You're always going to have at least n + 1 chrome.exe processes, where n is the number of unique domains you have open across all visible tabs. The +1 is for the "Browser" process coordinating everything else. (e.g. I have 5 tabs open, 4 for SuperUser, 1 for another site. I have 2 Tab processes open)
You'll also have processes for any extensions that might have a background window open. (e.g. Adblock Plus, Ghostery, Stylish, NinjaKit all require an extra process)
Shift + Esc를 누르거나 실행중인 Chrome 버전에 따라 도구 메뉴 / 하위 메뉴 아래에있는 Chrome의 작업 관리자로 이동하여 모든 프로세스 및 사용중인 프로세스 목록을 확인하십시오.