Anacron 작업 수동 실행


시스템의 최소 설치를 수행했습니다. 이 시스템을 PLEX 미디어 서버로 사용하고 싶습니다. 가벼운 GUI이기 때문에 LXDE를 구성했습니다. rsnapshot을 사용하여 자동 백업을 수행하도록 시스템을 구성하고 있습니다. rsnapshot.conf 파일을 성공적으로 구성했으며 터미널에서 rsnapshot weekly 명령을 실행하여 원하는 결과를 얻습니다.

내 rsnapshot.conf 파일은 다음과 같습니다.

# rsnapshot.conf - rsnapshot configuration file #
#                                               #
#                                               #
# This file requires tabs between elements      #
#                                               #


config_version  1.2


# All snapshots will be stored under this root directory.
snapshot_root   /media/siddharth/Backup/Backup

# If no_create_root is enabled, rsnapshot will not automatically create the
# snapshot_root directory. This is particularly useful if you are backing
# up to removable media, such as a FireWire or USB drive.
# no_create_root    1


# LINUX USERS:   Be sure to uncomment "cmd_cp". This gives you extra features.
# EVERYONE ELSE: Leave "cmd_cp" commented out for compatibility.
# See the README file or the man page for more details.
cmd_cp  /bin/cp

# uncomment this to use the rm program instead of the built-in perl routine.
cmd_rm  /bin/rm

# rsync must be enabled for anything to work. This is the only command that
# must be enabled.
cmd_rsync   /usr/bin/rsync

# Uncomment this to enable remote ssh backups over rsync.
#cmd_ssh    /usr/bin/ssh

# Comment this out to disable syslog support.
cmd_logger  /usr/bin/logger

# Uncomment this to specify the path to "du" for disk usage checks.
# If you have an older version of "du", you may also want to check the
# "du_args" parameter below.
cmd_du  /usr/bin/du

# Uncomment this to specify the path to rsnapshot-diff.
cmd_rsnapshot_diff  /usr/bin/rsnapshot-diff

# Specify the path to a script (and any optional arguments) to run right
# before rsnapshot syncs files
#cmd_preexec    /path/to/preexec/script

# Specify the path to a script (and any optional arguments) to run right
# after rsnapshot syncs files
#cmd_postexec   /path/to/postexec/script

# Paths to lvcreate, lvremove, mount and umount commands, for use with
# Linux LVMs.
#linux_lvm_cmd_lvcreate /sbin/lvcreate
#linux_lvm_cmd_lvremove /sbin/lvremove
#linux_lvm_cmd_mount    /bin/mount
#linux_lvm_cmd_umount   /bin/umount

# Must be unique and in ascending order #
# e.g. alpha, beta, gamma, etc.         #
retain  weekly  1           #
#retain alpha   6
#retain beta    7
#retain gamma   4
#retain delta   3

#              GLOBAL OPTIONS              #
# All are optional, with sensible defaults #

# Verbose level, 1 through 5.
# 1     Quiet           Print fatal errors only
# 2     Default         Print errors and warnings only
# 3     Verbose         Show equivalent shconfig_version    1.2ell commands being executed
# 4     Extra Verbose   Show extra verbose information
# 5     Debug mode      Everything
verbose 2

# Same as "verbose" above, but controls the amount of data sent to the
# logfile, if one is being used. The default is 3.
loglevel    3

# If you enable this, data will be written to the file you specify. The
# amount of data written is controlled by the "loglevel" parameter.
logfile /media/siddharth/Backup/Backup/Logs/Snapshot.log

# If enabled, rsnapshot will write a lockfile to prevent two instances
# from running simultaneously (and messing up the snapshot_root).
# If you enable this, make sure the lockfile directory is not world
# writable. Otherwise anyone can prevent the program from running.
lockfile    /var/run/

# By default, rsnapshot check lockfile, check if PID is running
# and if not, consider lockfile as stale, then start
# Enabling this stop rsnapshot if PID in lockfile is not running
#stop_on_stale_lockfile     0

# Default rsync args. All rsync commands have at least these options set.
#rsync_short_args   -a
#rsync_long_args    --delete        -relative   --numeric-ids   --delete-excluded

# ssh has no args passed by default, but you can specify some here.
#ssh_args   -p 22

# Default arguments for the "du" program (for disk space reporting).
# The GNU version of "du" is preferred. See the man page for more details.
# If your version of "du" doesn't support the -h flag, try -k flag instead.
#du_args    -csh

# If this is enabled, rsync won't span filesystem partitions within a
# backup point. This essentially passes the -x option to rsync.
# The default is 0 (off).
#one_fs     0

# The include and exclude parameters, if enabled, simply get passed directly
# to rsync. If you have multiple include/exclude    # /etc/anacrontab: configuration file for anacron

# See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.


# These replace cron's entries
1   5   cron.daily  run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
7   10  cron.weekly run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly
@monthly    15  cron.monthly    run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly
7   5   backup.weekly   rsnapshot weekly >> /media/siddharth/Backup/Backup/Logs/Anacron/log patterns, put each one on a
# separate line. Please look up the --include and --exclude options in the
# rsync man page for more details on how to specify file name patterns. 
#include    ???
#exclude    ???
#exclude    ???

# The include_file and exclude_file parameters, if enabled, simply get
# passed directly to rsync. Please look up the --include-from and
# --exclude-from options in the rsync man page for more details.
# include_file  ???
# exclude_file  ???

# If your version of rsync supports --link-dest, consider enabling this.
# This is the best way to support special files (FIFOs, etc) cross-platform.
# The default is 0 (off).
link_dest   1

# When sync_first is enabled, it changes the default behaviour of rsnapshot.
# Normally, when rsnapshot is called with its lowest interval
# (i.e.: "rsnapshot alpha"), it will sync files AND rotate the lowest
# intervals. With sync_first enabled, "rsnapshot sync" handles the file sync,
# and all interval calls simply rotate files. See the man page for more
# details. The default is 0 (off).
# sync_first    1

# If enabled, rsnapshot will move the oldest directory for each interval
# to [interval_name].delete, then it will remove the lockfile and delete
# that directory just before it exits. The default is 0 (off).
#use_lazy_deletes   0

# Number of rsync re-tries. If you experience any network problems or
# network card issues that tend to cause ssh to fail with errors like
# "Corrupted MAC on input", for example, set this to a non-zero value
# to have the rsync operation re-tried.
#rsync_numtries 0

# LVM parameters. Used to backup with creating lvm snapshot before backup
# and removing it after. This should ensure consistency of data in some special
# cases
# LVM snapshot(s) size (lvcreate --size option).
#linux_lvm_snapshotsize 100M

# Name to be used when creating the LVM logical volume snapshot(s).
#linux_lvm_snapshotname rsnapshot

# Path to the LVM Volume Groups.
#linux_lvm_vgpath   /dev

# Mount point to use to temporarily mount the snapshot(s).
#linux_lvm_mountpath    /path/to/mount/lvm/snapshot/during/backup


backup  /home/  User/
backup  /etc/   Root/
backup  /usr/local/ Root/
backup  /var/cache/apt/ Root/
backup  /etc/default/plexmediaserver    Root/
backup  /etc/init/plexmediaserver.conf  Root/
backup  /var/spool/anacron  Root/
#backup /var/log/rsnapshot      localhost/
#backup /etc/passwd localhost/
#backup /home/foo/My Documents/     localhost/
#backup /foo/bar/   localhost/  one_fs=1, rsync_short_args=-urltvpog
#backup_script  /usr/local/bin/  localhost/postgres/
# You must set linux_lvm_* parameters below before using lvm snapshots
#backup lvm://vg0/xen-home/ lvm-vg0/xen-home/

#backup_exec    /bin/date "+ backup of started at %c"
#backup    +rsync_long_args=--bwlimit=16,exclude=core
#backup    exclude=mtab,exclude=core
#backup_exec    ssh "mysqldump -A > /var/db/dump/mysql.sql"
#backup_exec    /bin/date "+ backup of ended at %c"

#backup_script  /usr/local/bin/

#backup rsync://

anacrontab 파일에서 매주 Anacron 작업을 만들었습니다.

# /etc/anacrontab: configuration file for anacron

# See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.


# These replace cron's entries
1   5   cron.daily  run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
7   10  cron.weekly run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly
@monthly    15  cron.monthly    run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly
7   5   backup.weekly   rsnapshot weekly >> /media/siddharth/Backup/Backup/Logs/Anacron/log

Anacron이 오류없이이 작업을 실행할지 여부를 어떻게 테스트합니까?

대부분의 경우 로그인하지 않습니다. Anacron의 테스트 실행을 어떻게 수행합니까?



타임 스탬프를 무시하여 anacron 작업을 '강제 실행'할 수 있습니다.

anacron -f

-n원하는 경우 와 같은 다른 옵션도 사용할 수 있습니다.

보낸 사람 man anacron:

 -f     Force execution of the jobs, ignoring the timestamps.

 -s     Serialize  execution  of jobs.  Anacron will not start a new job
              before the previous one finished.

 -n     Run  jobs  now.   Ignore  the  delay   specifications   in   the
              /etc/anacrontab file.  This options implies -s.

에서 로그를 볼 수 있습니다 /var/log/syslog.

각 작업의 타임 스탬프는에 저장됩니다 /var/spool/anacron.

감사 ! 이거 완벽 해. 예상대로 백업 작업을 실행할 수 있습니다. 이 답변이 Windows에서 우분투로 마이그레이션하는 나와 같은 다른 사람들에게 도움이되기를 바랍니다.
Siddharth Manthan

추신 : 또 다른 질문 : 연중 무휴 운영되지 않을 PC에서 주간 작업을 예약하기 위해 cron 또는 anacron이 사용됩니까?
Siddharth Manthan

확실히 Anacron

sudo루트로 실행하지 않는 경우 추가해야 합니다.
badjr September
당사 사이트를 사용함과 동시에 당사의 쿠키 정책개인정보 보호정책을 읽고 이해하였음을 인정하는 것으로 간주합니다.
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.