나는 SunOS 5.10에있다. 명령을 사용하려고 할 때 fuser
, 나는 그것이 발견되지 않는다는 오류가 발생하고있다.
/home/user$fuser file.dat
ksh: fuser: not found
하지만 매뉴얼 페이지 엔트리를 얻을 수 있습니다. fuser
/home/user$man fuser
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System Administration Commands fuser(1M)
fuser - identify users of files and devices
/usr/sbin/fuser [-c | -d | -f] [-nu] [-k | -s sig] files [
[- ] [-c | -d | -f] [-nu] [-k | -s sig] files] ...
The fuser utility displays the process IDs of the processes
that are using the files specified as arguments.
Each process ID is followed by a letter code. These letter
codes are interpreted as follows. If the process is using
the file as
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