I will show another possible solution, that is quite widely applicable, and with todays R software, quite easy to implement. That is the saddlepoint density approximation, which ought to be wider known!
For terminology about the gamma distribution, I will follow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_distribution with the shape/scale parametrization, k is shape parameter and θ is scale. For the saddlepoint approximation I will follow Ronald W Butler: "Saddlepoint approximations with applications" (Cambridge UP). The saddlepoint approximation is explained here: How does saddlepoint approximation work?
here I will show how it is used in this application.
Let X be a random variable with existing momentgenerating function
which must exist for
s in some open interval that contains zero. Then define the cumulant generating function by
It is known that
EX=K′(0),Var(X)=K′′(0). The saddlepoint equation is
which implicitely defines
s as a function of
x (which must be in the range of
X). We write this implicitely defined function as
s^(x). Note that the saddlepoint equation always has exactly one solution, because the cumulant function is convex.
Then the saddlepoint approximation to the density f of X is given by
This approximate density function is not guaranteed to integrate to 1, so is the unnormalized saddlepoint approximation. We could integrate it numerically and the renormalize to get a better approximation. But this approximation is guaranteed to be non-negative.
Now let X1,X2,…,Xn be independent gamma random variables, where Xi has the distribution with parameters (ki,θi). Then the cumulant generating function is
defined for
The first derivative is
and the second derivative is
In the following I will give some
code calculating this, and will use the parameter values
θ=(1,2,3). Note that the following
code uses a new argument in the uniroot function introduced in R 3.1, so will not run in older R's.
shape <- 1:3 #ki
scale <- 1:3 # thetai
# For this case, we get expectation=14, variance=36
make_cumgenfun <- function(shape, scale) {
# we return list(shape, scale, K, K', K'')
n <- length(shape)
m <- length(scale)
stopifnot( n == m, shape > 0, scale > 0 )
return( list( shape=shape, scale=scale,
Vectorize(function(s) {-sum(shape * log(1-scale * s) ) }),
Vectorize(function(s) {sum((shape*scale)/(1-s*scale))}) ,
Vectorize(function(s) { sum(shape*scale*scale/(1-s*scale)) })) )
solve_speq <- function(x, cumgenfun) {
# Returns saddle point!
shape <- cumgenfun[[1]]
scale <- cumgenfun[[2]]
Kd <- cumgenfun[[4]]
uniroot(function(s) Kd(s)-x,lower=-100,
upper = 0.3333,
extendInt = "upX")$root
make_fhat <- function(shape, scale) {
cgf1 <- make_cumgenfun(shape, scale)
K <- cgf1[[3]]
Kd <- cgf1[[4]]
Kdd <- cgf1[[5]]
# Function finding fhat for one specific x:
fhat0 <- function(x) {
# Solve saddlepoint equation:
s <- solve_speq(x, cgf1)
# Calculating saddlepoint density value:
# Returning a vectorized version:
} #end make_fhat
fhat <- make_fhat(shape, scale)
plot(fhat, from=0.01, to=40, col="red", main="unnormalized saddlepoint approximation\nto sum of three gamma variables")
resulting in the following plot:
I will leave the normalized saddlepoint approximation as an exercise.