나도 이것에 문제가 있었다. 그리고 꽤 오랫동안 답변을 찾고 모든 사람들의 모든 답변을 살펴본 후에 나는 이것에 대한 실용적인 해결책을 생각해 냈습니다.
내가 본 대부분의 답변은 상수를 유지하는 함수를 사용하는 것 같습니다. 많은 MANY 포럼 사용자가 게시 한 것처럼 클라이언트 측의 사용자가 기능을 쉽게 덮어 쓸 수 있습니다. Keith Evetts의 답변에 따르면 상수 객체는 외부에서 액세스 할 수 없으며 내부의 함수에서만 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
그래서 나는이 해결책을 생각해 냈습니다.
클라이언트 측에서 변수, 객체 등을 변경할 수 없도록 익명 함수 안에 모든 것을 넣습니다. 또한 다른 함수가 내부에서 '실제'함수를 호출하도록하여 '실제'함수를 숨 깁니다. 또한 클라이언트 측의 사용자가 기능을 변경했는지 확인하기 위해 함수를 사용하는 방법을 생각했습니다. 기능이 변경된 경우 내부에서 '보호'되어 있으며 변경할 수없는 변수를 사용하여 다시 변경하십시오.
/*Tested in: IE 9.0.8; Firefox 14.0.1; Chrome 20.0.1180.60 m; Not Tested in Safari*/
/*The two functions _define and _access are from Keith Evetts 2009 License: LGPL (SETCONST and CONST).
They're the same just as he did them, the only things I changed are the variable names and the text
of the error messages.
//object literal to hold the constants
var j = {};
/*Global function _define(String h, mixed m). I named it define to mimic the way PHP 'defines' constants.
The argument 'h' is the name of the const and has to be a string, 'm' is the value of the const and has
to exist. If there is already a property with the same name in the object holder, then we throw an error.
If not, we add the property and set the value to it. This is a 'hidden' function and the user doesn't
see any of your coding call this function. You call the _makeDef() in your code and that function calls
this function. - You can change the error messages to whatever you want them to say.
self._define = function(h,m) {
if (typeof h !== 'string') { throw new Error('I don\'t know what to do.'); }
if (!m) { throw new Error('I don\'t know what to do.'); }
else if ((h in j) ) { throw new Error('We have a problem!'); }
else {
j[h] = m;
return true;
/*Global function _makeDef(String t, mixed y). I named it makeDef because we 'make the define' with this
function. The argument 't' is the name of the const and doesn't need to be all caps because I set it
to upper case within the function, 'y' is the value of the value of the const and has to exist. I
make different variables to make it harder for a user to figure out whats going on. We then call the
_define function with the two new variables. You call this function in your code to set the constant.
You can change the error message to whatever you want it to say.
self._makeDef = function(t, y) {
if(!y) { throw new Error('I don\'t know what to do.'); return false; }
q = t.toUpperCase();
w = y;
_define(q, w);
/*Global function _getDef(String s). I named it getDef because we 'get the define' with this function. The
argument 's' is the name of the const and doesn't need to be all capse because I set it to upper case
within the function. I make a different variable to make it harder for a user to figure out whats going
on. The function returns the _access function call. I pass the new variable and the original string
along to the _access function. I do this because if a user is trying to get the value of something, if
there is an error the argument doesn't get displayed with upper case in the error message. You call this
function in your code to get the constant.
self._getDef = function(s) {
z = s.toUpperCase();
return _access(z, s);
/*Global function _access(String g, String f). I named it access because we 'access' the constant through
this function. The argument 'g' is the name of the const and its all upper case, 'f' is also the name
of the const, but its the original string that was passed to the _getDef() function. If there is an
error, the original string, 'f', is displayed. This makes it harder for a user to figure out how the
constants are being stored. If there is a property with the same name in the object holder, we return
the constant value. If not, we check if the 'f' variable exists, if not, set it to the value of 'g' and
throw an error. This is a 'hidden' function and the user doesn't see any of your coding call this
function. You call the _getDef() function in your code and that function calls this function.
You can change the error messages to whatever you want them to say.
self._access = function(g, f) {
if (typeof g !== 'string') { throw new Error('I don\'t know what to do.'); }
if ( g in j ) { return j[g]; }
else { if(!f) { f = g; } throw new Error('I don\'t know what to do. I have no idea what \''+f+'\' is.'); }
/*The four variables below are private and cannot be accessed from the outside script except for the
functions inside this anonymous function. These variables are strings of the four above functions and
will be used by the all-dreaded eval() function to set them back to their original if any of them should
be changed by a user trying to hack your code.
var _define_func_string = "function(h,m) {"+" if (typeof h !== 'string') { throw new Error('I don\\'t know what to do.'); }"+" if (!m) { throw new Error('I don\\'t know what to do.'); }"+" else if ((h in j) ) { throw new Error('We have a problem!'); }"+" else {"+" j[h] = m;"+" return true;"+" }"+" }";
var _makeDef_func_string = "function(t, y) {"+" if(!y) { throw new Error('I don\\'t know what to do.'); return false; }"+" q = t.toUpperCase();"+" w = y;"+" _define(q, w);"+" }";
var _getDef_func_string = "function(s) {"+" z = s.toUpperCase();"+" return _access(z, s);"+" }";
var _access_func_string = "function(g, f) {"+" if (typeof g !== 'string') { throw new Error('I don\\'t know what to do.'); }"+" if ( g in j ) { return j[g]; }"+" else { if(!f) { f = g; } throw new Error('I don\\'t know what to do. I have no idea what \\''+f+'\\' is.'); }"+" }";
/*Global function _doFunctionCheck(String u). I named it doFunctionCheck because we're 'checking the functions'
The argument 'u' is the name of any of the four above function names you want to check. This function will
check if a specific line of code is inside a given function. If it is, then we do nothing, if not, then
we use the eval() function to set the function back to its original coding using the function string
variables above. This function will also throw an error depending upon the doError variable being set to true
This is a 'hidden' function and the user doesn't see any of your coding call this function. You call the
doCodeCheck() function and that function calls this function. - You can change the error messages to
whatever you want them to say.
self._doFunctionCheck = function(u) {
var errMsg = 'We have a BIG problem! You\'ve changed my code.';
var doError = true;
d = u;
case "_getdef":
if(_getDef.toString().indexOf("z = s.toUpperCase();") != -1) { /*do nothing*/ }
else { eval("_getDef = "+_getDef_func_string); if(doError === true) { throw new Error(errMsg); } }
case "_makedef":
if(_makeDef.toString().indexOf("q = t.toUpperCase();") != -1) { /*do nothing*/ }
else { eval("_makeDef = "+_makeDef_func_string); if(doError === true) { throw new Error(errMsg); } }
case "_define":
if(_define.toString().indexOf("else if((h in j) ) {") != -1) { /*do nothing*/ }
else { eval("_define = "+_define_func_string); if(doError === true) { throw new Error(errMsg); } }
case "_access":
if(_access.toString().indexOf("else { if(!f) { f = g; }") != -1) { /*do nothing*/ }
else { eval("_access = "+_access_func_string); if(doError === true) { throw new Error(errMsg); } }
if(doError === true) { throw new Error('I don\'t know what to do.'); }
/*Global function _doCodeCheck(String v). I named it doCodeCheck because we're 'doing a code check'. The argument
'v' is the name of one of the first four functions in this script that you want to check. I make a different
variable to make it harder for a user to figure out whats going on. You call this function in your code to check
if any of the functions has been changed by the user.
self._doCodeCheck = function(v) {
l = v;
또한 보안은 실제로 문제가되는 것으로 보이며 클라이언트 측에서 프로그래밍을 '숨길'수있는 방법이 없습니다. 저에게 좋은 생각은 프로그래머를 포함한 모든 사람이 읽고 이해하기가 어렵도록 코드를 압축하는 것입니다. 당신이 갈 수있는 사이트가 있습니다 : http://javascriptcompressor.com/ . (이것은 내 사이트가 아니며, 광고하지 않는다고 걱정하지 마십시오.)이 사이트는 Javascript 코드를 무료로 압축하고 난독 처리 할 수있는 사이트입니다.
- 위 스크립트의 모든 코드를 복사하여 javascriptcompressor.com 페이지의 상단 텍스트 영역에 붙여 넣습니다.
- Base62 인코딩 확인란을 선택하고 변수 축소 확인란을 선택하십시오.
- 압축 버튼을 누릅니다.
- 모든 파일을 .js 파일에 붙여 넣은 다음 페이지 헤드의 페이지에 추가하십시오.
상수를 사용 하기 위해 키워드 를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예const ASDF = "asdf"
. 그러나const
다중 브라우저와 호환되지 않으므로 일반적으로var
선언을 고수합니다 .