일 변량 지수 혹 프로세스의 MLE 찾기


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What numerical methods can I use to find the MLE? What is the simplest practical method to implement?

I have had success fitting μ and α by maximizing the MLE the LBFGS implementation in scipy. The log-likelihood is not concave in β though, so I simply iterated over a range of β values and picked the one with the maximum likelihood. Note that α<β is required for stationarity of the process.
Emaad Ahmed Manzoor

curious, what is the correct form of the λ(t) function using the values of R(i) instead of resumming at each step?



The Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm seems to work well.. It is implemented in Java by the Apache Commons Math library at https://commons.apache.org/math/ . I've also written a paper about the Hawkes processes at Point Process Models for Multivariate High-Frequency Irregularly Spaced Data .

felix, using exp/log transforms seems to ensure positivity of the parameters. As for the small alpha thing, search the arxiv.org for a paper called "limit theorems for nearly unstable hawkes processes"

Welcome to the site, @StephenCrowley. If you have your own question, please do not post it as ( / as part of) an answer. Click on the gray "ASK QUESTION" button at the top of the page & ask it there. If you have a question for clarification from the OP, you should ask it in a comment to the question post above. (Although frustratingly, you cannot do that until you reach 50 rep.)
gung - Reinstate Monica


I solved this problem using the nlopt library. I found a number of the methods converged quite quickly.

I assume you're familiar with T. Ozaki (1979), Maximum likelihood estimation of Hawkes' self-exciting point processes, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., vol. 31, no. 1, 145-155.

Could you give more details of what you did? It seems there is a problem with setting constraints and also that large beta is indistinguishable from zero alpha (they both look Poisson).


You could also do a simple maximization. In R:

neg.loglik <- function(params, data, opt=TRUE) {
  mu <- params[1]
  alpha <- params[2]
  beta <- params[3]
  t <- sort(data)
  r <- rep(0,length(t))
  for(i in 2:length(t)) {
    r[i] <- exp(-beta*(t[i]-t[i-1]))*(1+r[i-1])
  loglik <- -tail(t,1)*mu
  loglik <- loglik+alpha/beta*sum(exp(-beta*(tail(t,1)-t))-1)
  loglik <- loglik+sum(log(mu+alpha*r))
  if(!opt) {
    return(list(negloglik=-loglik, mu=mu, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, t=t,
  else {

# insert your values for (mu, alpha, beta) in par
# insert your times for data
opt <- optim(par=c(1,2,3), fn=neg.loglik, data=data)

mu, alpha 및 beta가 음수 값으로 설정되지 않도록하려면 어떻게합니까?

통화 에서 lowerupper매개 변수를 설정할 수 있습니다 optim.

Nelder-Mead가 아닌 경우 기본값을 선택할 수 없습니다. ( stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/stats/html/optim.html 참조 ). 또한 거대한 베타를 제로 알파와 구별 할 수있는 방법이 없다고 생각하므로 일반적인 최적화가 끝났습니다.
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