내가 찾은 가장 가까운 솔루션은 Mikko Rauhala의 2013 년 개념 증명 suspend.sh 스크립트입니다.
# A proof of concept script for forgetting LUKS passwords on suspend
# and reasking them on resume.
# The basic idea is to copy all of the files necessary for luksResume
# onto a RAM disk so that we can be sure they'll be available without
# touching the disk at all. Then switch to a text VT to run the resume
# (easier to make sure it'll come up than to do the same with X).
# The suspend itself has to be done from the ramdisk too to make sure it
# won't hang. This is also a reason why this couldn't be reliably done as a
# self-contained /etc/pm/sleep.d script, so to make the concept clear
# (and because I'm lazy) I did just a minimal standalone proof of concept
# instead. Integrating the functionality into the usual pm tools would be
# encouraged. (Though suspend_pmu would apparently need perl on the ramdisk...)
# (C) 2013 Mikko Rauhala 2013, modifiable and distributable under
# CC0, GPLv2 or later, MIT X11 license or 2-clause BSD. Regardless
# of what you pick, there is NO WARRANTY of any kind.
# Cleanup not strictly necessary every time but good for development.
# Doing it before rather than after a suspend for debugging purposes
for a in "$ROOT"/dev/pts "$ROOT"/proc "$ROOT"/sys "$ROOT" ; do
umount "$a" > /dev/null 2>&1
if mount | grep -q "$ROOT" ; then
echo "Cleanup unsuccessful, cryptosuspend root premounted." 1>&2
exit 2
if grep -q mem /sys/power/state; then
elif grep -q standby /sys/power/state; then
echo "No mem or standby states available, aborting" 1>&2
exit 1
if ! mount | grep -q "$RAMDEV" ; then
mkfs -t ext2 -q "$RAMDEV" 8192
mkdir -p "$ROOT"
mount "$RAMDEV" "$ROOT"
mkdir "$ROOT"/sbin "$ROOT"/bin "$ROOT"/dev "$ROOT"/tmp "$ROOT"/proc "$ROOT"/sys
cp "$(which cryptsetup)" "$ROOT"/sbin
for a in $(ldd "$(which cryptsetup)" | grep "/" | cut -d / -f 2- | cut -d " " -f 1) ; do
mkdir -p "$ROOT""$(dirname /$a)"
cp "/$a" "$ROOT"/"$a"
cp "$(which busybox)" "$ROOT"/bin/
ln -s busybox "$ROOT"/bin/sh
ln -s busybox "$ROOT"/bin/sync
cp -a /dev "$ROOT"
mount -t proc proc "$ROOT"/proc
mount -t sysfs sysfs "$ROOT"/sys
mount -t devpts devpts "$ROOT"/dev/pts
CRYPTDEVS="$(dmsetup --target crypt status | cut -d : -f 1)"
echo '#!/bin/sh' > "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo "sync" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo "for a in $CRYPTDEVS ; do" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo " cryptsetup luksSuspend \$a" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo "done" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo "echo -n \"$METHOD\" > /sys/power/state" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo "for a in $CRYPTDEVS ; do" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo ' while ! cryptsetup luksResume'" \$a ; do" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo " true" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo " done" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
echo "done" >> "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
chmod a+rx "$ROOT"/bin/cryptosuspend
exec openvt -s chroot "$ROOT" /bin/cryptosuspend
이것을 우분투 14.04로 포팅하는 작업이 일부 이루어졌습니다 . 아직 공개 된 문제 가 여전히 있기 때문에 완벽한 솔루션은 아니며 2014 년 6 월 11 일 이후로 발표 된 작업이없는 것으로 보입니다. 그러나 향후 개발을위한 좋은 출발점이 될 것 같습니다.
출처 : https://github.com/jonasmalacofilho/ubuntu-luks-suspend
udisksctl lock -b /dev/sda
의 스크립트에 추가/etc/pm/sleep.d/