이것은 단지 해킹이지만 닫을 수 있습니다.
단 3 끼만
평균 C #에 이틀 더 가까워지면 기본적으로 식사를 퍼 눕습니다.
더 나은 방법은 Flop에서 boolen을 반환하고 완료 될 때까지 반복하는 것입니다.
플롭이 더 똑똑해질 수 있습니다. 점심과 저녁 식사를 위해 아침 식사를하지 마십시오. 하드 코드 순열이있을 수 있습니다. 이것은 플롭 값이 정렬이 아닌 정렬과 비슷합니다.
public static void MealEven()
List<Day> Days = new List<Day>();
Random rnd = new Random();
decimal sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<7; i ++)
int b = rnd.Next(100) + 40;
int l = rnd.Next(100) + 60;
int d = rnd.Next(100) + 80;
Meal br = new Meal(enumMeal.b, b);
Meal lu = new Meal(enumMeal.l, l);
Meal di = new Meal(enumMeal.d, d);
Day day = new Day(br, lu, di);
sum += day.Calories;
decimal avg = sum / 7;
foreach (Day d in Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories))
Day low;
Day high;
Day lowLast = null;
Day highLast = null;
int count = 0;
while (true)
{ // first do high and low
low = Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories).FirstOrDefault();
high = Days.OrderByDescending(x => x.Calories).FirstOrDefault();
if (lowLast != null && lowLast == low && highLast == high)
if (count > 1000)
lowLast = low;
highLast = high;
Flop(ref high, ref low);
foreach (Day d in Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", d.Calories, d.B.Calories, d.L.Calories, d.D.Calories);
// day a one on one pass
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
if (i == j)
Day d1 = Days[i];
Day d2 = Days[j];
Flop(ref d1, ref d2);
foreach (Day d in Days.OrderBy(x => x.Calories))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", d.Calories, d.B.Calories, d.L.Calories, d.D.Calories);
public static void Flop (ref Day high, ref Day low)
if(low.Calories > high.Calories)
int hold = low.B.Calories;
low.B.Calories = high.B.Calories;
high.B.Calories = hold;
hold = low.L.Calories;
low.L.Calories = high.L.Calories;
high.L.Calories = hold;
hold = low.D.Calories;
low.D.Calories = high.D.Calories;
high.D.Calories = hold;
decimal avg = (low.Calories + high.Calories) / (decimal)2;
int bDiff = (high.B.Calories - low.B.Calories) < 0 ? 0 : (high.B.Calories - low.B.Calories);
int lDiff = high.L.Calories - low.L.Calories < 0 ? 0 : (high.L.Calories - low.L.Calories);
int dDiff = high.D.Calories - low.D.Calories < 0 ? 0 : (high.D.Calories - low.D.Calories);
// only flop is one does not go past the average
if (bDiff > 0 && ((low.Calories + bDiff) < avg || (high.Calories - bDiff) > avg))
int hold = low.B.Calories;
low.B.Calories = high.B.Calories;
high.B.Calories = hold;
if (lDiff > 0 && ((low.Calories + lDiff) < avg || (high.Calories - lDiff) > avg))
int hold = low.L.Calories;
low.L.Calories = high.L.Calories;
high.L.Calories = hold;
if (dDiff > 0 && ((low.Calories + dDiff) < avg || (high.Calories - dDiff) > avg))
int hold = low.D.Calories;
low.D.Calories = high.D.Calories;
high.D.Calories = hold;
public enum enumMeal {b, l, d};
public class Day
public Meal B { get; set; }
public Meal L { get; set; }
public Meal D { get; set; }
public Decimal Calories { get { return (Decimal)(B.Calories + L.Calories + D.Calories); } }
public Day (Meal b, Meal l, Meal d )
B = b;
L = l;
D = d;
public class Meal
public enumMeal Type { get; set; }
public int Calories { get; set; }
public Meal (enumMeal meal, int calories)
Type = meal;
Calories = calories;