RHEL 6.6에서는 소스에서 Python 3.5.1을 설치했습니다. get-pip.py를 통해 pip3을 설치하려고하는데
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "get-pip.py", line 19177, in <module>
File "get-pip.py", line 194, in main
File "get-pip.py", line 82, in bootstrap
import pip
zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available
설치된 Python 2.6.6에서 작동합니다. 온라인에서 답변을 찾았지만 나에게 맞는 것을 찾지 못하는 것 같습니다.
편집하다: yum search zlib
jzlib.i686 : JZlib re-implementation of zlib in pure Java
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib.i686 : Low-Level Interface to the zlib compression library
perl-Compress-Zlib.i686 : A module providing Perl interfaces to the zlib compression library
perl-IO-Zlib.i686 : Perl IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
zlib.i686 : The zlib compression and decompression library
zlib-debuginfo.i686 : Debug information for package zlib
zlib-devel.i686 : Header files and libraries for Zlib development
perl-IO-Compress-Zlib.i686 : Perl interface to allow reading and writing of gzip and zip data
Name and summary matches only, use "search all" for everything.
패키지 를 검색 할 수 있습니다 .
python3 get-pip.py
위의 오류 메시지를 표시하기 위해 실행 되지만 작동합니다 python get-pip.py
. 예, 실행할 수 있습니다 yum search zlib