XX 와 YY 가 랜덤 변수 라고 가정 하십시오.
하자 y를 0y0 할 고정 실수라고 y를 0 = 1y0=1 . 그리고,
E [ X | Y = Y 0 ] = E [ X는 | Y = 1 ]E[X∣Y=y0]=E[X∣Y=1] A는
번호 : 이는 인 조건부 기대 값 의 XX 주어진 Y는Y 값을 가지고 11 . 이제 다른 고정 실수 y 1y1 에 대해 예를 들어 y 1 = 1.5입니다y1=1.5 . E [ X | Y = Y 1 ] = E [ X | Y = 1.5 ]E[X∣Y=y1]=E[X∣Y=1.5] 의 조건부 기대치 것
XX 주어진 Y = 1.5Y=1.5 (실수)를. E [ X ∣ Y = 1.5 ]E[X∣Y=1.5] 와 E [ X ∣ Y = 1 ]E[X∣Y=1] 가 동일한 값을 갖는다 고가정 할 이유가 없습니다. 따라서 우리는 또한 E [ X ∣ Y = y ]E[X∣Y=y] 되로서 실수 y 를 실수 E [ X ∣ Y = y ]에
매핑하는 실수 함수 g ( y )g(y) 입니다 . 참고있는 OP의 질문에 문 것을 E [ X | Y = y는 ] 의 함수
x는 잘못된 : E [ X | Y = y는 ] 의 실수 함수 y를 .yE[X∣Y=y]E[X∣Y=y]xE[X∣Y=y]y
On the other hand, E[X∣Y]E[X∣Y] is a random variable ZZ which
happens to be a function of the random variable YY. Now, whenever
we write Z=h(Y)Z=h(Y), what we mean is that whenever the random variable
YY happens to have value yy, the random variable ZZ has value
h(y)h(y). Whenever YY takes on value yy, the random variable
Z=E[X∣Y]Z=E[X∣Y] takes on value E[X∣Y=y]=g(y)E[X∣Y=y]=g(y).
Thus, E[X∣Y]E[X∣Y] is just another name for the random
variable Z=g(Y)Z=g(Y). Note that E[X∣Y]E[X∣Y] is a function of YY
(not yy as in the statement of the OP's question).
As a a simple illustrative
example, suppose that
XX and YY are discrete random variables with joint distribution
P(X=0,Y=0)=0.1, P(X=0,Y=1)=0.2,P(X=1,Y=0)=0.3, P(X=1,Y=1)=0.4.
P(X=0,Y=0)P(X=1,Y=0)=0.1, P(X=0,Y=1)=0.2,=0.3, P(X=1,Y=1)=0.4.
Note that
XX and
YY are (dependent)
Bernoulli random variables
with parameters
0.70.7 and
0.60.6 respectively, and so
Now, note that
conditioned on
XX is a Bernoulli random variable
with parameter
0.750.75 while
conditioned on
XX is a Bernoulli
random variable with parameter
2323. If you cannot see why this is
so immediately, just work out the details: for example
and similarly for
P(X=1∣Y=1)P(X=1∣Y=1) and
Hence, we have that
E[X∣Y=y]=g(y)E[X∣Y=y]=g(y) where
g(y)g(y) is a real-valued function
enjoying the
On the other hand, E[X∣Y]=g(Y)E[X∣Y]=g(Y) is a random variable
that takes on values 3434 and 2323 with
probabilities 0.4=P(Y=0)0.4=P(Y=0) and 0.6=P(Y=1)0.6=P(Y=1) respectively.
Note that E[X∣Y]E[X∣Y] is a discrete random variable
but is not a Bernoulli random variable.
As a final touch, note that
That is, the expected value of this
function of
YY, which
we computed using only the marginal distribution of
happens to have the
same numerical value as
E[X]E[X] !! This
is an illustration of a more general result that many
people believe is a LIE:
Sorry, that's just a small joke. LIE is an acronym for Law of Iterated
Expectation which is a perfectly valid result that everyone
believes is the truth.