이 작업에 대한 명령은 무엇입니까?
사용 /XD
(예를 X 옵션 이름 / 경로 주어진 clude 디렉토리 일치).
robocopy D:\ {dest} /MIR /XD "D:\Programs\DVD IV\FileandDisk\Utilities\CCleaner"
대체 {dest}
당신이 복사 할 폴더의 (전체 또는 상대) 경로 이름.
예 : C:\Backup
경우 {dest}
포함 spaces
그것은 해야 인용.
예 : "C:\My Backup"
이다 MIR은 디렉토리 트리 ROR - 동등 /PURGE
플러스 모든 하위 폴더 (/E)
(당신은 아마뿐만 아니라이 옵션을 원하는).
"D:\Programs\DVD IV\FileandDisk\Utilities\CCleaner"
포함 된대로 인용 해야합니다spaces
대상 옵션
/A+:[RASHCNET] : Set file Attribute(s) on destination files + add.
/A-:[RASHCNET] : UnSet file Attribute(s) on destination files - remove.
/FAT : Create destination files using 8.3 FAT file names only.
/CREATE : CREATE directory tree structure + zero-length files only.
/DST : Compensate for one-hour DST time differences.
/PURGE : Delete dest files/folders that no longer exist in source.
/MIR : MIRror a directory tree - equivalent to /PURGE plus all subfolders (/E)
절대 사용하지 않을 고급 옵션
/EFSRAW : Copy any encrypted files using EFS RAW mode.
/MT[:n] : Multithreaded copying, n = no. of threads to use (1-128) #
default = 8 threads, not compatible with /IPG and /EFSRAW
The use of /LOG is recommended for better performance.
/SECFIX : FIX file SECurity on all files, even skipped files.
/TIMFIX : FIX file TIMes on all files, even skipped files.
/XO : eXclude Older - if destination file exists and is the same date
or newer than the source - don’t bother to overwrite it.
/XC : eXclude Changed files
/XN : eXclude Newer files
/XL : eXclude "Lonely" files and dirs (present in source but not destination)
This will prevent any new files being added to the destination.
/XX : eXclude "eXtra" files and dirs (present in destination but not source)
This will prevent any deletions from the destination. (this is the default)
/XF file [file]... : eXclude Files matching given names/paths/wildcards.
/XD dirs [dirs]... : eXclude Directories matching given names/paths.
XF and XD can be used in combination e.g.
ROBOCOPY c:\source d:\dest /XF *.doc *.xls /XD c:\unwanted /S
소스 robocopy
원하는대로 옵션을 추가했습니다 .
인수에가 포함 된 경우에만 s가 필요합니다 spaces