C #에서 A * 경로 찾기를 성공적으로 구현했지만 속도가 느리고 이유를 이해할 수 없습니다. 심지어 openNodes 목록을 정렬하지 않았지만 여전히 동일합니다.
맵은 80x80이며 10-11 개의 노드가 있습니다.
여기에서 의사를했다 위키 백과
그리고 이것은 내 구현입니다.
public static List<PGNode> Pathfind(PGMap mMap, PGNode mStart, PGNode mEnd)
mMap.GetTile(mStart.X, mStart.Y).Value = 0;
mMap.GetTile(mEnd.X, mEnd.Y).Value = 0;
List<PGNode> openNodes = new List<PGNode>();
List<PGNode> closedNodes = new List<PGNode>();
List<PGNode> solutionNodes = new List<PGNode>();
mStart.G = 0;
mStart.H = GetManhattanHeuristic(mStart, mEnd);
openNodes.Add(mStart); // 1) Add the starting square (or node) to the open list.
while (openNodes.Count > 0) // 2) Repeat the following:
openNodes.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.F.CompareTo(p2.F));
PGNode current = openNodes[0]; // a) We refer to this as the current square.)
if (current == mEnd)
while (current != null)
current = current.Parent;
return solutionNodes;
closedNodes.Add(current); // b) Switch it to the closed list.
List<PGNode> neighborNodes = current.GetNeighborNodes();
double cost = 0;
bool isCostBetter = false;
for (int i = 0; i < neighborNodes.Count; i++)
PGNode neighbor = neighborNodes[i];
cost = current.G + 10;
isCostBetter = false;
if (neighbor.Passable == false || closedNodes.Contains(neighbor))
continue; // If it is not walkable or if it is on the closed list, ignore it.
if (openNodes.Contains(neighbor) == false)
openNodes.Add(neighbor); // If it isn’t on the open list, add it to the open list.
isCostBetter = true;
else if (cost < neighbor.G)
isCostBetter = true;
if (isCostBetter)
neighbor.Parent = current; // Make the current square the parent of this square.
neighbor.G = cost;
neighbor.H = GetManhattanHeuristic(current, neighbor);
return null;
내가 사용하는 휴리스틱은 다음과 같습니다.
private static double GetManhattanHeuristic(PGNode mStart, PGNode mEnd)
return Math.Abs(mStart.X - mEnd.X) + Math.Abs(mStart.Y - mEnd.Y);
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