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인터뷰 질문을 받았습니다.
매 10 분마다 빨간 열차가 운행됩니다. 15 분마다 파란 열차가 운행됩니다. 둘 다 임의의 시간에서 시작하므로 일정이 없습니다. 무작위 시간에 역에 도착하여 처음으로 오는 기차를 타면 예상 대기 시간은 얼마입니까?
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35 점으로 분
The answer is
Here's the MATLAB code to simulate:
nsim = 10000000;
red= rand(nsim,1)*10;
blue= rand(nsim,1)*15;
nextbus = min([red,blue],[],2);
Assuming each train is on a fixed timetable independent of the other and of the traveller's arrival time, the probability neither train arrives in the first minutes is for , which when integrated gives minutes
Alternatively, assuming each train is part of a Poisson process, the joint rate is trains a minute, making the expected waiting time minutes
I am probably wrong but assuming that each train's starting-time follows a uniform distribution, I would say that when arriving at the station at a random time the expected waiting time for:
Suppose that red and blue trains arrive on time according to schedule, with the red schedule beginning minutes after the blue schedule, for some . For definiteness suppose the first blue train arrives at time .
Assume for now that lies between and minutes. Between and minutes we'll see the following trains and interarrival times: blue train, , red train, , red train, , blue train, , red train, , blue train. Then the schedule repeats, starting with that last blue train.
If denotes the waiting time for a passenger arriving at the station at time , then the plot of versus is piecewise linear, with each line segment decaying to zero with slope . So the average wait time is the area from to of an array of triangles, divided by . This gives
If is not constant, but instead a uniformly distributed random variable, we obtain an average average waiting time of
This is a Poisson process.
The red train arrives according to a Poisson distribution wIth rate parameter 6/hour.
The blue train also arrives according to a Poisson distribution with rate 4/hour.
Red train arrivals and blue train arrivals are independent.
Total number of train arrivals Is also Poisson with rate 10/hour. Since the sum of
The time between train arrivals is exponential with mean 6 minutes. Since the exponential mean is the reciprocal of the Poisson rate parameter.
Since the exponential distribution is memoryless, your expected wait time is 6 minutes.