2 큐빗 상태 | ψ ⟩ ∈ C 4 인 얽힌 상태 경우 거기에만 있지 이 하나의 큐 비트 상태를 존재 | ⟩ = α | 0 ⟩ + β | 1 ⟩ ∈ C 2 및 | B ⟩ = γ | 0 ⟩ + λ | 1 ⟩ ∈ C 2 등이 | ⟩ ⊗ | B ⟩ = | ψ
|ψ⟩∈C4 |a⟩=α|0⟩+β|1⟩∈C2 |b⟩=γ|0⟩+λ|1⟩∈C2 ⟩ 여기서 ⊗|a⟩⊗|b⟩=|ψ⟩ ⊗ denotes the tensor product and α,β,γ,λ∈Cα,β,γ,λ∈C .
So, to show that the Bell state |Φ+⟩=1√2(|00⟩+|11⟩)
Suppose that
|Φ+⟩=|a⟩⊗|b⟩=(α|0⟩+β|1⟩)⊗(γ|0⟩+λ|1⟩) We can now simply apply the distributive property to obtain
|Φ+⟩=⋯=(αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩) This must be equal to 1√2(|00⟩+|11⟩)
12√(|00⟩+|11⟩) , that is, we must find coefficients αα , ββ , γγ and λλ , such that1√2(|00⟩+|11⟩)=(αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩)
12–√(|00⟩+|11⟩)=(αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩) Observe that, in the expression αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩
αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩ , we want to keep both |00⟩|00⟩ and |11⟩|11⟩ . Hence, αα and γγ , which are the coefficients of |00⟩|00⟩ , cannot be zero; in other words, we must have α≠0α≠0 and γ≠0γ≠0 . Similarly, ββ and λλ , which are the complex numbers multiplying |11⟩|11⟩ cannot be zero, i.e. β≠0β≠0 and λ≠0λ≠0 . So, all complex numbers αα , ββ , γγ and λλ must be different from zero.But, to obtain the Bell state |Φ+⟩
|Φ+⟩ , we want to get rid of |01⟩|01⟩ and |10⟩|10⟩ . So, one of the numbers (or both) multiplying |01⟩|01⟩ (and |10⟩|10⟩ ) in the expression αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩ , i.e. αα and λλ (and, respectively, ββ and γγ ), must be equal to zero. But we have just seen that αα , ββ , γγ and λλ must all be different from zero. So, we cannot find a combination of complex numbers αα , ββ , γγ and λλ such that1√2(|00⟩+|11⟩)=(αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩)
12–√(|00⟩+|11⟩)=(αγ|00⟩+αλ|01⟩+βγ|10⟩+βλ|11⟩) In other words, we are not able to express |Φ+⟩
|Φ+⟩ as a tensor product of two one-qubit states. Therefore, |Φ+⟩|Φ+⟩ is a entangled state.
We can perform a similar proof for other Bell states or, in general, if we want to prove that a state is entangled.
A two qudit pure state is separable if and only if it can be written in the form |Ψ⟩=|ψ⟩|ϕ⟩
To determine if the pure state is entangled, one could try a brute force method of attempting to find satisfying states |ψ⟩
For example, imagine one has a pure separable state |Ψ⟩=|ψ⟩|ϕ⟩
Meanwhile, if we take |Ψ⟩=1√2(|00⟩+|11⟩)
If you wish to know about detecting entanglement in mixed states (not pure states), this is less straightforward, but for two qubits there is a necessary and sufficient condition for separability: positivity under the partial transpose operation.