8 Character
left = 2
num = (byte_data & 0xf) << 12
return _utf8
if 0xf0 <= byte_data < 0xf8: # 4-byte UTF-8 Character
left = 3
num = (byte_data & 0x07) << 18
return _utf8
raise Exception("Invalid byte in UTF-8 string: 0x" + str(byte_data))
# Nestable state machine for hex escaped characters
def hex_machine(emit):
left = 4
num = 0
def _hex(byte_data):
nonlocal num, left
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
i = byte_data - 0x30
elif 0x61 <= byte_data <= 0x66:
i = byte_data - 0x57
elif 0x41 <= byte_data <= 0x46:
i = byte_data - 0x37
raise Exception("Expected hex char in string hex escape")
left -= 1
num |= i << (left * 4)
if left:
return _hex
return emit(num)
return _hex
def number_machine(byte_data, emit):
sign = 1
number = 0
decimal = 0
esign = 1
exponent = 0
def _mid(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x2e: # .
return _decimal
return _later(byte_data)
def _number(byte_data):
nonlocal number
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
number = number * 10 + (byte_data - 0x30)
return _number
return _mid(byte_data)
def _start(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x30:
return _mid
if 0x30 < byte_data < 0x40:
return _number(byte_data)
raise Exception("Invalid number: 0x" + str(byte_data))
if byte_data == 0x2d: # -
sign = -1
return _start
def _decimal(byte_data):
nonlocal decimal
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
decimal = (decimal + byte_data - 0x30) / 10
return _decimal
return _later(byte_data)
def _later(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x45 or byte_data == 0x65: # E e
return _esign
return _done(byte_data)
def _esign(byte_data):
nonlocal esign
if byte_data == 0x2b: # +
return _exponent
if byte_data == 0x2d: # -
esign = -1
return _exponent
return _exponent(byte_data)
def _exponent(byte_data):
nonlocal exponent
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
exponent = exponent * 10 + (byte_data - 0x30)
return _exponent
return _done(byte_data)
def _done(byte_data):
value = sign * (number + decimal)
if exponent:
value *= math.pow(10, esign * exponent)
return emit(value, byte_data)
return _start(byte_data)
def array_machine(emit):
array_data = []
def _array(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x5d: # ]
return emit(array_data)
return json_machine(on_value, _comma)(byte_data)
def on_value(value):
def _comma(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _comma # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x2c: # ,
return json_machine(on_value, _comma)
if byte_data == 0x5d: # ]
return emit(array_data)
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + str(byte_data) + " in array body")
return _array
def object_machine(emit):
object_data = {}
key = None
def _object(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x7d: #
return emit(object_data)
return _key(byte_data)
def _key(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _object # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x22:
return string_machine(on_key)
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + str(byte_data))
def on_key(result):
nonlocal key
key = result
return _colon
def _colon(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _colon # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x3a: # :
return json_machine(on_value, _comma)
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + str(byte_data))
def on_value(value):
object_data[key] = value
def _comma(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _comma # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x2c: # ,
return _key
if byte_data == 0x7d: #
return emit(object_data)
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + str(byte_data))
return _object
Python 2 호환 버전
# A streaming byte oriented JSON parser. Feed it a single byte at a time and
# it will emit complete objects as it comes across them. Whitespace within and
# between objects is ignored. This means it can parse newline delimited JSON.
import math
def json_machine(emit, next_func=None):
def _value(byte_data):
if not byte_data:
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _value # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x22: # "
return string_machine(on_value)
if byte_data == 0x2d or (0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40): # - or 0-9
return number_machine(byte_data, on_number)
if byte_data == 0x7b: #:
return object_machine(on_value)
if byte_data == 0x5b: # [
return array_machine(on_value)
if byte_data == 0x74: # t
return constant_machine(TRUE, True, on_value)
if byte_data == 0x66: # f
return constant_machine(FALSE, False, on_value)
if byte_data == 0x6e: # n
return constant_machine(NULL, None, on_value)
if next_func == _value:
raise Exception("Unexpected 0x" + str(byte_data))
return next_func(byte_data)
def on_value(value):
return next_func
def on_number(number, byte):
return _value(byte)
next_func = next_func or _value
return _value
TRUE = [0x72, 0x75, 0x65]
FALSE = [0x61, 0x6c, 0x73, 0x65]
NULL = [0x75, 0x6c, 0x6c]
def constant_machine(bytes_data, value, emit):
local_data = {"i": 0, "length": len(bytes_data)}
def _constant(byte_data):
# nonlocal i, length
if byte_data != bytes_data[local_data["i"]]:
local_data["i"] += 1
raise Exception("Unexpected 0x" + byte_data.toString(16))
local_data["i"] += 1
if local_data["i"] < local_data["length"]:
return _constant
return emit(value)
return _constant
def string_machine(emit):
local_data = {"string": ""}
def _string(byte_data):
# nonlocal string
if byte_data == 0x22: # "
return emit(local_data["string"])
if byte_data == 0x5c: # \
return _escaped_string
if byte_data & 0x80: # UTF-8 handling
return utf8_machine(byte_data, on_char_code)
if byte_data < 0x20: # ASCII control character
raise Exception("Unexpected control character: 0x" + byte_data.toString(16))
local_data["string"] += chr(byte_data)
return _string
def _escaped_string(byte_data):
# nonlocal string
if byte_data == 0x22 or byte_data == 0x5c or byte_data == 0x2f: # " \ /
local_data["string"] += chr(byte_data)
return _string
if byte_data == 0x62: # b
local_data["string"] += "\b"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x66: # f
local_data["string"] += "\f"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x6e: # n
local_data["string"] += "\n"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x72: # r
local_data["string"] += "\r"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x74: # t
local_data["string"] += "\t"
return _string
if byte_data == 0x75: # u
return hex_machine(on_char_code)
def on_char_code(char_code):
# nonlocal string
local_data["string"] += chr(char_code)
return _string
return _string
# Nestable state machine for UTF-8 Decoding.
def utf8_machine(byte_data, emit):
local_data = {"left": 0, "num": 0}
def _utf8(byte_data):
# nonlocal num, left
if (byte_data & 0xc0) != 0x80:
raise Exception("Invalid byte in UTF-8 character: 0x" + byte_data.toString(16))
local_data["left"] -= 1
local_data["num"] |= (byte_data & 0x3f) << (local_data["left"] * 6)
if local_data["left"]:
return _utf8
return emit(local_data["num"])
if 0xc0 <= byte_data < 0xe0: # 2-byte UTF-8 Character
local_data["left"] = 1
local_data["num"] = (byte_data & 0x1f) << 6
return _utf8
if 0xe0 <= byte_data < 0xf0: # 3-byte UTF-8 Character
local_data["left"] = 2
local_data["num"] = (byte_data & 0xf) << 12
return _utf8
if 0xf0 <= byte_data < 0xf8: # 4-byte UTF-8 Character
local_data["left"] = 3
local_data["num"] = (byte_data & 0x07) << 18
return _utf8
raise Exception("Invalid byte in UTF-8 string: 0x" + str(byte_data))
# Nestable state machine for hex escaped characters
def hex_machine(emit):
local_data = {"left": 4, "num": 0}
def _hex(byte_data):
# nonlocal num, left
i = 0 # Parse the hex byte
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
i = byte_data - 0x30
elif 0x61 <= byte_data <= 0x66:
i = byte_data - 0x57
elif 0x41 <= byte_data <= 0x46:
i = byte_data - 0x37
raise Exception("Expected hex char in string hex escape")
local_data["left"] -= 1
local_data["num"] |= i << (local_data["left"] * 4)
if local_data["left"]:
return _hex
return emit(local_data["num"])
return _hex
def number_machine(byte_data, emit):
local_data = {"sign": 1, "number": 0, "decimal": 0, "esign": 1, "exponent": 0}
def _mid(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x2e: # .
return _decimal
return _later(byte_data)
def _number(byte_data):
# nonlocal number
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
local_data["number"] = local_data["number"] * 10 + (byte_data - 0x30)
return _number
return _mid(byte_data)
def _start(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x30:
return _mid
if 0x30 < byte_data < 0x40:
return _number(byte_data)
raise Exception("Invalid number: 0x" + byte_data.toString(16))
if byte_data == 0x2d: # -
local_data["sign"] = -1
return _start
def _decimal(byte_data):
# nonlocal decimal
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
local_data["decimal"] = (local_data["decimal"] + byte_data - 0x30) / 10
return _decimal
return _later(byte_data)
def _later(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x45 or byte_data == 0x65: # E e
return _esign
return _done(byte_data)
def _esign(byte_data):
# nonlocal esign
if byte_data == 0x2b: # +
return _exponent
if byte_data == 0x2d: # -
local_data["esign"] = -1
return _exponent
return _exponent(byte_data)
def _exponent(byte_data):
# nonlocal exponent
if 0x30 <= byte_data < 0x40:
local_data["exponent"] = local_data["exponent"] * 10 + (byte_data - 0x30)
return _exponent
return _done(byte_data)
def _done(byte_data):
value = local_data["sign"] * (local_data["number"] + local_data["decimal"])
if local_data["exponent"]:
value *= math.pow(10, local_data["esign"] * local_data["exponent"])
return emit(value, byte_data)
return _start(byte_data)
def array_machine(emit):
local_data = {"array_data": []}
def _array(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x5d: # ]
return emit(local_data["array_data"])
return json_machine(on_value, _comma)(byte_data)
def on_value(value):
# nonlocal array_data
def _comma(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _comma # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x2c: # ,
return json_machine(on_value, _comma)
if byte_data == 0x5d: # ]
return emit(local_data["array_data"])
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + str(byte_data) + " in array body")
return _array
def object_machine(emit):
local_data = {"object_data": {}, "key": ""}
def _object(byte_data):
# nonlocal object_data, key
if byte_data == 0x7d: #
return emit(local_data["object_data"])
return _key(byte_data)
def _key(byte_data):
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _object # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x22:
return string_machine(on_key)
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + byte_data.toString(16))
def on_key(result):
# nonlocal object_data, key
local_data["key"] = result
return _colon
def _colon(byte_data):
# nonlocal object_data, key
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _colon # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x3a: # :
return json_machine(on_value, _comma)
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + str(byte_data))
def on_value(value):
# nonlocal object_data, key
local_data["object_data"][local_data["key"]] = value
def _comma(byte_data):
# nonlocal object_data
if byte_data == 0x09 or byte_data == 0x0a or byte_data == 0x0d or byte_data == 0x20:
return _comma # Ignore whitespace
if byte_data == 0x2c: # ,
return _key
if byte_data == 0x7d: #
return emit(local_data["object_data"])
raise Exception("Unexpected byte: 0x" + str(byte_data))
return _object
그것을 테스트
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_json = """[1,2,"3"] {"name":
"tarun"} 1 2
3 [{"name":"a",
"data": [1,
def found_json(data):
state = json_machine(found_json)
for char in test_json:
state = state(ord(char))
동일한 출력은
[1, 2, '3']
{'name': 'tarun'}
[{'name': 'a', 'data': [1, None, 2]}]